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Submitted By DXJeffery
Words 1770
Pages 8
The rising of the E-Sports and the influence to our society

Submit to: Robb.W.Hanson (Instructor of NAIT)
Submitted by: Jeffery Ding

August 15, 2015

Attention: Robb.W.Hanson
NAIT Business Department
11762 106 Street Edmonton, AB T5G 2R1

Dear Mr. Robb:

As a request to compose an elementary report I found huge interest on E-Sports. Please allow me to do the research about E-Sports.
My report will mainly cover: 1. Explanation/meaning of the E-Sports 2. History of the E-Sports 3. Influence on society
I hope you can approve me to do search on such area and help me with the problem may come up with.


Jeffery Ding

Thank Brendan McGee AKA “Mcscarg” pro player of Dawngate for providing some vital information and his personal experience

Table of Context: The origin of the word E-Sports and explanation---Page.1 History of the E-Sports---Page.2-3 Forms and major activities of the E-Sports---Page.4-5 Influence of the E-Sports---Page. 5-6 Personal opinion& conclusion and the future prediction of the E-Sports---Page.7-8

List of the Figures

Figure1 (The International, an annual Dota 2 tournament, n.d) --- Page.1
Figure2 (Attendees of the 1981 Space Invaders Championship attempt to set the highest score, n.d) --- Page.2
Figure3 (Esports tournament prize amounts, 1998–2014,n.d)

This report will show you the origin of the E-Sports and how it’s rising &how it’s affecting our society step by step. Including some personal opinions and interviews from pro players this report also predicts the trend of the E-Sport and influence on the younger generation.

Talking of sports some people may have Super Bowl and NBA come up to their mind some may think of Olympics but for more and more young people the word E-Sport is what they dream and what they are fighting for. So what is E-Sport and how does it influence millions of people. This report will answer all the questions and take you to an exciting world built over decades.
Esports also known as eSports, e-sports, electronic sports is a term for organized multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players.

The International, an annual Dota 2 tournament

In 2013, it was estimated that approximately 71,500.000 people worldwide watched E-sports(Philippa, w. 2014 ). Geographically, E-Sports competitions have their roots in developed countries. South Korea has the best established eSports organizations, officially licensing pro-gamers since the year 2000 (KeSPA, 2013). Along with South Korea, most completions take place in Europe, North America and China. Demographically, Major League Gaming has reported viewership of the E-Sports is approximately 85% male and 15 female, with 60% of viewers between the aged of 18 and 34.(GameSpot, 2012)
The earliest known video game competition took place on October 19, 1972 at Stanford University for the game Spacewar. Standford students were invited to an “intergalactic spacewar olympics” whose grand prize was a year’s subscription for Rolling Stone. (Owen, G. 2012)

Attendees of the 1981 Space Invaders Championship attempt to set the highest score.

During the 1970s and 1980s, video game players and tournaments begun being featured in popular newspapers and magazines including Life and Time (Michael, B. 2012). One of the most well known classic arcade game players is Billy Mitchell, for his listing as holding the records for high scores in six games including Pac-Man and Donkey Kong in the 1985 issue of the Guinness Book of World Records (Ramsey, D. 2008). Televised eSports events aired during this period included the American show Starcade which ran between 1982 and 1984 airing a total of 133 episodes, on which contestants would attempt to beat each other's high scores on an arcade game (Plunkett, L. 2011). A video game tournament was included as part of TV show That's Incredible!, and tournaments were also featured as part of the plot of various films, including 1982's Tron. (Ebert, R. 1982)
In the 1990s, many games benefited from increasing internet connectivity, especially PC games. For example, the 1988 game Netrek was an Internet game for up to 16 players, written almost entirely in cross-platform open source software. Netrek was the third Internet game, the first Internet team game, (,2012) the first Internet game to use metaservers to locate open game servers, and the first to have persistent user information. In 1993 it was credited by Wired Magazine as "the first online sports game". (Kevin, K. 1993)
Since 2000, E-Sports ushered in his golden age. E-Sports has gone through tremendous growth, incurring a large increase in both viewership and prize money.(Patrick, M. 2010) (Gaudiosi, J. 2014)Although large tournaments were founded before the 21st century, the number and scope of tournaments has increased significantly, going from about 10 tournaments in 2000 to about 260 in 2010.(Ben, P. 2013) Many successful tournaments were founded during this period, including the World Cyber Games, the Intel Extreme Masters, and Major League Gaming. The proliferation of tournaments included experimentation with competitions outside traditional eSports genres. For example, the September 2006 FUN Technologies Worldwide Webgames Championship featured 71 contestants competing in casual games for a $1 million grand prize.(Tim, S. 2006)

