...1100 Do Video Games Lead To Violence? What am I being asked to believe or accept? In this article, Do Video Games Lead to Violence, the argument being made is that video games either leads to violence or does not lead to violence. There have been arguments that video games cause psychological and physiological problems in children that result to violence. An opposing argument believes that video games do no cause violence and more research is needed to ensure that video games cause violent activities. What evidence is available to support each side of the argument? The evidence available to support each side of the argument is that researches found that playing video games increases aggression in young adolescents. In addition, more realistic video games increase physiological arousal. Video games also make children adapt to the interaction in the game rapidly. Evidence available to support that video games does not influence violent behavior is the little evidence between the contacts to violent video games to violence in real life. Olson, one of the researchers, believes that violent video games is not connected to how the media says it is. There is no legit evidence that playing video games causes aggressive behaviors. What further evidence or information would help me to evaluate the two sides to the argument? Further evidence that supports video games leading to violence are the experiments researches have done. The experiments demonstrated that playing video games...
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...Do Violent Video Games Lead to Real World Violence? ABSTRACT As our society becomes more reliant on technology and the mass media, the notion that the media may have a profound influence on people has become more prevalent. Research into Media Violence and its effects on values, beliefs and behaviour has been well documented over the past 50 years. This systematic review, looking at both research reports and other relevant literature relating to the topic explores whether or not violent video games lead to real world violence. This topic has been selected due to the unique participatory nature of this type of media. The review demonstrates the inconclusive nature of the research on this topic. It focuses on the short term and long term effects possible while also investigating the need to consider alternate explanations to violent behaviour in children and youth. The review concludes with suggestions for further research. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW Children spend an increasing amount of time playing video games with the majority of them violent in nature (Huesmann, 2007). Players participate in and create the violence, often receiving reward for their violent behaviors rather than negative consequences (Funk, Baldacci, Pasold & Baumgardner, 2004). The area of violent video games in regards to Media Violence is relatively new with somewhat limited research as video games have only been available to the general population since the 1980s. It is however in...
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...Running head: Reduce the marketing of violent toys, games and entertainment to children. Position paper : Reduce the marketing of violent toys, games and entertainment to children. DeVry University Engl-112-61206: Composition Professor: Jamie Pacton Student: Valeriya Zakreski Violence is a physical action to injure people or property. We can read a lot of information and watch news about violence. We can say that violence is a part of our life and he human condition. But the worst fact that today, our children are involved to this part of human condition. From child abuse to murder, to school-yard bullying, violence takes its toll, often with children being the innocent. But what can cause the violence between the children? Today we can hear a lot of information about it, as: toy guns and video games affect on the children’s health and behavior, violent homes lead children to the crime. “More than 1,000 studies on the effects of television and film violence have been done over the past 40 years. The majority of these studies reach the same conclusion: television and film violence leads to real-world violence. By age 18 an American child will have seen 16,000 simulated murders and 200,000 acts of violence.” Senator Orrin G. Hatch, Utah, Chairman Committee on the Judiciary. September 14,1999. Children, Violence, And the Media. A report for Parents and Policy...
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...lDoes violent media lead to more violence? Some people think so, some people don’t. At least half of the population thinks so. Personally, I don’t think it does. Violent media is anything that contains curse words, shooting, fighting, etc. For example, some people think that the game Call of Duty leads to violence, as it rewards you for killing people. The total US sales of video game hardware and software increased 204% from 1994 to 2014, reaching $13.1 billion in 2014, while violent crimes lowered 37% and murders by juveniles acting by themselves fell 76% in that same time period (Violent). A review from Christopher J. Ferguson, PhD, a psychology professor at Stetson University, stated,”Matching video game conditions more carefully in...
