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Dynamic Games Environments


Submitted By brentcross
Words 5542
Pages 23
MS3302: Dynamic Games Environments
CW2: Individual project
2012/13 Semester A
Module Leader: David Dorrington

Student No: 1013088
Level Title: Capsule Man: The Escape
Deadline: 4pm Monday 7th Jan 2013
UEL Computer Games Contents
Introduction 3
Initial Concept 3
Project Constraints 4
Dynamic Events Plan 5 Overview 5 Level Goals & Events 5 Level flow chart 7 Dynamic Event Planning 9 Level Map 18 Animation Plans 18
Gameplay Testing, Problems & Solutions 19
Appendices 25 Appendix A Files on the .rar package 25 Appendix B Level Walkthrough 25 Appendix C Some Early Idea Sketches 25


This report covers design of side scroller/platformer game “Capsule Man: The Escape”. Initial concept introduces reader to the game idea that was pitched at the beginning of year dynamic elements used and what has changed since the development has started. Project constrains is listing all constrains of the project that might not be implemented in to the game time it would take and whether it would be possible to use it. Dynamic events plan will include the design of the dynamic game events, level map, level goals and flow charts will help to reflect the decisions made.

Initial Concept

The game that has been developed is completely different from an initial proposal idea. Some of the dynamic elements proposed to be used were not even dynamic elements. Some aspects have been taken from an initial concept the game idea is different and events are different as well, but it is still an escape and side scrolled as planned.

The brief recap of the initial idea takes “Crazy Bio mechanic Human” in to the action of having him to escape an underground lab. Actions take place in a lab when he wakes up and tries to escape evil doctors that have been testing on him. The main character has to use gravity gun to help him move objects to its advantage so he can escape, also using freezer gun to freeze fire.

The project has been revamped and changed to the escape of a different kind and taking place both on a surface and over ground. The bio mechanic human idea has been removed due to an extensive time that it would take to correctly animate the character, capsule has been used instead. The player will have to clear obstacles and solve puzzles to complete the game. In total there are thirteen events of which at least seven are dynamic events. These events will be discussed in more detail below.

Project Constraints

Initial challenge design has been drawn on paper from what already has been learned during the study years at university. Were little new concepts and ideas have not been used to design the final version of the game. Therefore only puzzles and challenges have been used that can be implemented without having to many constrains.

Gravity gun

Few different approaches to creating a working gravity has been tried and none of the were completed due to the lack of time as testing and fail and trying a different approach and failing again has proved too time consuming so instead of trying to complete the gun before the game development even started was doomed to be project breaker. So the development of the gravity gun has been stopped and I have concentrated on the other aspects of the game, leaving this for after the game is complete and if there is enough time try again. The game has been completed without working gravity gun simpler alternatives have been used instead, which will be explained later on in the report.

Dynamic Events Plan


Genre and Style of Gameplay & Main Character

The game is a sidescroller/platformer type puzzle adventure game. The game is played from a side view although it has been developed under 3D environment it operates on a 2 dimensional axis in a 3 dimensional world. It is planned to be fun and engaging game through the use of challenges and puzzles.

The main character player takes control of is called “Capsule Man”, he is trapped by evil powers and has to complete the course of obstacles to save his life by escaping. The main goal of the game is to escape and by doing so player will complete it, the dynamic events and puzzles are the sub goals of the main goal.

Dynamic elements intended to be used

• Picking up rigidbody boxes with a mouse click to solve a box puzzle • Turbine wind changing the gravity of the player thus slowing down the fall • Player picking up rigidbodies with a press of a button to transport them to the required place • Using water sprinkler to extinguish explosion fire • Picking up rigidbodies with a crane arm and moving them to make a path • Swapping Illumination maps to indicate the state change • Moving platforms between two targets

Level Goals & Events

The main level goal as mentioned before is to escape and you can escape by completing series of challenges and puzzles. These puzzles and challenges are sub-goals of the main goal. All sub-goals are listed below from first to the last part of the game.

1. Player has to clear 4 moving platforms at a different patterns, the secret to clearing these moving platforms easily is to not jump but to move to another platform when another one is about the same level so you can walk on the next platform without jumping.

