...DASH Diet for Preventing Diabetes The Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension, DASH diet, is a diet intended to prevent hypertension. This diet is now recommended for all adults. It is a diet consisting of increased whole grain, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy. It is high in fiber, antioxidants, and unsaturated fatty acids. Sodium is restricted on the DASH diet. Research shows that a diet such as this may improve insulin resistance and hyperglycemia, thereby decreasing the risk for the development of type 2 diabetes. Since type 2 diabetes is a worldwide health problem, this information could change the incidence of this disease significantly. Diet plays an important role in preventing and controlling diabetes. Nine random clinical trials were used to compile the information in this article. Six of these were from the United States, one was from the United Kingdom, and two were conducted in Iran. Included in these trials were 453 adult men and 786 adult women. All participants were between the ages of 21 and 69 years old. The random clinical trials lasted a range of 3-24 weeks total. The authors of the article used these nine trials to compile data on the effects of the DASH diet on three main components effecting the development of diabetes. Studies were done using information from these trials using data for fasting insulin, fasting blood glucose, and fasting HOMA-IR. These studies did not show a significant reduction of fasting blood glucose, nor did...
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...our health and preventing disease. Eating a raw food diet is a healthy way to live your life but how much impact does it have on reversing a disease such as diabetes? In watching the documentary Simply Raw: Reversing diabetes in thirty days Cousens states, “Raw food is best. When you cook food you lose 50% protein, 70-80% vitamins and minerals and close to 100% vital nutrients” (Perlmutter). According to Webster’s dictionary raw food is defined as a diet consists that of unprocessed raw vegan foods that has not been heated above115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 degrees Celsius). There are many benefits to a raw food diet such as weight loss, more energy, clear skin, improved digestion and improved overall health but, does a raw food diet truly reverse a disease such as diabetes? We can all agree that there are many benefits in eating a raw food diet but can we go as far to say that a raw food diet can actually “reverse” diabetes. Diabetes has no cure and the age of consumer- citizens that are being diagnosed with diabetes is getting younger and younger (Perlmutter). According to Medical news diabetes can be described as “a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar), either because insulin production is inadequate, or because the body's cells do not respond properly to insulin, or both.” There are 2 types of diabetes. Diabetes one is when the body does not produce insulin and diabetes two is when the body does not produce enough insulin...
Words: 508 - Pages: 3
...The two diets that I am comparing is the DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet because these two diets are ranked the top 2 “Best Diets overall.” I am interested in the effectiveness of the two diets and how difficult it is to maintain these diets. The DASH diet, which is ranked number one in the categories of Best Diets Overall, Best Diabetes Diets, Best Diets for Healthy Eating, and Best Heart-Healthy Diets, aims to prevent and lower high blood pressure by revolving around a diet consisting of fruits and vegetables and lean meat. To add on, exercising regularly will result in losing weight as well, although it is not required to exercise when following the Dash diet. The Mediterranean Diet, which is ranked number two in Best Diets Overall,...
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...High-fiber diet is actually a return to nature and the plant-based diets used by our ancestors since the beginning of time. In fact, our ancestors consumed large quantities of fiber-containing foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grain products every day. As technology advanced, however, people began to turn away from these unprocessed healthful foods and began eating more highly processed and fat-laden foods. As a result, the incidence of coronary heart disease, diabetes, and cancers has steadily risen. Almost everyone hears about the need for enough fiber in the diet. But few people understand the importance of dietary fiber. High-fiber diets have been endorsed by the American Heart Association, the American Dietetic Association, the National Cancer Institute, the National Research Council, and the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Studies show that few Americans get enough fiber in their diet and over a billion dollars a year is spent on laxatives. Fiber intake in the U.S. and other "modernized" countries averages around 12-15 grams a day. But in order to be healthy you need 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day. That's a big difference. It...
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...Maria Arriola Allegra Hyde English 101 16 November 2014 The American Diet Getting a fat whopper from McDonalds, large fries and a coke is seen as an average meal for Americans. There are many diets out there like the Paleo diet, and the Atkins diet and the standard american diet which all revolve around the consumption of meat, dairy and fats. The very thought of an American eating a vegan plant based diet is seen as extreme and often questioned. Eating no meat, or products derived from animals automatically makes one an extreme animal rights activist that solely lives on salads. Nutrition is often overlooked by doctors but it may be the underlying issue of a spectrum of problems. Thomas Edison once stated “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but will rather cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” Many do not realize the great importance of nutrition and its correlation to health. What enters the body may greatly affect the overall individual physically and mentally. Americans have become unhealthier by the years due to the vast number of processed products sold in our grocery stores today. Many do not take notice of their daily consumption of food while others obsess over the very thought of their next meal. There is a great epidemic in America where more people die from the effects of overeating rather than starvation. Many resort to drugs, and surgeries as a quick fix in hopes of improving their health which leaves many wallets...