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...[Your Name] [Instructor] [Class] [Date] Violent Video Games do not CAUSE VIOLENCE Introduction Correlation does not prove Causation. Since 1992, there have been 387 school shootings in America. In the wake of these tragedies, the investigators and our society have looked to find somewhere to point the blame. Some blame gun laws, some blame our school system, but almost all conclusions place at least some blame on video games. When 90% of today's teenagers video games are 90% likely to include mature levels of violence, there's clearly an issue. However, the issue is mistakenly simplified down to the equation that violence in games = violence in real life, mistakenly because correlation does not prove causation. Today, I want to talk about why video games do not cause violence, and can even be a healthy way to release aggression. body Research is inconclusive. Unfortunately, research on video games and violence is inconclusive and does not ever come to a consensus. For every study that you find that proves video games cause violence, you have a study that proves that video games have no correlation to real-life violence. Media psychologists, communication scientists, and pediatricians disagree greatly among themselves as to whether or not there is a causal relationship between gaming and violence. There is more than a 20% variation in opinion over whether or not gaming produces real-life violence. That variation does not sound convincing to us, who like to pretend we are...
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... The effects of video games and violence Violence is not measured by playing video games. All studies do not show a link between video games and acts of violence, but research does show an increase in aggression. (Fournis & Abou, 2014) There have been debates about how violent video games trigger violent, aggressive behavior. (Fournis & Abou, 2014) Violent video games can impact a person’s behavior, have positive effects and negative effects on adults or kids. Violent video games can impact a person’s behavior. “Data showed an increase in aggressive moods or thoughts and hostility after playing violent video games and suggested impairment of prosocial behavior” (Fourmis, Abou, 2014, p.1). Violent video games reward players for increased violence, which enhances violent behaviors. When playing video games with violence, people repeatedly kill people to get what they want. Resulting in aggressive or violent behavior. “Playing a violent video game even for 20 minutes led individuals to become less sensitive to real violence” (Fournis, Abou, 2014, p. 1). The positive effects of playing video games are the mental skills required to play the games. If played correctly video games are used as leisure time entertainment but when people play video games that involve violence some people tend to forget the games aren’t real. Other positive effects are the ability to process knowledge to include reasoning, perception, and intuition. Video games offer problem solving...
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...Don't Blame Video Games The video game error is somewhat new in this modern society. Although they are entertaining, the contents have become more violent and disturbing as technology has become more advanced. Today, the popularity of violent video games has caused an increase in controversy. Parents feel that some games are too violent; However, I believe violent video games do not cause an increase in aggression in teens. Besides the violent contents, video games has positive sides. For example, "Rainbow Six" series have become one of the games that require a solid teamwork. The player acts as the leader of an elite squad which consists of 3-4 members. At the beginning of the game, players can choose how to infiltrate the terrorist compound, either by planting an explosive on the door, using a fast rope from the rooftop, or simply breaching into several doors to create a surprise attack. These options push teen’s skills to the limit by forcing them to master the sense of logical thinking and strategy formations in which formal education does not offer. Video games are also a tool of social interactions. Sometimes Friendships are developed through playing video games and helps keep them away from drugs and violent activities. Most of the video games today have either multiplayer or online capabilities or even both. For example, I made friends with a lot of individuals from playing "Uncharted" online. The game focuses on eliminating the other team, so teamwork has...
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...Do you know anybody who plays violent video games? When you are around them are you afraid of them? Does every person who play violent video games end up killing or harming people? I strongly believe that there isn’t a direct relationship with people who play violent video games and people who are violent. Video games that promote violence have two different aspects; one is that they teach how to shoot guns and stab people. But, people don’t realize that video games are a good outlet to get out anger and clear minds. In the article “Parents Who are Horrified by Real Violence are Drowning their Children in Simulated Violence,” the author of the article wanted to point out that “the player is in control of every move. This is not like watching a movie; it’s like controlling one.” This made me think of two things, at first I thought that the author was trying to say that it is bad for the players to be in control of the moves and the flow of the game. But, I then thought that it could teach players to take control of their own lives like they took control of the game. I believe that watching violence and playing simulated violent video games are basically the same thing. Real life violence shows scenarios of terrible things happening such as shootings in schools, terrorist attacks, wars, and many more. Playing simulated violent video games does not...