2. “Rigidbody Box Puzzle” - Player has to build a set of stairs out of the six rigidbody boxes provided on a flat surface. Player will have the control of the boxes by moving the mouse pointer over them and clicking on them. The built staircase the can be picked up and put the down so that he may climb and reach the higher platform. The puzzle is constrained with few rules that the player will have to follow in order to build the stair case. (Checkpoint)

3. “Firewall” - Player has to clear five fire streams that loop at the specific pattern. To successfully pass this player can only move one step at the time and wait until fire streams stop and then move gain. Repeating these steps until it is cleared.

4. The player reaches the moving platform that he has to step in order to clear the fire that it is underneath him. (Checkpoint)

5. “Fuse Box Puzzle” – Player comes to a point and is asked to open the fuse box as the door in front of him won’t open. The message explains that there is no fuse inside the box and the player has to find another fuse. Another box can be found next to the firewall. The fuse will be taken out of the box and placed in to the correct fuse box. The door then will open and the player will be able to advance.

6. Player reaches intentional made huge gap so it cannot be cleared by a jump and the players falls in to the turbine shaft. The wind effect slows the player down as the turbine vents the smoke. Player lands safely on the floor.

7. “Door 2 / Sprinkler Puzzle” – Player comes to a door and is presented with a message that the door cannot be unlocked as there is no switch, but the second messages follows saying that some TNT should help. On the other side of the turbine there is a pack of rigidbody TNT that player can pick up and take it to the door when TNT is dropped the message is displayed to step away and shoot using mouse button 1. The door will exploded and will fall down. The message is displayed that the door cannot be picked and the player must put the fire out before picking it up. Player is suggested to shoot the sprinkler. By doing that water pours out extinguishing the fire and door can be picked up.

8. “Fire Stream” – The player having the door picked up and holding it above its head can now move and block the fire that it is pouring out of five pipes on a path that leads to the next event in the game. By advancing one step at a time and waiting until the particles die out and the advancing player will be able to pass without dying.

9. Player reaches the platform that will take him to the higher platform clearing the gap

10. “Crane Puzzle” – Player has to control crane in a designated tracks and also control and arm so that the boxes could be picked up and transported. There is four boxes provided by navigating the crane and adjusting the arm they can be picked up and taken to the spot and laid out so they build a path for the player to escape.

11. “Rocket Escape” – The final event in the game is player approaching the rocket and message displayed to press a button to escape. When button is pressed rocket flies and the credit scene is played.

Level flow chart

The game consists of one big level but it is split in to two parts to better show the flow of each area. By splint the level the flow charts are smaller and each fits on the separate page rendering it easier to read then one big flow chart.

Overground/Beach Area
Underground Area

Dynamic Event Planning

Game-play Event 1: Mouse click box pick up - Dynamic Puzzle


|Element |Detail |
|Situation |Player must reach higher platform by building a stairs out of the boxes |
| |provided |
|Problem |Player is too small to jump on a platform |
|Type of Challenge |Puzzle |
|Solution/s |Gluing boxes |
|Tools |Rigidbody Boxes, Mouse control |
|How is Player informed? |Tutorial style monologue annotation |
|Location/s |Overground/Beach Area |
|Start Trigger |Distance to tutorial console |
|End Trigger |Stairs built correctly |


| Description of Solution |The player comes to a console and message is displayed to click on it and read the rules. Player has to build stairs |
| |out of the boxes provided by picking them up with a mouse button “1” and gluing them together when they touch each |
| |other. The stairs have to be built like shown in an explanation otherwise player won’t be able to pass the challenge.|
| |After the boxes are glued together neatly player can pick them up and put them so he can climb on a higher platform. |
| |Boxes stick up upon touch and if they haven’t been glue correctly player can reset the boxes by pressing “R” button. |
|Tools: Objects |Rigidbody Boxes |Mouse control | | |
|Game-play Systems |Object Interaction | | | |
|Actions |Pickup/Drop boxes |Glue |Reset | Pick up built stairs |

