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Cultural Disparities In Health Care

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To have a more cultural competency in the health sector and reduce health disparities among the ethnic population, the US Department of Health and Human Services have come up with an Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities that organizations in the health sector will have to prepare to incorporate in their own plans. Under this plan, there are five goals listed: 1. Transforming health care; 2. Strengthening the infrastructure and workforce of the nation's health and human services; 3. Advancing the health, safety, and well-being of American people; 4. Advancing scientific knowledge and innovation; and 5. Increasing the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of HHS programs (Jackson and Gracia, 2014). This gives organizations …show more content…
Organizations have to take a look how patients and providers communicate with each other. All health organizations need to be able to ensure linguistic competence to whoever walks through their doors. Health literacy is described as how individuals can obtain process, understand, and communicate bout health care (Toronto, 2016). Why there are so many disparities is because the providers and patients do not properly understand each other due to language barriers. McClimens, Brewster, and Lewis (2014) state that not health care providers should become multi-lingual but develop strategies to ensure that barriers to communication are minimized and do not compromise patient care and safety. Delphin-Rittman et al. (2013), made suggestions that health organizations need to take into consideration, such as translating all paperwork into languages that patients can read, especially legally binding documents. Hiring bilingual staff who can speak non-English of Spanish or other non-English languages to work with patients will benefit the organization. This can save the organization from having to spend money hiring an interpreter when they have staff who can interpret for patients and providers. The last suggestion would be providing environment support of signage, health education materials, public materials in languages other than English, and a trained staff to be able to work with these materials of support. Based on literacy levels of the patients the staff needs to remember to speak slowly and clearly to be understood by the patients. Talking too fast and or not precise enough can cause misunderstanding between provider and patients that could be easily avoided. This will create better relationships between patients and providers when they are able to accommodate the needs of all the patients they communicate with. Effective patient-centered communication and

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