...FOR INDOOR SITES.Select the RBS product name as RBS6201V2W, Check box Support system control, leave Climate system as standard, Fill in Cabinet product data information found on cabinet tag and for Sector options select RBB11_1A for Radio building block and Ex2 for Line rate, click Next.FOR OUTDOOR SITES.Select the RBS product name as RBS6102W, Check box Support system control, leave Climate system as standard, Fill in Cabinet product data information found on cabinet tag. Note: Cabinet product data information must match with the information found on the tag. Not writing the same could raise HW Missmatch alarm on the node.While configuring DUW PCS, select RBB11_1A for Radio building block, for Line rate select Ex2. and click Next.Later, While configuring DUW AWS, select RBB22_4B for Radio building block, for Line rate select Ex2.and click Next.(new screenshots for DUW PCS and DUW AWS are needed here ) | Select No. of PDU 3, check Configure power supply, select No. of PSU 4, and check Configure battery backup, select Battery type TYPE01, click Next.Configure DUW PCS according to the required configuration and Click Next.Example:DUW: Unit Number 1, Port Number 1, Hub Position B1EXTNODE: Unit Number 2, Port Number 1, Hub Position A5 (for DUW AWS)EXTNODE: Unit Number 3, Port Number 1, Hub Position A6 (for DUG)EXTNODE: Unit Number 4, Port Number 1, Hub Position A7 (for DUL)(new screenshots for DUW PCS and DUW AWS are needed here ) | Leave Ethernet link IP addresses...
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...Homework Assignment Student: Guilherme Henrique Domingos de Franco LAB Section: 044 Access ID number: 004520890 Assignment 3a – Describe how the two-point discrimination experiment was conducted and the results What materials were used? One caliper, one ruler and notes sheet. How many participants (number of students who responded to the caliper touches)? 6 students. Explain what the experimenter did. The classroom was divided into 6 groups of 4 students in each group. Student number 1: responsible for feeling the sting of the caliper. Student number 2: responsible for sticking the student number 1. Student number 3: responsible for write down the results. Student number 4: moral support. Experiment: the student number 1 extended his arm to receive the nudge without seeing how many points the student number 2 was using. The student number 2 chooses the distances between the points and if he would poke finger or forearm randomly so that the student number 1 would not be influenced by the order of the distances. The student number 3 wrote if the student number 1 felt one point or two. State the percentage of participants who felt two points at each of the six distances on the finger. 0.0 cm - 0% 0.5 cm - 80% 1.0 cm - 100% 1.5 cm - 100% 3.0 cm - 100% 5.0 cm - 100% State the percentage of participants who felt two points at each of the six distances on the forearm. 0.0 cm - 0% 0.5 cm - 20% 1.0 cm - 20% 1.5 cm - 60% 3.0...
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...Memento assignment The structure What we see beneath is how the parts that is coloured in the movie is played. The dots are where the scenes start and stop, and the green numbers above the arrows is scenes. We start at the end of the movie at dot number 2 and then we see scene number 1 which ends at dot number 1. Afterwards we see the first black/white part of the movie. The black/white parts are played in chronological order. After we have seen the first black/white part we jump to dot number three and watch scene number 2 which ends at dot number two. After seeing scene number two we watch the second black/white part. Then we jump to dot number 4 and so on. The real chronological order would be to first see all the black/white scenes in the movie in the order we see in the movie. Afterwards we would see scene 7, then scene 6 and so on until we have seen the last scene, the scene the movie started with. Because of this structure of the movie you need to follow closely or you need to know before you watch the movie how it works or else it can be very confusing. It also demands from the viewer that he/she notices the little things that happens for example when we see Sammy Jenkins at the institution and when someone walks by and suddenly it is Lenny sitting in the chair. As a viewer you also need to know when we deal with flashbacks and when we just jumped one scene back. Through the story we kind of experience how it feels to suffer from short-term memory loss like Lenny...