Game-play Event 2: Firewall – Dynamic Challenge


|Element |Detail |
|Situation |Player must reach the other side of the firewall |
|Problem |Fire streams shooting a timed pattern |
|Type of Challenge |Timed movement |
|Solution/s |Correctly timing movement |
|Tools |Fire particles |
|How is Player informed? |Visual |
|Location/s |Overground/Beach Area |
|Start Trigger |Distance to firewall |
|End Trigger |Getting to other side of the fire wall |


| Description of Solution |The player has to correctly time his movement to be able to pass firewall, in total there is five fire stream working|
| |at a different patterns, to successfully complete this player can only clear one fire at a time and waiting before |
| |the other one goes off and moving one space until firewall challenge is cleared |
|Tools: Objects |N/A |
|Game-play Systems |Movement |
|Actions |Timed Movement |

Game-play Event 3: Fuse Box – Dynamic Puzzle


|Element |Detail |
|Situation |Player must open the door to be able to advance |
|Problem |There is no fuse in a fuse box |
|Type of Challenge |Puzzle |
|Solution/s |Pulling the fuse out of the firewall fuse box |
|Tools |Fuse |
|How is Player informed? |Tutorial style monologue annotation |
|Location/s |Overground/Beach Area |
|Start Trigger |Distance to fuse console |
|End Trigger |Fuse placed in |


| Description of Solution |The player finds that there is no fuse in a fuse box by opening it with button “E” and therefore the door won’t open.|
| |Exactly same box is show to the player previously in the game giving him a clue that there might be a fuse. Player |
| |has to go back to the firewall fuse box and pull it out from there with a press of a button “E” also shutting down |
| |the firewall. You place the fuse by pressing “E” when it’s in the correct box the door will open |
|Tools: Objects |Fuse | | | |
|Game-play Systems |Object Interaction |Movement | | |
|Actions |Open Fuse box |Pick up Fuse |Place Fuse | |

Game-play Event 4: Turbine shaft – Dynamic Wind


|Element |Detail |
|Situation |Player comes to a point where he has to jump to clear the big distance |
|Problem |Intentionally it is impossible and player falls in to the shaft |
|How is Player informed? |Visually by slowing the fall |
|Tools |Wind/Smoke Particles |
|Location/s |Overground/Beach Area transition to Underground |
|Start Trigger |Failed jump |
|End Trigger |Landing safely |


| Description of Solution |The player has to clear the big gap by jumping, it is intentionally left impossible to clear so the player falls in |
| |to the shaft, gladly turbine wind slows him down and he safely lands to the underground area |
|Game-play Systems |Movement |
|Actions |Jump |

Game-play Event 5: Door - Dynamic Puzzle


|Element |Detail |
|Situation |Player reaches the door where there is no switch to open them |
|Problem |The door can’t be opened as there is no switch |
|Type of Challenge |Puzzle |
|Solution/s |Using TNT to blow up the door open |
|Tools |Rigidbody TNT, Gun (Rigidbody Bullet) |
|How is Player informed? |Tutorial style monologue annotation |
|Location/s |Underground Area |
|Start Trigger |Distance to door |
|End Trigger |TNT explosion |


| Description of Solution |The player comes to a door and the message is displayed that there is no way to open the door and that some TNT would|
| |help to open them. Player has previously seen TNT and knows where to find, by going and picking it up by pressing |
| |“E”. Player then has to bring it and drop it near the door by pressing “E” again. The message is displayed to step |
| |away and press mouse button “1” to shoot the TNT causing it to explode and open the door. |
|Tools: Objects |TNT |Door |Gun | |
|Game-play Systems |Object Interaction |Movement | | |
|Actions |Pickup TNT |Shoot TNT |Drop TNT | |

