...Did you know that 300 million people worldwide are affected by depression and depression could lead to suicide? Currently, about 800,000 people die every year to suicide and there is not enough help for all of these people who are suffering from depression and taking their lives. Many people think that depression isn’t as big of a problem compared to some other diseases. However, depression can lead to many other types of problems that can affect your body and your mental health. It also can lead to suicide, the second leading cause of death. This research paper will inform people about the causes of depression, how people are affected by it, and how people can be helped through depression. How is depression genetic? Well it could be because...
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...prevalence of depression at about 11.1% of the American population, or nearly 35 million individuals (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). A predictive models suggest that up to 50% of the population will experience at least one episode of depression during their lives” (Life Extension, 2014). Depression has negatively affected the lives of many individuals throughout the world. Look around you there may even be someone close to you that is demonstrating signs of its stifling affects. Depression does not discriminate with its suffocating relentless appetite. It is known to affect children as well as adults of all ethnicities. Depression has an insidious way of taking one from feeling at a level of ten to a level of zero. And if left untreated depression can lead to losing everything that means the world to you. One is debilitated by its unwavering feeling of loneliness, and sometime paralyzing affects. It’s often said that depression results from a chemical imbalance, Scientist have believed for more than 30 years that mood related chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine also known as monoamines are low in the brain during major depressive episodes (Nauert, 2006). Clearly, there is an impact on the patient’s life and his/her family life. Therefore, depression is often considered as a disorder that affects the whole family. In this presentation we will attempt to describe the general behaviors associated with depression, explain how biological influences...
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...How many of you are going through depression? Or do you have friends or family members who are going through depression? Today I will talk about depression. I will talk about the background, the causes of this disease, the symptoms and finally, the treatment and prevention of depression. Many people around the world become depressed at some point in their lives. Whether it is financial or marital problems, we all encounter depression to some degree. In many circumstances these feelings affect one’s ability to live a normal productive life. When the condition worsens professional help is needed. What is depression? Depression is a mood disorder that makes you feel sad or hopeless for a period of time. Depression can have a impact on the enjoyment of your life, your work, your health and to the people who care about you the most. Depression affects people differently. Some people fee down for a period of time and others feelings come and go. If you have short term depression you are still able to work and take care of your daily activities. But if you have a long period of depression and don’t seek any kind of treatment, you are more at risk of becoming even more depressed or become physically ill. Studies have shown that depression negatively impacts one’s ability to perform tasks of all nature, no matter how large or miniscule they may be. A number of doctors have suggested that depression is an “evolutionary adaptation” (Mental Health Association.) Mainly defined as (paraphrased)...
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...The cause and extent of the identified health issue Depression can affect 1-5 Australians which means that it can dramatically effect productivity in the workplace. Depression can affect a person in many ways and can affect the whole workplace. Depression can affect people when they are unhappy with their job, bullying from other staff, made to feel like they are not contributing to the workplace job insecurity or it could be stresses from home. “People with depression usually experience symptoms for more than two weeks across at least three of the following categories: * behaviour – such as not going out anymore, not getting things done at work, withdrawing from close family and friends, relying on alcohol and sedatives, avoiding usual enjoyable activities and having difficulty concentrating * feelings – such as feeling guilty, overwhelmed, irritable, frustrated, unconfident, unhappy, indecisive, disappointed, miserable or sad * thoughts – such as ‘I’m a failure’, It’s my fault’, ‘Nothing good ever happens to me’, ‘I’m worthless’, ‘Life’s not worth living’, or ‘People would be better off without me’ * physical symptoms – such as being constantly tired, feeling sick and run-down, having headaches and muscle pains, a churning gut, sleep problems, loss or change of appetite, experiencing significant weight loss or gain” (extract from www.beyondblue.com.au) The scope of employee assisted program needed The EAP needed would be for a whole workplace environment ...
