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Cultural Differences Paper


Submitted By tremaynewade
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Cultural Differences Paper


Nicole Kragt
Cultural Differences Paper “People must live and interact together for the culture to survive. In doing so, they must develop a way of relating that strikes a balance between showing concern for themselves and concern for others” (Koester & Lustig, Chapter 5, 2010). There are over 7 billion people in this world with thousands even millions born even day, but we as individual units think we live our lives as independents. We are not without influences and influences are not without purpose. Culture, along with many other influential factors, plays a vital role in a child’s development into the next generation. How one is accepted within their environment can have an everlasting impression on their value scale. We live our lives through the microscopic view, but hope for the potential of the next scene to be in accordance with our teachings and cultural norm. Society can play a larger role in the acceptability of diverse cultural patterns and beliefs, and these accepting factors can lead to a change or hybrid adaptation to their surrounding environment. In this paper, the movie Crash is used to examine the dimensions of cultural patterns, identity, and bias within the reading of theories and philosophies in the Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal Communication Across Cultures textbook. Impact of Cultural Differences in the Film The film Crash is a movie about racial and social indifferences in Los Angeles, California. There are several different storylines interweaving throughout the movie. This movie crossed a wide-variety of cultural ideologies from a black detective estranged from his mother and his younger brother involved with criminal activities and gang association to a white district attorney and his irritated and pampered wife and a racist white police officer who disgust his

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