Game-play Event 6: Door fire extinguisher / Fire stream - Dynamic Puzzle / Challenge


|Element |Detail |
|Situation |Player needs to pick up the door after its blown |
|Problem |The door is on fire and can’t be picked up |
|Type of Challenge |Puzzle |
|Solution/s |Shooting sprinkler that it is at the top of the door |
|Tools |Sprinkler, Gun (Rigidbody Bullet), Door |
|How is Player informed? |Tutorial style monologue annotation |
|Location/s |Underground Area |
|Start Trigger |Distance to door |
|End Trigger |TNT explosion |


| Description of Solution |The door is on fire and can’t be picked up so the player has to shoot at the sprinkler by pressing mouse button “1”. |
| |If bullet successfully hits the sprinkler water will spray and extinguish the fire out. Allowing player to pick the |
| |door by press of button “E” and pass through the fire stream challenge by holding the door above the its head to |
| |block pouring fire. When it is safe to drop the door player can press “E” to drop them. |
|Tools: Objects |Sprinkler |Gun |Door | |
|Game-play Systems |Object Interaction |Movement | | |
|Actions |Shoot |Pickup door |Drop Door | |

Game-play Event 7: Crane arm pickup box - Dynamic Puzzle


|Element |Detail |
|Situation |Player has to build a path out of the boxes provide |
|Problem |Can’t get through need to build a path |
|Type of Challenge |Puzzle |
|Solution/s |Picking up rigidbody boxes and transporting them to right place to make a |
| |path |
|Tools |Crane Arm, Rigidbody Boxes |
|How is Player informed? |Tutorial style monologue annotation |
|Location/s |Underground Area |
|Start Trigger |Distance to console |
|End Trigger |Path built |


| Description of Solution |The player has to control crane arm by using keyboard keys “W, A, S & D” to move arm within the tracks. Also |
| |controlling the arm with buttons “I” & “J” to adjust tip to the correct position that picks up the boxes and by |
| |pressing “G” player will be able to pick up the boxes and transport it to the right position. In total there is four |
| |boxes when they are aligned correctly player can exit the crane control by pressing “X” and trying to clear the |
| |challenge by jumping over the boxes to the other side |
|Tools: Objects |Rigidbody Boxes |Crane control | | |
|Game-play Systems |Object Interaction | | | |
|Actions |Pickup boxes |Move Boxes |Drop Boxes | |

Level Map

Please refer to two separate images included in the package called “Overground” & “ Underground”. Included as a separate images due to the scanner failing at a last minute and pictures being taken with the phone some parts will have to be zoomed in.

Animation Plans

The game does not have a lot of animations. Three animations have been used trough out the game. The animations are very simple and it was even worth doing any diagrams.

Fuse Box
Fuse box door opening animation is played when the player presses button to open the door. The timing is set from 0 – 100 frames.

1st Door
First door open animation is played straight after the fuse is inserted and the door slides open. The timing is set from 0 – 60 frames.

2nd Door
A second door animation is played when the TNT explodes and the door is animated so it falls on the ground. The timing is set from 0 – 30 frames.