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...Depression is a mental health disorder that affects your body, mind, and mood. Individuals with depression cannot get better on their own; they must have some help with treatments and medications. If they do not seek help, their depression will worsen and ruin their life. With treatment their depression can be controlled and reduce their depression. Experiencing depression can potentially ruin your self-esteem and lead hopelessness, creating a heavy financial, emotional, and social burden to oneself and family. Depression disorder comes in various types of forms. The three major depressions are dysthmic disorder, bipolar disorder, and major disorder. Dysthmic disorder is characterized by chronic depression, but with less severity than a major depression (Donald J Franklin) and when one experiences depressed mood for most of the day, more days than not, for at least two years without a break free of depressive symptoms of more than two months (Laura Epstein). Individual with dysthmia disorder often can live a normal life but from time to time, they can feel depressed. Bipolar disorder is psychiatric diagnosis that describes a category of mood disorders, or mood swings, defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormal elevated mood (27). People with bipolar can be normal in a minute and then have a manic episode. The most serious type of depression is major depressive disorder (MDD) also known as unipolar depression or clinical depression is a mental disorder characterized...
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...Depression is a mental health condition characterised by feeling intensely sad, low and moody for prolonged periods of time. Depression is one of the most common mental disorders experienced. If depression is not treated or dealt with correctly, it can keep people from functioning normally and affect every aspect of their life, often leading to social isolation, and in the worst case scenario, can result in suicide. According to the Australia Institute of Health and Welfare (2007), a mental disorder affects one in four young people. Of all age groups, 18-24 year olds have the highest prevalence of mental disorders and the leading cause of death in 15-24 year olds is youth suicide (ABS, 2012). In Australia in 2010, mental and behavioural disorders accounted for 12.9% of the total...
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...known as MS, or Demyelinating disease; a disease that not many are aware of. It is “an autoimmune disease that affects the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system).” (A.D.A.M. Inc, 2011) The symptoms vary depending on the individual affected by the disease, and it also differs in duration for each symptom. In this paper, we will discuss the definition of Multiple Sclerosis, review the main symptoms affecting Multiple Sclerosis patients and their loved ones, its risk factors, how to recognize potential symptoms, the tests available, and support groups that can provide more information on this disease as well as how to cope with it. Depression is one of the main side effects Multiple Sclerosis patients have; it is unfortunately very common for someone with Multiple Sclerosis to experience depression. To learn more about the disease, we have to understand what MS is. Multiple Sclerosis, or MS, is an auto-immune disease that affects your brain’s nervous system; the “T-Cells” attack your neurons which function is to send signals to your brain. Each nerve cell control different parts of your body and emotions; having the T-cells attacking your emotional nerves can impact your way of living. If these T-cells damage the nerves of the brain that are involved in emotional expression and control; it can create a variety of behavioral changes resulting in depression. “People living with MS can experience a wide range of emotions including anxiety, fear, anger, frustration,...
Words: 3529 - Pages: 15
...Depression usually happens once or twice in someone's life, maybe even more. This is called a depression relapse. To prevent a depression relapse you need to go easy on yourself and not have a lot of pressure. You can't take on too much. ( ‘’17 ways to avoid depression relapse‘’. Health). While staying busy isn't a problem, doing too much too soon could be. Feeling overwhelmed can cause stress, and stress is a leading cause for depression. Stressful experiences can make the symptoms of anxiety and depression additionally severe. Another way to prevent depression relapse is to exercise often. Analysis found that exercise lightens depression as well as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or antidepressants. Workouts with meditative focus, such...
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...Did you know that nearly 19% of adults in the U.S. alone deal with some kind of a mental disorder? Or that 20% of the youth population have been diagnosed with one of these disorders? To put that into a different perspective, that means one in every five people may possess some form of a mental illness, whether it is depression, an anxiety disorder, or OCD. Mental illness is not a rarity in today’s society, but instead it is an extensive obstacle for everyone that has these disorders. Mental illness is existent all over the world in many people, and it is important to be knowledgeable of it and essential to be understanding of the people who suffer from it. I have always been curious about mental illnesses ever since I was able to understand what it was. I have read books about people with mental disorders, studied statistics about mental illnesses, and researched it extensively on the Internet. First, I...
