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Culture Influence On Gun Culture

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Understanding gun culture widens the spectrum that sociologist use today. From how one makes sense of what exactly a culture of guns are. To the influence agents of socialization and social institutions have on our opinions. Not only that if society has divergent ideas on guns, a consensus of a culture may be potentially at risk on what to do and who decides. Members of a societal group, also play a part on whether influence of guns falls in play on certain positions. It’s these developed concepts that form ideas, norms, laws, and beliefs for the culture of guns we know today. Now a gun also known as a firearm, is often referred to as a weapon that fires a projectile. While according to Andersen, Taylor, & Logio (2015), a culture represents …show more content…
According to Andersen, Taylor, & Logio (2015), agents of socialization are “those who pass on social expectations” (p. 423). A social institution is, “Established and organized system of social behavior with a recognized purpose” (Andersen, Taylor, & Logio, 2015, p. 423). Now according to Mick LaSalle, “We have a gun problem in the United States and a political climate that has been, at least until now, too timid to do anything about it. If the Newtown killings were an act of terrorism, the whole country would be mobilized to protect itself from the other. But this felt like something from within, not just from within our borders, but from within the soul of the nation. And in talking about matters of the soul, our cultural gatekeepers have been just as timid as our politicians” (LaSalle, 2013, para. 5). Meaning, nervousness within the cultural and political pools have caused a nation to create an ongoing gun control problem to the big screen. This is effecting both the nation’s integrity and humanity on its social expectations on how society should respond and conduct themselves in an environment that’s no longer …show more content…
Societal is to be relating to a society or a society’s relations (Andersen, Taylor, & Logio, 2015, p. 423). Jaime Fuller states, “Even though the success rate for gun control on the federal level is near nonexistent, that doesn't mean politicians aren't sponsoring gun legislation. On the federal level, the only policy changes came from the executive branch, with President Obama's 23 executive actions to reduce gun violence. On the federal level, the only policy changes came from the executive branch, with President Obama's 23 executive actions to reduce gun violence” ( Fuller, 2014, para. 6). Meaning, that Obama is given executive branch power to help put in play better gun laws to make the gun community safer in all aspects even with a low success ratio. “Bill Clinton tried to explain the reason why Congress didn't pass gun legislation after Columbine. The NRA can muster an enormous percentage of the vote — maybe fifteen percent, even twenty percent in some districts, because for those people guns are a primary voting issue” (Fuller, 2014, para. 12). Also meaning, that because gun lobbyist play such an important role in the reelection season that congressmen and other political fields are nearly forced to side with the lobbyist for guns just too even be competitive in the race. Widely divergent ideas on guns, usually put a culture’s overall consensus equally spread with both negatives

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