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Daniel Defense Case

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Daniel Defense (DD) is a firearms manufacturer in the United States (U.S.). It was founded in 2002, by Marty Daniel of Savannah, Georgia. The company has a long reputation of manufacturing some of the best firearms in the 21st century, with a huge component geared towards military and law enforcement; however, they do not leave out the civilian market. Daniel Defense is a no compromise, and no frills, company. Although they do have different divisions in the company, which are geared to different sectors of the market, as mentioned above, they do not compromise on their quality by catering to a specific sector, and allowing their other market segments to suffer. Rather, they offer the highest quality firearms across the board so that you …show more content…
Constitution, which affords the right of American citizens to own and bear arms, and DD is a strong supporter of our U.S. Service Members (as the son of a retired Marine Sergeant Major, I consider this a huge plus). They also make an incredibly high quality rifle, which can be used for deployed service, hunting, sporting, and home defense. Their warranties are also bar-none, and up there with huge firearms manufacturers such as Remington and Smith and Wesson; according to “FAQ- Warranty” (2014), “We offer a 100% lifetime guarantee on all manufacturer defects. Guarantees are transferable. If any item we manufacture is faulty, defective, or broken due to manufacturing, we will repair/replace at no additional cost to you.” Their customer service is also one of the best in the industry. These are just a few of the reasons why Daniel Defense has been so successful at maintaining such a loyal customer …show more content…
The Fox stations subsequently rejected the advertisement, arbitrarily citing NFL advertising policy which states: “Firearms, ammunition or other weapons are prohibited; however, stores that sell firearms and ammunitions will be permitted, provided they sell other products and the ads do not mention firearms, ammunition or other weapons. ("Gun Commercial Banned From Super Bowl 2014 By Fox Due To NFL Rules: Report", 2014)”. Further, “Daniel Defense responded to this rejection by criticizing the NFL's policy and Fox for their rejection due to the fact that their ad did not contain any firearms and that they also sell outdoor equipment and not only firearms and as such they fall within the exceptions in the policy. ("NFL Bans Gun Seller’s Gun-Free Ad from Super Bowl: Watch, Weigh In",

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