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Culture of Poverty


Submitted By jay201014
Words 766
Pages 4
Culture of poverty

Culture of poverty can be defined as a social theory that expands on the cycle of poverty. The idea dominated in the years of 1960s but is drastically seen to be experiencing a comeback. It is recognized by current scholars as isolation or racism rather than the values that lead to mal-adaptive behavior of the poor mass.
The concept was vividly studied by the noted author Oscar Lewis. “Does membership in a group that has been poor for generations constitute belonging to a separate culture? A study of Puerto Ricans in both Puerto Rico and New York indicates that it does.” (Lewis.1966). Here we can see that the author believes that a family, being poor for generations, starts to develop a mindset that prevails and prevents them from even trying to increase their standard of living. It becomes dormant for the next generation. The cycles continues. In most of the cases it is observed that in a poor family or slum, when children attain an age of 6 or 7 they are the victim of the perpetual concept of poverty. They absorb the basic attitudes of the subculture they are brought up in and this lasts for their lifetime. So engulfed they become in this mindset that they become unready to change their socio-economic status and improving opportunities that may develop in a lifetime.

The people who are raised in the culture of a poverty are prone to chronic unemployment and hence produce little wealth and also fetch a little in return. The people, for a prolonged time, stay imprisoned in the absence of food, savings and in some cases even a home! They purchase their daily requirement (in most cases it’s food) in higher rates and in result they get pushed into debts more and more every day.

The concept of poverty among such people doesn’t allow the individuals to cherish childhood as a specially prolonged and protected stage of a human life cycle. Hence among young girls initiation into sex comes early in their life. This consequently leads to depreciation of respect for women in a household. Hence with the instability of a marriage within a family, it becomes mother-centered and is tied more loosely. The female in such households practices an authoritarian rule. Such an issue that revolves around limited supply of goods within the family leads to sibling rivalry that prevails in the mind as a seed. There is little or no privacy. A child that grows in this kind of culture has a strong feeling of inferiority, dependence and fatalism.

Christianity has done a lot to up-bring the status of such individuals by running missionaries in these areas. For example in India where there are separate governments for the creamy layers of the society, Christian missionaries help such people by providing food shelter and clothing- basic amenities thereby creating a hope in the minds of the people. They try to free the people from the cage of their own mindset. They make them believe that they too can grow and prosper just like any person who is ready to work hard and prosper.

In my view the context of the culture of poverty revolves around the Social Learning Theory as it attempts to explain socialization the effects of its development in self. It is an individual learning process. In this case the leaning progressively gets transferred from one generation to another and it becomes so convincing that a young mind gets programmed for a lifetime. Hence it refuses to accept anything that contrasts this idea. So it seems that the formation of self and the influence of the society has a lasting effect on the individuals. It can be used to explain deviance and crime. This explains the crime towards women in areas of backwardness. The learning process is not filtered in these areas and due to a lack of guidance and nursing these ideas develop and in time becomes so dominant that the learning system refuses to accept any idea that contrasts the existing ideas. The issue can only be solved if the mind of an individual is subjected to constructive ideas in the formative years, but due to lack of enough resources and funds such masses are forcibly inclined to such a mindset. However, by the time and effort of Christian missionaries and other social upbringing programmes, the people stand a chance to improve their status and release themselves from their backward mindset. They need to believe that they can also improve their conditions as any individual in this world.

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