Words: 1974 - Pages: 8
... 2013 How can diets work in order to obtain ultimate health? While researching books and articles about nutrition and diets, I found something very interesting that almost all the authors had in common. 95 percent of the authors of the books and articles I researched were obese at certain point of their lives and had tried many types of modern diets such as Atkins, South Beach, Ornish, Zone, the blood type diet, detoxing, the cookie diet-I and etc… without any long term good results. “Every year we are offered new diets, new books on dieting, and new weight-loss programs” (Katharine 1). So, I started researching about vary types of diets, how they function, how they are designed, and if it really fits all people. I researched about genetics, because I wanted to know if it has anything to deal with our health and if it has any influence in our gain of weight. I’ve noticed that when a mother and a father are obese usually the kids also tend to become obese. “Many Americans, including health care professionals and citizens alike, continue to gaze in the wrong direction” (Katherine 2). My goal with this paper is to find what would be the ideal diet and how we could live in a healthy lifestyle and never gain all the weight back! To reach this goal I have organized this paper in three main sections. In the first section, I provide an account of information about our genetics and how we can use that information in order to understand better human body and diets. In the second section...
Words: 3500 - Pages: 14
...According to the “Why go vegan?” article, turning to the plant-based diet is easier than ever before with veganism becoming increasingly mainstream to people from all walks of life. This is because individuals from all around the globe are discovering the benefits they could receive when living these (healthy) eating habits. People who become vegans can improve their health and help the environment around them. Also, it can be (very) beneficial to populations in the world. People (around the globe) should be vegan for the many advantages they can gain by switching to the plant-based diet. First, individuals in the world should consider switching to being vegan(s) because of the health benefits they could receive (when living this way). According to the “Why go vegan?” article, plant-based diets are rich in protein, iron, calcium, B vitamins, and many other essential minerals. These nutrients can increase people’s energy and give them younger looking skin or eternal youth. Also, vegan diets are low in saturated fat, high in fiber, and packed with antioxidants which can alleviate the world’s serious...
Words: 565 - Pages: 3
...technology, processed foods and the effects of it on human health remains a strongly debated topic. For the reader who wants to make the most informed decision, it becomes imperative to consider a broad dietary historical perspective of human diet-related health, as well as the most reliable sources of research conducted in recent centuries. The pathway to our current life-less dietary habits and our societies flawed impression of life-giving foods plays a great part in understanding why the messages we are fed on a daily basis, give a false sense of comfort related to food sources. Then once the reader has the why we have this problem the task becomes to search out the how to make necessary changes. Can you imagine only having access to food sources that were within walking distance of your home and only grew naturally in the countryside? Most of us would not last long if we couldn’t make a short trip to the grocery store when we are hungry, but early mankind did not have this luxury. Some who study the effects of diet on human health might consider it an obstacle to be overcome, as opposed to a luxury that aids Carden2 man’s general well-being. They might argue the human race was healthier when we were forced to survive on a diet free of processed foods, as in the...
Words: 1488 - Pages: 6
...Fad Diets #1 By:Aaron Ingram My work is the SlimFast diet, very popular Fad diet many users and many people used their products which showed how much they loved it. Slim fast was supposed to drink or eat their product six times a day, sadly if you act simply you can aquire weight or any major weight problems like Diabetes from the servings of sugar. You were supposed to also workout and start a healthy fit regiment, but it ended up with mostly eating shakes and sitting around. In each shak is a wod of sugar, Slimfast writing zero calories on the packages is really not true. There's 18 grams of sugar in every serving and drink a shake 6 times a day is 108 grams of sugar consumed in a week. Slim fast has a company in Palm Beach Garden, Florida...
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...With the Paleo Diet we are going to cut out grains, refined sugars and all processed foods (how will you cope?). Don’t worry. The diet is not as bad as you may think. There are some pretty good Paleo recipes out there! The following highlights some of the benefits that you can look forward to when you are on the Paleo Diet. Perhaps the main benefit of the Paleo Diet is weight loss. This is why the majority of people start the diet. With the Paleo Diet you will be putting very little into your body which can actually decrease your weight. As mentioned before, the majority of the weight that you are carrying on your body at the moment is down to the carbohydrates in grains. Once you cut the grains out, you will start to burn off the weight that you do have without replacing it. This means that you can look forward to a leaner looking body. Don’t worry about not getting enough energy into your diet by the way. There are plenty of ways of boosting your energy levels using the Paleo Diet. Remember, ‘cavemen’ were some of the most energetic around! More muscle! As you may know, Proteins are the building blocks of our body. Bodybuilding enthusiasts rely on a lot of protein to boost the strength and size of their muscles With the Paleo Diet you...
