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How Does Social Pressure Affect Body Image

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No One is Perfect Throughout the world, it has been a troubling idea that young girls are being pressured by a variety of things to have the “ideal” body image. Most girls want to change at least one aspect of their physical appearance. 40% of all 9 and 10 year-olds girls have already been on a diet, 70% of 6-12-year-olds want to be thinner, it has been evident that girls are affected by the media. This may be because they are vulnerable or maybe because the female body is more distorted in the media. But the real question, that has not been asked a lot, is are social pressures influencing boy’s body images or not? It does not really occur to many of us that boys can be affected by social pressures, much like girls. We think boys are …show more content…
The article, “Body-Image Pressure Increasingly Affects Boys” by Jamie S. Cruz, was written to look further into the ideas behind how boys are increasingly feeling pressure to change body image. “Culturally, we’re becoming well attuned to the pressure girls are under to achieve an idealized figure. But researchers say that lately, boys are increasingly feeling social pressure as well”, says Jamie. Different studies were conducted to see if social pressures influenced boys, and were compiled by Dr. Alison Field, an associate professor of pediatrics at Boston Children’s Hospital and head leader over the studies. The studies concluded that although women and men are both being influenced they show different characteristics. The presentation might be different, excessive worries about weight, especially in combination with high-risk behaviors, are no less concerning in males than in females. We need to take note of the boys. The men/ boys are not as likely to starve themselves, use laxatives or induce vomiting; instead, they’re much more likely to engage in excessive amounts of exercise and steroid abuse. Of the boys who were highly concerned with their weight, about half were worried only about gaining more muscle, and approximately a third were concerned with both thinness and muscularity simultaneously. Meanwhile, less than 15 percent were concerned only with thinness. Those …show more content…
Diane and J.K. Crawford, addressed how they wanted to see if adolescent boys are concerned with their weight and their muscularity. Their intent was to study the empirical support for the importance of distinguishing between weight and muscularity concerns in understanding male body image. C.J. Diane and J.K. Crawford decided to test, or do evaluations, on a total of 128 boys from 8th grade and 11th grade from 2 middle schools and 1 high school. The boys were instructed to complete a self-report questionnaire so they could assess their levels of happiness or satisfaction with their bodies. After the research was collected they came to a conclusion. C.J. Diane and J.K. Crawford

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