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...“Effects of Violent Video Games and Media on Aggressive Behavior” Gabin ,Pauline Palma, Keirsha Jhoanne J. Perona, Jerril A. Ramirez, Ma. Bernadette Riverside College Inc. Computer 2: Internet Research January 9, 2015 RESEARCH PAPER APPROVAL In partial fulfilment of the requirements for Computer 2 - Internet Research, this research paper entitled “Effects of Violent Video Games and Media on Aggressive Behavior” with the following subtitles: 1. What are the elements that provoke the child to take interest in violent media and games? 2. Does playing and watching anything remotely violent really affect a child’s behavior? 3. What is the behavioral result if the child is exposed to violent entertainment? 4. In what aspects can a child be able to stop his aggressive behavior? 5. What measures does the media industry have to do in order to put a stop to this? Has been prepared and submitted by Perona, Jerril A. Palma, Keirsha J. Gabin, Pauline C. Ramirez, Bernadette G. APPROVED BY: Mrs. Maritess Pomada January 9, 2015Coordinator, Psychology Department | Introduction “Effects of Violent Video Games and Media on Aggressive Behavior” It’s not a new issue – in the 1950s, psychiatrist Fredric Wertham wrote a book called “Seduction of the Innocent”, which claimed that comic books were unnecessarily exposing children to violence and causing them to become delinquent. Although Wertham’s methods...
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...Violence is all over the media and internet but does it cause violence? The internet makes violence easier but does not cause violence. The media shows violence all the time but does not cause the violence. Violence first has to be in a person or everyone who watched the media or used the internet would. Many people use the internet but not everyone who does then uses it for violence. The internet does make things easier. Almost everything one would want to know is on the internet. Darren Beals who wrote Violence Culture: The Media, the internet, and Placing Blame decided to search the internet and see what could be found. Beals stated “After spending a great deal of time online… information is easy to find on just about everything. And there are many people who don’t hesitate to share their ‘knowledge’ with anyone- child or adult- who will listen. The second thing I noticed was that there really is no regulation on the internet.” Beal found anything on the internet and the people who would share information like how to build bombs. People have to look for other people like that. Even without the internet there has always been violence. Violence is everywhere in the media; there are violent video games and TV shows everywhere. My brother and I grew up on television and video games. Not once did I or my other brother get in a fight or bring weapons to school. The media did not make us violent though we watched many violent shows or played violent video games. Though the media...
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...Bloody Pixels: Video Game Violence There are many speculations on video game violence and its harmful effects on the kids who have come addicted to playing them. Many people believe that video games are the ultimate cause of why we see aggression and violence from our youth today. In reality video games are not the main cause of this violence that is being seen. There are many factors that are not being accounted for when determining the cause of a child's violence. Factors such as abuse, depression, and environmental influences have more of an effect on children then actual video games. Violence in video games is not the reason children become violent. Said violence comes from the abuse, depression, and other environmental factors. My support for this claim is for many of reasons, but the big one being that I myself have played many violent video games as a child yet I have grown to be caring and refrain from violence towards other people. I have not committed a violent crime or acted aggressively towards another in any way. A major argument that comes up is that children act based on what they see. With today's advanced technology video games have become so clear and graphic that one could get lost into the "gaming world". Albert Bandura, a famous psychologist, did a study on children and aggression. The study showed that children who witnessed a bobo doll being abused by an adult also committed those same actions, sometimes worse and sometimes less when encountered with...