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...Postpartum Depression I always thought that Postpartum Depression was not a real condition, until I had my second son, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. It was so overwhelming to suddenly realize that this was a very real condition and that it was happening to me. Postpartum Depression is a depressive disorder that can occur any time after your baby is born, up until one year after the birth. It can vary from mild symptoms, to severe symptoms, to suicidal thoughts and actions. It can affect women and men from all walks of life. Postpartum Depression is a very serious condition and should be treated as such. Postpartum Depression can be defined as; postpartum: occurring in or being the period following parturition. Parturition: the action of or process of giving birth to offspring. Depression: a psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder marked esp. by sadness, inactivity, difficulty with thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal thoughts or an attempt to commit suicide (Merriam-Webster’s, Merriam-Webster’s Medical Desk Dictionary, Springfield, Massachusetts, Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 2005). There are other terms associated with Postpartum Depression. Some people think that Postpartum is the same thing as having the “Baby Blues”, which it is not. The baby blues commonly only last a few days to a few weeks, at most, and are very mild symptoms of crying,...
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...Cadet Ms. Sinisi English I - Honors May 14th, 2015 Depression Affects Us From the stages of a newborn to infancy to adolescence and later an adult, we all develop and grow out of habits and into new ones. From the day we took our first breath to the day we take our last one, we never cease to grow and to develop personally. However, there are events that occur in our life that take a toll on our personal development, such as clinical depression. Clinical depression is a conflict that happens within our minds and that hinders our growth. Depression, is a term we hear quite frequently and is used very vaguely, but what is depression? According to University Health Services Tang Center at Berkley, “clinical depression is a serious...
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...US it affects at least 11 million people and billions of people around the globe. All sexes, ethnicities, and ages can be its victim. Some psychiatrists told, almost 1 in every 10 people suffer from at least one period of depression throughout his life. However, there exist few unfortunate individuals who end up facing several episodes of the depressive symptoms after phases of normal moods and behavior. This state is known as major recurrent depression. Also, it is considered as the most severe and difficult to treat condition of all types of depressions. This article will provide you the symptoms, causes...
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...types of diseases that a person can have that could cause depression, but the main two tend to be Unipolar and bipolar. Unipolar is a condition that is caused when a person just has depression, while bipolar is when a person has highs such as mania and lows such as depression. When you hear people talk about being diagnosed with or treated for depression, they are often referring to unipolar depression. There are important differences between unipolar depression and bipolar depression. These differences are how the illness makes people feel and behave, and differences in how they are supported through treatment. In addition to going through low moods or depression, individuals with bipolar disorder also have high moods known as mania during which they may experience increased energy, feelings of euphoria, insomnia (inability to sleep) or impulsive behaviors like shopping sprees or promiscuous sex. Someone with unipolar depression doesn’t go through the “highs” of bipolar depression. A closer look at the symptoms of depression are: sleep disturbances, eating disturbances, depressed mood, lack of interest in usually pleasurable activities, fatigue, isolation, anxiety and loss of self esteem. Some depressed people have suicidal ideation. You don't need to have all these symptoms, but if you have at least 5 of them for a period of two weeks, your diagnosis is major depression. In a nutshell, when you are depressed, you feel terrible, don't want to be social, and usually stick to...
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...Depression has become a big issue among the adolescent world these days. In 2013, there were 41,149 reported suicide deaths. A person dies by suicide about every 12.8 minutes in the United States and approximately 112 Americans take their own life every day. The reason why I chose this topic is because it is something that is common among all people and I am pretty sure everyone has been depressed or just really upset at least once in their lifetime. Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. It is also a very serious mental...
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...Depression, which was initially called melancholia is a mental health disorder characterized by constant depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life. It is the most common mental illness amongst adults, but, it can affect people of every age. Depression was discovered by an ancient Greek Physician named Hippocrates. Hippocrates is considered one the most outstanding figure in the history of medicine. He suggested that personality traits and mental illness were related to imbalanced body fluids called humors. The four humors were yellow bile, black bile, phlegm, and blood. He also thought that depression was caused by too much black bile in the spleen. Hippocrates discovery faded and the Romans believed that depression was caused by demons and the anger of the Gods. Eventually doctors returned to Hippocrates discovery. There are many signs and symptoms of depression but, a few are persistent sad mood, feelings of hopelessness, loss of interest in hobbies, and thoughts of death or suicide. If people have been experiencing these symptoms every day for at least two weeks they may be suffering from depression. It does not just...
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