Gameplay Testing, Problems & Solutions

|Priority |Problem |Solution |Implemented |
| |
|Low |Player spawns at the same velocity when he |Solution was to disable character controller and|Solution has been |
| |dies. This means when you spawn at the |zero out the velocity of the character |implemented within |
| |checkpoint player jumps out of the spawn | |timescale |
| |point. | | |
|High |Player when on the platform sometimes |The problem was that for some reason all the |Solution has been |
| |falling through the ground, weird behaviour |platforms have had rigidbody applied to them and|implemented within |
| |after jumping of the platform player |after unchilding the player rigidbody partial |timescale |
| |slightly bouncing and then falling through |physics have been added to and player was | |
| |the floor. The chiding/unchilding to the |behaving weirdly falling trough. After removing | |
| |platform was working as expected This was a |rigidbody from platforms they were working fine | |
| |major problem as it stopped the game from | | |
| |functioning properly, moving platforms is | | |
| |big part of the game. | | |
|High |Camera rotating with the player when he |Unchilding the camera when the player turns and |Solution has been |
| |changes direction to go left or right camera|childing it back after the players mesh have |implemented within |
| |was leaving its intended position and moving|turned around have prevented the camera moving |timescale |
| |to the player direction he is looking at and|the player has changed direction orientation | |
| |vice/versa | | |
|Low |Player when colliding sometimes moving out |Checking in an update function every frame |Solution has been |
| |of its intentional z position and thus |whether the player is on its intentional z0 |implemented within |
| |causing distance and puzzle problems. |position if not put him back on. |timescale |
|High |The problem with letting the player know of |Timers were used trough out the game to display |Solution has been |
| |what has to be done in a tutorial type of |player about certain activities within the game.|implemented within |
| |annotated messages. The issue was how you |For each separate message timer with Boolean |timescale |
| |display message one after another as if |variables to set one message true and switch | |
| |having thoughts bubbles. |another message off after certain amount of | |
| | |time. Although this has worked but created a lot| |
| | |of confusion sometimes when explanation needed | |
| | |took more than few GUI messages one after | |
| | |another to be displayed and when these message | |
| | |also were depending on other script message to | |
| | |be displayed. I have lost my track where and | |
| | |what was switching on at certain points. More | |
| | |efficient way could have been used instead. | |
|High |The problem with only one bullet or more |The solution to this was to clone the original |Solution has been |
| |before collision could be shot but after the|bullet projectile in to the new variable and use|implemented within |
| |collided bullet is destroyed script could |that instead if instantiating an original one. |timescale |
| |not find rigidbody apparently it was |So the original bullet projectile stayed as a | |
| |destroying the original prefab instantiated |reference and cloned version of it was used to | |
| |bullet and then the script could not find |prevent it from destroying and causing only to | |
| |it. |shoot one projectile or more before the | |
| | |collision. | |
|Med |For most of the puzzle interaction button |To resolve this issue every script that was |Solution has been |
| |“E” has been used. The problem arose for an |interfering have been implemented with a static |implemented within |
| |unknown reason that when you used button “E”|Boolean variable alive to make the script active|timescale |
| |to enter one puzzle for example script of |one after another being completed so they would | |
| |another object was interfering and being |not interfere with one another. | |
| |switched on at the same time as well | | |
| |rendering it useless later on as everything | | |
| |was timed like messages dialogues etc. This | | |
| |should have worked as PC distance to an | | |
| |object was being checked in all scripts | | |
| |before you could press “E” but that wasn’t | | |
| |helping for some reason. | | |
|Low |This problem refers to the issue above when |The issue has been fixed with the solution of |Solution has been |
| |you press a button “E” camera was moving to |the above. Introducing Alive Boolean to switch |implemented within |
| |the position of the puzzle. So if the player|the script on and off when needed. |timescale |
| |would accidentally press “E” his camera | | |
| |would disappear elsewhere in the game world.| | |
|Med |Initially it was decided to use mouse pick |The puzzle for picking up the boxes have been |Could not have been |
| |up as a gravity gun but a lot of problem |redesigned instead you pick up boxes on a flat |applied in current |
| |arose from this and I just couldn’t get it |surface, but the code has its own issue and will|timescale |
| |to work properly, it was working partially |be discussed later. To resolve a door being |Need to research problem |
| |but the collision wasn’t working, and you |picked up with the mouse instead the door was |Partially replaced |
| |would move an object too fast it was being |chided to the player. | |
| |detached from the mouse and because I was | | |