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...Fad Diets: Positive or Negative? Keith Daugherty DeVry University Fad Diets: Positive or Negative? Chad, a middle aged man, goes to work every day of the week to provide for his wife and three children. He wants nothing more than to live a full and healthy life and to always be there for his family, just like his father was there for him and his mom, growing up. Chad attended his annual check-up with the family care provider that he has seen for many years. He has always felt fine and thought he was as healthy as can be. While Chad was with his family care provider, he was told that his cholesterol levels were high, that he has high blood pressure, and that he has an increased chance of experiencing a myocardial infarction, also known as a heart attack. His family care provider decided that Chad needed to lose some weight and start eating healthier in order to lower his blood pressure, lower his cholesterol levels, and decrease his chance of suffering a myocardial infarction. Chad agreed to make his doctor’s recommended lifestyle changes because he wanted to be there for his family no matter what the cost. After leaving his family care provider’s office and speaking with this wife about the bad news, he realized that he did not have a plan of action as to how he was going to lose the extra weight that was the source of his health problems. He didn’t know many things about eating healthier or maintaining a healthy lifestyle so he was unsure of where to begin. Later that...
Words: 3070 - Pages: 13
...» April 22, 2011 — Ritual fasting has been part of religious traditions for thousands of years, from Muslims who fast during daylight hours in the month of Ramadan to Mormons who take a regular break from food the first Sunday of each month. But a recent growing body of research shows that abstaining from food intermittently may have physical as well as spiritual benefits — the latest, a study from Utah researchers that found that occasional fasts (defined as extended periods of time in which people generally abstain from all food and drink except for water) may reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Google “fasting for health” and you’ll get more than 7 million hits, ranging from doctors who recommend it in their practices to treat a range of diseases, spas that promise detoxifying food-free vacations, and message board postings from devotees who say that fasting makes them feel clearer mentally and more fit. “I fast whenever my body feels like it needs a reboot,” says Yoli Ouiya, 31, a New York City blogger who writes about eco-friendly living. She fasts once every few months. But is fasting a good idea for your health? Possibly, says David Katz, MD, MPH, director of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University. Every day, organs such as the liver, kidney, and spleen work to remove and neutralize toxins from the body to keep our cells healthy. “When you fast, you eliminate input of additional toxins from food,” says Dr. Katz, “and there is a potential biological...
Words: 3269 - Pages: 14
...something to consider when deciding to make a change in and/or about your diet. There are many types of food trends and fads, not only including weight loss or diets. Recent interest (especially in North America) in health foods such as quinoa, Kombucha, and almond milk, have all caused many scientists to really try to understand these products. When determining whether these health food products should be included as a part of a healthy diet, we need to understand nutritional value. The nutritional value of food defines what a food is made of and its' impact on the body. Because of disease and weight control, it's particularly...
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...resolution to begin a strict diet to lose weight and be healthier. Every year, many of those same people chose a one-size-fits-all fad diet and flunk out with in just a few short months, with some calling it quits within weeks. The truth is there is no such thing as the perfect diet for all consumers, yet we still follow the media, celebrities, and coworkers down the road of the most popular fad diet that promises the quickest gains. In the end we spend billions of dollars on these diets and all the accessories that come with them, such as expensive gym memberships and hyped up supplements, and the results are minimal at best. Dieting in America has become a mainstream, profit generating habit that can be unhealthy and costly; educating the public on alternative eating habits and supplemental lifestyle choices can lead to healthier individuals and outweigh the marginal benefits of dieting alone. American’s are competitive by nature, and never want to be left behind. Mainstream dieting has been around for decades, growing more and more popular as our ways to reach out to more consumers grow. I can remember being a child, listening to my mother and aunts discuss New Year’s resolutions that always included dieting. Back then we only had the evening news, newspapers, and telephones. Today we cannot escape the onslaught of social media, and one would be lucky to maneuver the checkout line at CVS without picking up a magazine listing the hottest diet, offered by the hottest model...
Words: 2688 - Pages: 11
...The Skinny on Fad Diets Jessica Johnson DeVry University FAD DIETS You had to stay over at work, pick up the kids, taking them to their various activities, running through the drive through for a quick meal, and begin to unwind on the couch. You could have gone for a walk on your lunch break, hit the gym after work, and made a well-balanced meal for all to eat at the dinner table but with deadlines, a demanding job, and a family to raise with an even crazier schedule; by the end of the day you are beat. However, those extra thirty pounds are just sitting there, waiting to be shed. One day, a thought occurs to seek out a solution, naturally this leads to the internet. A quick Google search and you are now being overloaded with a list of diets, pills, and drinks that will completely change your life around. All without having to rearrange your daily planner to make the life style changes needed for healthy weight loss. Sites with stories of “I lost 20 pounds in the first 2 weeks on diet ABC.” or “Diet XYZ gave me energy to accomplish everything I wanted in the day, while becoming and looking like the person that I want to be.” In other words, the search has brought up results on fad diets. As the schedules of Americans become more and more jam packed, the rate of becoming an unhealthy adult is rising. Currently 69% of Americans are overweight or obese (Jadhav, 2010). Stress from family life, a job, and a tight schedule has a way of causing one to gain weight and having...
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