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Developing a Culture-Based Workforce: Top Healthcare Workplaces Share Best Practices


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Developing a Culture-Based Workforce: Top Healthcare Workplaces Share Best Practices | Hospital Management & Administration

Developing a Culture-Based Workforce: Top Healthcare Workplaces Share Best Practices
Written by Heather Punke | March 22, 2013

There no doubt are many factors that go into making a hospital or health system a great place to work, but one of the fundamentals is hiring and retaining excellent, motivated employees. Employees who enjoy coming to work and interacting with patients, visitors and each other help perpetuate a positive workplace culture and make a hospital or health system a great place to be for everyone. The following are five best practices for building up a culturally unified, team-oriented employee base. 1. Establish an employee culture and hire based on fit. When a hospital or health system brings on new employees, ensuring they fit culturally is just as important as making sure they have the clinical or technical competency necessary to succeed in an organization. Therefore, it makes sense for hospitals and systems to vocalize their values and incorporate culture into the interviewing process. "We hire for attitude and how they fit, not just that they have experience or a certain license," says Vic Buzachero, corporate senior vice president for innovation, human resources and performance management at Scripps Health in San Diego. Scripps' culture is driven by its values of respect, quality and efficiency, according to Mr. Buzachero. When Toledo, Ohio-based ProMedica developed a new set of values in 2011, the organization engaged its employees, using online surveys to receive feedback on potential values. Based on that feedback, the system established four values: compassion, innovation, teamwork and excellence. As part of the process, ProMedica identified employee behaviors that are associated with each

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