Esports tournament prize amounts, 1998–2014
Physical viewership of eSports competitions and the scope of events have increased in tandem with the growth of online viewership. In 2013 the Season 3 League of Legends World Championship was held in a sold-out Staples Center.(“, n.d”) The 2014 League of Legends World Championship in Seoul, South Korea had over 40,000 fans in attendance and featured the band Imagine Dragons, and opening and closing ceremonies in addition to the competition.(Magrino, T. 2014)
“When you watching professional players playing on the word stage with thousands of players in the same hall as long as long millions of players watching online, you just feel the blood is burning in your vain. You just can’t help shouting and crying for the plays they are making” says “mcscrag” aka Brendan McGee Professional player of Dawngate. He also pointed out “as been one of them I just felt I am being noticed by thousands of people I am feeling like a shiny star” “Video games change my life it makes my happy it even become my second job”. E-Sports changed lots of people’s life. The professional gamers, or "pro gamers", are often associated with gaming teams and/or broader gaming associations. In addition to prize money from tournament wins, players may also be paid a separate team salary. Team sponsorship may cover tournament travel expenses or gaming hardware. Prominent esports sponsors include companies such as Razer.(Brent, R. 2013) Associations include the Korean e-Sports Association, the International eSport Federation (IeSF) and the United Kingdom eSports Association, a member of IeSF. Players who stream online can also make huge amount of money. Streamers who meet the requirements of follow:1.Average concurrent viewership of 500+ (not just a one-time peak)2.Regular broadcast schedule of at least 3 times a week3.Content that conforms to our Terms of Service and DMCA Guidelines(“, n.d”) can sign a partnership with Twitch which means you earn money from broadcasting online. It’s a fixed contract money every month all the donations from the viewers and every other subscribe money comes directly to streamers themselves. One popular streamer can make over 3000 dollars per month.
Despite all the good parts of E-sports, it also has its own concern. One meta-analytic review of pathological gaming studies concluded that about 3.0% of gamers may experience some symptoms of pathological gaming.( Ferguson, C.J.; M. Coulson; J. Barnett Griffiths. 2011) The report noted problems in the field with defining and measuring pathological gaming and concluded that pathological gaming behaviors were more likely the product of underlying mental health problems rather than the inverse. Most of gamers cocooning more, socializing less at home (University of Toronto, 2004)Many of the gamers couldn’t finish their schools or couldn’t find a job after graduation.
E-Sports is becoming more and more popular among younger generation, it creates a new kind of platform where people can communicate by playing games talking and watching games online. It’s rising with the explanation of internet and bring us prosperity of the Internet long with the economics, but it also has the problem with the Internet abusing. Like everything has pros and cons, I believe E-Sports will continue rise until it is accepted by everyone as a common sports.

Philippa Warr (9 April 2014). "eSports in numbers: Five mind-blowing stats".
Retrieved from “”
"History of Korea e-Sports Association 1999–2004" (in Korean). KeSPA.
Retrieved from “”
"Major League Gaming reports COWS GO MOO 334 percent growth in live video". Retrieved from “”
Owen Good (19 Oct 2012). "Today is the 40th Anniversary of the World's First Known Video Gaming Tournament".
Retrieved from “Kotaku”.
Michael Borowy (2012). "3". Public Gaming: eSport and Event Marketing in the Experience Economy (PDF) (Thesis).
Retrieved from “”
Ramsey, David. "The Perfect Man: How Billy Mitchell became a video-game superstar and achieved Pac-Man bliss.".
Retrieved from “”.
Plunkett, Luke (June 14, 2011). "Arcades Don't Make for Good TV (But Starcades do)". Retrieved from “Kotaku”.
Ebert, Roger (January 1, 1982). "TRON".
Retrieved from"GameSpotting 20XX, Page 7".
Kevin Kelly (Dec 1993). "The First Online Sports Game".
Retrieved from “”.
Patrick Miller (29 Dec 2010). "2011: The Year of eSports".
Retrieved from “PCWorld”
Gaudiosi, John (12 February 2014). "'Ender's Game' Blu-ray gets ESports tournament".. Retrieved from “Chicago Tribune”
Ben Popper (30 Sep 2013). "Field of streams: how Twitch made video games a spectator sport".
Retrieved from “TheVerge”.
Tim Surette (11 Sep 2006). "Casual gamer gets serious prize".
Retrieved from “”
Retrieved from
Magrino, Tom. "Welcome to the League of Legends 2014 World Championship!"
Brent Ruiz (3 Feb 2013). "Interview with Razer's global e-sports manager: The business behind sponsoring teams".
Retrieved from “ESFI World” Retrieved from Ferguson, C.J.; M. Coulson; J. Barnett Griffiths (2011). "Video Game Addiction". Journal of Psychiatric Research 45 (12): 1573–1576. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2011.09.005.
University of Toronto 2004-06-23

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