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Irish Famine Research Paper

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Irish women in nineteenth century Ireland faced a number of challenging circumstances in the period, the Great Famine forced thousands of Irish women to emigrate to the United States. The factors that contributed to Irish women emigrating are slightly more complex in comparison to the reasons why men emigrated from Ireland. Women who emigrated left behind poor social conditions that were showing no signs of improvement, the United States promised a new way of life in all forms. It has been debated that Women in Ireland had become out of touch with their Irish heritage and culture however the emigration of Irish women can be seen simply as a movement by which Irish women enhanced their way of life which still encapsulated all forms of Irish …show more content…
It was extremely common to see large families have a plot of small land and utilise it to its full extent. This smallholding was able to fully support a family, the small plot of land was inherited when the parent owner died allowing for the younger adults to engage in marriage earlier and still be able to support their family. The Famine changed these practices, it is estimated that around one million people died during the Great Famine with two to two and a half million emigrating from Ireland. Taking these figures into account and comparing them to the population count of 8.2 million in 1841, 25 percent of the population either died or emigrated from Ireland . The sheer scale of emigration, and the devastation caused by the Famine changed Irish farming practices, land inheritance and marriage alongside other ways of Irish life. Most importantly however the effects of the Great famine lowered the status of women in Irish society and reduced the likelihood of them getting married …show more content…
Post famine era left women feeling like they had lost their status, prior to the famine women were valued for the roles they played and the value they held in the family, combined with the fact that a lot of women worked which held women in society as a vital part of it. Both rurally and in urban areas women worked, in urban areas women took up jobs in mills and took certain factory rolls, rurally women generated money for the family by selling products to nearby families which produced a type of close knit economy by which the women would trade and purchase goods from each other. However, after the Famine women’s role in work, both in urban areas and rural

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