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...Government vs. Video Games Michael Winchester Governments are strongly against kids playing video games and the government is wrong. The government thinks if kids are play video games that have graphic violence, sex, violent scenes, gory scenes, partial nudity, full nudity, portrayal of criminal behavior they will become criminals. There is a wide assortment of games out there and not all of them are bad. The games that those people think are bad are rated for adults only, not for kids and it’s the parents fault for letting kids play them. Video games are for fun, they’re not a reference for how to be a violent person. Parents should be monitoring their kids more often. I am a very firm believer in the thought that video games are meant to be for fun and do not affect how violent a person may become. The Government looks at video games completely the wrong way. One of their thoughts is that when someone plays to many video games it can make them violent and can make them into criminals. Looking at the classic game of "Cops and Robbers" and "Cowboys and Indians": children pretend to rob banks and shoot cops dead; toy guns or imaginary weapons are aimed at opponents; losers are supposed to "play dead." Fast-forward to the present and the debate over video game regulation. (Thierer, 2003) The recently introduced bill H.R. 669 by Rep. Joe Baca (D-CA), "The Protect Children from Video Game Sex and Violence Act of 2003." This bill would impose fines on anyone who sells or rents...
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...Violence and Video Games Aaron Kanoski Strayer University CIS 324: Computer Ethics July 24, 2012 Professor Rebecca Stephens Abstract This paper will discuss the different theories of links between violence and video games. Those who try to censor video games or make them illegal point to the theories and studies that show a tenuous link. Those in the video game industry and activists for free speech and artistic freedom out right refute or offer other reasons for the supposed link. Violence and Video Games There is no solid evidence that a link between violence and video games exit. Video games have been blamed for school shootings, violence toward women, excessive bulling, and just about any violent massacre by a young person. Critics say that violent video games desensitize children to violence, rewards them for stimulating violence, and that violence is an acceptable response to conflict. Advocates for video games say that a majority of the research is deeply flawed and that causal relationship between violent video games and social violence has not been found. Once considered just a fad of the 1970s, video games are now a 40-year-old media powerhouse that has entered the cultural mainstream. Video games are no longer considered just a children’s toy. They have become a major cultural force and artistic medium. Video games are now played in form or another, on or off line, by a majority of people around the world. In the US alone, during 2008, 97% of all twelve...
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...supporting evidence There have been studies to prove that violent movies, games, and television shows can influence violent behavior. Multiple cases have shown that individuals playing video games, especially violent ones, can lead to aggression. Children who tend to play these types of games lose control rather easily, they tend to kick the controller against the floor or throw other various objects when enraged. They also show their frustration by using profanity or lashing out towards others playing the game with them or towards the game itself. Dr. Jordan Grafman at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke conducted a study which showed adolescent boys that were exposed to violent games over a long period of time tended to show aggressive behavior, desensitization, and loss of empathy. Twenty-two boys were chosen to view short clips that show different range of violent from low, mild, and moderate. The ones who were expose to more violent movies, videos, or television shows were the one who were had less empathy. Dr. Grafman concluded that those who were more desensitization were the most likely to have violent behavior and less empathy. There was another study done from 130 research reports on more than 130,000 subjects worldwide which was done by Craig Anderson a professor of psychology at Iowa State University and the director of Iowa State's Center for the Study of Violence. When the study was published Anderson stated (2010) that such exposure also...
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...recreate violence even if it is just a game. Violence simulated games are a dangerous and irresponsible thing for people of any age to be apart of. One reason simulated violence is destructive is because it glorifies violence. Violence and death is nothing to be proud of but these games train minds into thinking it is. Another reason these games are bad is the way it switches people into a violent mindset. These mindsets can lead to real life violence, the only difference is in real life you don't respawn. The most dangerous component to violence simulation is the fake weapons. Fake weapons can easily be confused with real weapons, putting everyone in danger. Violence simulation is nothing to be joked about and is something children and teens alike should stay away from. One reason simulated violence is bad is because it glorifies violence. In the text “Shoot Out” it says, “They celebrate with a spaghetti dinner.” Too many die, grieve, and suffer to teach kids that death is something to celebrate and getting the most kills is something to be proud of. Another text...
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