| |switching the gravity off it was floating in| | |
| |the air. The script should have been used to| | |
| |stack the boxes in a puzzle and carry the | | |
| |door above the PCs head to protect from the | | |
| |pouring fire. | | |
|High |Puzzle Script for picking up boxes with the |To resolve this issue instead of using another |Solution has been |
| |mouse on a flat plane has caused issue when |camera for this particular script pcs camera was|implemented within |
| |using camera to change the view. I was |unchilded and its position has been changed to |timescale |
| |unable to use second camera for the puzzles |the required position in the world so that the | |
| |over the top view, The script needed main |puzzle could be viewed from the top and after | |
| |camera no matter what. Many resolutions have|exiting camera was chided back and repositioned | |
| |been tried from renaming camera tags during |to the player perspective in the world. | |
| |the swap from pc to puzzle view that just | | |
| |did not work as the script was finding first| | |
| |camera in the world and taking it as the | | |
| |main and that camera was PCs camera. | | |
| |Disabling script when starting the game did | | |
| |not help either the script was still taking | | |
| |the main pc camera as the one to be used and| | |
| |it wasn’t working. | | |
|Med |The part of the script that was resetting |The problem was that the code was used to |Solution has been |
| |camera from puzzle view to the PC was |cam.transform.Position so the camera was taken |implemented within |
| |transporting camera not back to the PC |to the world 0 position no matter the |timescale |
| |Intended position although the coordinates |coordinates set in the code instead | |
| |in the world have been correct. |cam.transform.localPosition has solved the | |
| | |issue. //Although using same code for the box | |
| | |puzzle reset did not help// | |
|High |The Puzzle Scripts for picking up rigidbody |The issue was made instead of finding the |Solution has been |
| |boxes with the mouse was causing other |rigidbody during the start function line that |implemented within |
| |issues after boxes were moved within the |finds them was put in an update function so that|timescale |
| |puzzle and glued you had to removed |the script would keep finding the boxes with | |
| |rigidbody as player could not pick up them |rigidbody every frame. | |
| |as one peace. If the boxes were glued wrong | | |
| |way around and then reset after the reset | | |
| |rigidbody were attached back again but the | | |
| |script could not find it as it was explain | | |
| |that the rigidbody was destroyed and the | | |
| |player after resetting the boxes could not | | |
| |pick them up again. | | |
|High |The Puzzle Scripts for picking up rigidbody |So instead rigidbodies after gluing the boxes |Solution has been |
| |boxes with the mouse after the boxes were |have been destroyed, so that the shape would not|implemented within |
| |glued up correctly and the player had to |be governed by physics and would be just plain |timescale |
| |pick them up this is where the problems |childed object shape. | |
| |arose. I was trying to pick up a shape of 6 | | |
| |childed rigidbodies and because they were | | |
| |governed by physics I could not pick them up| | |
| |they were moving out of their intentional | | |
| |position and losing its original shape and | | |
| |not sticking together. So to connect them | | |
| |few types of joints have been tried to be | | |
| |used but the boxes when jointed they would | | |
| |stay in a more familiar shape but it was | | |
| |just working the way it supposed be stable. | | |
|Med |The Puzzle Scripts for picking up rigidbody |To solve this after trying and failing many |Solution has been |
| |boxes with the mouse. The part of the script|times I had to move whole world to that position|implemented within |
| |that was resetting the boxes if the player |where boxes were resetting. |timescale |
| |have glued the wrong way around was | | |
| |resetting boxes to the word x position 0. | | |
| |Previously used code for resetting | | |
| |transform.localPosition did not help. | | |
|Med |The Puzzle Scripts for picking up rigidbody |To solve this after unchilding them from each |Solution has been |
| |boxes with the mouse. Before the cubes were |other and resetting the position each one of |implemented within |
| |reset I had to unchild the from one another |them have been childed back to the empty game |timescale |
| |if the player has glued them wrong way |object so that the shape after its have been | |
| |around , this has also unchilded all the |built could be picked up as one peace | |
| |boxes from an empty game object in the world| | |
| |that was used to pick up the shape as one | | |
| |after it was glued correctly by the player. | | |
|Low |The Puzzle Scripts for picking up rigidbody |Constrains have been put to the newly added |Solution has been |
| |boxes with the mouse. When the boxes were |rigibodies |implemented within |
| |reset after failed try and rigibodies |rigidbody.constraints = |timescale |
| |attached back to them sometimes when they |RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotation; | |
| |could lose their intentional position in the| | |
| |world due to collision. | | |
|Med |Problem when trying to solve firewall |To solve that function |Solution has been |
| |emitter pattern to loop at the required |MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine : IEnumerator has |implemented within |
