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Cultural Perspective Research Paper

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Cultural Perspective Paper
Nutrition plays an important role in our lives. Many of us have failed to recognize God at what we do especially when it comes to what we eat. In a few verses, we will see how nutrition and the word of God are related.
The passages are Romans 12:1–2, 1 Corinthians 10:31, 1 John 2:16–17, Revelation 18, Proverbs 22:1–12, Proverbs 23:19–21, and Ecclesiastes 5:18–20. These passages apply to nutrition because we were created in God’s image, so we should try to glorify God in all that we do. God has designed the Bible as a tool for us to use in all that we are planning to do. Many people forget that nutrition is not just about them, but it is about who you are pleasing in your nutrition intake. These verses are great examples of how we do not have ownership over our own bodies. If we are Christ likeness, then our bodies should be fed according to His wishes.
According to Romans 12:1-21,” I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship (Romans 12:1-1, NIV). This …show more content…
We are ought to be wise in decision making about nutrition. This verse has also taught us not to join those who drink too much. Especially, for young adults, who believe that they can do whatever pleases them. Our view on food should be something that God has made available for us; therefore, we should make wise choices on how much we intake. We are designed to be salt and light to the world. Although, it is possible to see some people that are different from us, and that is totally fine. Our goal should not be to get involved in what they are partaking, but to be an example to them. We should help those who are dealing with addictions of a certain food, or drugs to know that God takes pleasure in our bodies. Our bodies are a temple for God; we should treat it according to God’s

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