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Why Is Nickel Used In Today's World

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Nickel is commonly used for many reasons in today's world. The metal is a silvery-white with a little golden tint. This metal is a transition metal, it’s very hard and ductile. Melting point of Nickel sets to start at 2,651 degrees fahrenheit. Pure Nickel can be found in tiny bits under the surface of earth's crust.
First, the atomic number of the element is 28. Second, the chemical symbol of Nickel is Ni. Third, the period of element Nickel is period 4. Fourth, the family of the element if transition metal. Fifth, the group of the element is 10. Sixth, the atomic mass is 58.6934 ± 0.0002 u(“Nickel,” Groups three to twelve don’t have individual names. The transition metals are less reactive than alkali metals and alkaline-earth

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