| |sequence. Mentioned timers have been used to|been found in unity and an example shown has |timescale |
| |try and resolve the issue timing each and |been adapted to correctly time each loop. | |
| |one of the timers and switch between them | | |
| |but the loop was executed incorrectly and it| | |
| |would just work once or twice. The code was | | |
| |designed for timing message not the firewall| | |
| |loop | | |
|Debugging Stage – Player Test |
|Med |The game has been given to 5 people to be |To solve this second camera has been inserted as|Solution has been |
| |tested out this has helped to solve few |a minimap style to show where the crane current |implemented within |
| |issues. |position is in its tracks so the player could |timescale |
| |The crane intended track could not be seen |navigate easier. | |
| |and the player did not know when to change | | |
| |direction this has caused some frustration. | | |
|Low |It has been noticed when allowing other |The solution to this has been spotted during the|Solution has been |
| |people to play the game for the second or |debugging stage of the development after |implemented within |
| |third time they were skipping and not |everything has been put in to place this is core|timescale |
| |reading the messages as they have knew what |function and to adjust this would take too much | |
| |was coming. The issue is that you have to |time. The only solution is to read all the | |
| |allow all the messages to time out |messages and tutorials and allow them to time | |
| |(switchoff) before doing anything else |out before proceeding. | |
| |because they are sequenced and game | | |
| |functionality depends on them. This has | | |
| |caused some of the messages being stuck on | | |
| |some parts of the game not working. | | |
|Low |Some of the important puzzle explanation |By asking for suggestions rules and explanations|Solution has been |
| |rules and bits have been missed out making |for both puzzles have been adjusted accordingly |implemented within |
| |player do strange things and not understand |so that people understand what was being |timescale |
| |what has to be done. |explained to them. | |
|Low |One of the players after failing to clear |A wall has been put in place to prevent the |Solution has been |
| |moving platforms for the first time decided |player from going back. |implemented within |
| |to go opposite way and jumped in to the | |timescale |
| |rocket shaft, this was very unexpected as I | | |
| |haven’t had any wall blocking their way to | | |
| |go to the opposite direction. | | |
|Low |Some of the messages after showing an |The time was increased solving that issue but |Solution has been |
| |instruction were disappearing too fast so |causing the above problem where players being |implemented within |
| |the player was left with half a message |inpatient and not allowing messages to time out.|timescale |
| |read. | | |
|Not a problem?|When players were shooting and ray casting |Underground texture plane was introduced in to |Solution has been |
| |to the mouse the mouse when clicked on an |the game splitting the game in to two parts over|implemented within |
| |empty space with no objects there bullet |ground and underground. |timescale |
| |wasn’t shooting as you could not raycast to | | |
| |and empty space. | | |
| | | | |
| |I guess it is not a problem as it doesn’t | | |
| |interfere with the game and I can’t see why | | |
| |someone would need to shoot to an empty | | |
| |space. The problem has been noted by one of | | |
| |the players. | | |
|Low |PC shoot script has been left active after |Added a line to disable static Boolean in a pc |Solution has been |
| |the being activated for the door 2 puzzle, |shoot script after the player reaches certain |implemented within |
| |when player were trying to click on the |point in the game. |timescale |
| |crane control explanation console bullets | | |
| |were being shot. | | |

All of the mentioned issues above have happened during the first stages of the development when the issues have been addressed and fixed. It was much easier during the later stages of development and not many issues arose as all the problem have been know and did not cause the problems worth mentioning.
Conclusion & Critical Reflection

The initial idea has changed a lot since the module has been started and only very few little pieces have been left out from an original idea but that did not stop the development and a great game has been developed out of experimentation on paper and in unity. To achieve perfection only one key function of the game has not been achieved which was gravity gun, by having that the game would have been complete but it is great as it is. The knowledge of coding and certain areas of the development has certainly improved. The overall project goal has been achieved and the game has been completed from the start to the end rendering this project as a success.


Appendix A Files on the .rar package

CapsuleMan – WebPlayer > capsule.html, UnityObject.js, WebPlayer.unity3d.
Level Maps > Overground.JPG, Underground.JPG.

Appendix B Level Walkthrough

Refer to Dynamic Event Planning part all the events have been explained with the solutions to them

Appendix C Some Early Idea Sketches

Some moving Platforms and a Crane Pit Puzzle
Showing “Rigibody Box Puzzle”, Firewall and Fuse door control puzzles

Plug the leak, lava pouring out and you hold a platform above your head, the initial concepte546

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