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Locus Of Control History

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.2.4 Locus of Control:
History of Locus of Control:
The cognitive-learning tradition in psychology views human beings as independent thinkers. It gives less importance to reinforcement shaping human behaviour unlike the behaviouristic tradition. It focuses on the personal values we attribute to certain outcomes in our life and our expectancies about being able to achieve the set goals. Locus of Control is one of the types of expectancies within the social learning tradition, proposed by Julian B. Rotter in his ‘Expectancy-Reinforcement Value Model.’
While attempting to assess personality in order to formulate a theory of development of personality, Rotter researched into whether there is a difference between people’s learning and performance …show more content…
There are clear individual differences in locus of control. (Mayer & Sutton, 1996) Jerry Phares (1976) introduced it as a personality dimension and explained it with the help of the case of a patient, Karl S., who lacked social skills and was an awkward person. Phares tried to teach Karl some conversational skills and relied upon the magic of reinforcement in making Karl repeat that behaviour when it brought about positive reactions from others. When Karl’s behaviour did not respond to the reinforcement, Phares was puzzled. Finally, he realized that the reason behind this was that Karl did not believe that the rewards he was getting (positive reactions of people) were the results of his own improved behaviour (social skills). Karl believed everything to be out of his control and hence, did not view his efforts as important in any way, which proved detrimental to him repeating the rewarded behaviours. Karl can be said to have a clearly external locus of …show more content…
(Biondo & Macdonald, 1971) Internals also show better academic achievement in school than externals (Coleman et al., 1966; Crandall et al., 1962; McGhee & Crandall, 1968), although the relationship declines in college (Phares, 1976). However, internality or externality has not been found to be linked with intelligence (Rotter, 1966) or with the need for achievement. (Vohra, 1992)
Internality is definitely related to social class, with children from middle socio-economic class being more internal than children from lower class. (Gruen & Ottinger, 1969) Internal locus of control is also correlated to behaviours promoting better physical health (James, Woodruff & Werner, 1965; Lundy, 1972; MacDonald, 1970; Seeman & Evans, 1962; Straits & Sechrest, 1963; Strickland, 1974) and with actively seeking and utilizing relevant information to control the environment and solve problems. (DuCette & Wolk, 1973; Lefcourt & Wine, 1969; Lefcourt, Lewis & Silverman, 1968; Phares,

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