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...[CFA] 我的CFA考试历程(仅供回答有关疑问) [复制链接] 在坛子里这么长时间,也下载了很多有用的资料,其中大部分现金都是通过回答这里的问题挣到的,因此在现金已经充足的情况下,也突然想写篇文章,总结一下自己考CFA 的历程,希望对正在或即将准备参加考试的同学有所帮助,也是感谢这里的朋友让我回答了很多问题 我是从2001年8月到香港学习的时候才知道有这个CFA考试的,以前只知道CPA(自己确实很闭塞,如果早知道,可能就早考了),于是就毫不犹豫的决定立刻开始这段感情,毅然的报名了2002年6月的考试。现在已经记不清楚当时交了一共多少的注册费和考试费,但是后来CFAI和学校有个协议,有一个首次参加考试的学生的奖学金,可以退还150美元的注册费,因为成绩不错,所以就成功的申请到了这个奖金,算是把注册费用拿了回来。(虽然如此,到现在还是很怀疑一下CFAI到底是不是非盈利组织,因为越来越有迹象表明,CFAI很能赚钱) 言归正传,还是说一下考试的准备。报名以后,首个工作也是到处搜索一下有关的论坛,看看前辈们的考试心得和应试技巧,最重要的是知道了有notes这个东西,当时好像是2家机构出复习材料,一个就是schewer notes(不知道拼的对不对),另外一家的名字已经忘了,现在看估计schewer已经是主流了。辗转反复,竟然也让我打听到了在香港卖复印材料的地址,于是毫不犹豫的去买了一套回来。 一级考试的东西除了ethic以外,大部分都已经学过了,因为对金融感兴趣,所以选的课金融的也比较多,又是理工科出身,所以向 statistics, accouting,financial statement analysis, micro and macro ecnomics的内容都比较熟悉了。复习起来当时看notes 就可以了,没有再去找推荐的教材看。但是ethics还是费了很多的力气,因为完全不懂,看了一遍,也云里雾里不知所云,但是发现做题还可以。(汗一个,典型的应试教育的后果)。于是从图书馆借来这本书,从头到尾的读了几遍,才开始逐渐明白到底说的是啥意思。 一级的考试内容现在也记不清楚了,但感觉就是覆盖面大,深度不深,应该就是考察知识广度的一个考试,因此对没有金融背景的同学要难些,因为短时间内掌握很多知识点还是不容易的。对于有背景的就容易多了,很多东西就是重点加强,突破难点而已。 我虽然属于做题快的,但是CFA考试还是感觉较紧张的量,题比较大,要对考点非常熟悉。当然,现在考试的人越来越多,不排除CFAI为了控制通过率,有关题目考试角度向**的方向发展。总之,一级的考试重点应该是知识的广度和熟悉程度。另外,ethics也是考试的重点,因为对我们来说是第一次接触这个概念(可能这也是资本主义落后于社会主义的原因,职业道德还要专门学习?)(待续) 因为这个帖子目前太长了,所以有朋友建议最好在首页更新,于是这次就尝试一下首页更新。关于考试其实说的已经足够多了,剩下的就是大家按部就班,坚持下来了,没什么可以再多说的了,无非是如何解决考试复习和个人的时间安排,如何能够把心静下来,安心读书的问题。考CFA并不是急功近利的事情,如果按炒股票来说,就是一个长期投资,这种价值是潜移默化的;如果期望CFA通过就可以立刻带来涨停板一样,那你一定会非常失望的。关于我们的培训班,发展的非常顺利,为了给大家带来更多的帮助,争取每半个月都举办一次免费的活动,也就是论坛的公开课,目前已经举办两次了,虽然人数不多,但只要有人参加,我们就会坚持...
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...Symbols of faith final paper Biblical Numerology Backstage | The world is composed of complicated mathematics. We often speak of its ability to expose and explain a number of beliefs and scientific happenings. Truth is, it has found itself to be both the ‘chicken and the egg’ to most arguments. Numerical significance can be both a proof, demonstration of an idea, or it can be the reason for the thought, concept, or philosophy. By definition, scholars believe that numerology is the placing of meaning on numbers in the Scriptures. Numerology is by no means restricted to Christianity, even though we choose to make it our focus for the purpose of this paper. Numerology attempts to explain the reason why God used numbers as he did, and what he was potentially trying to tell us. Thorough analysis and interpretation efforts have taken place along the years, in other to find meaning behind this scientific, most often philosophical, symbol use. “The Pythagoreans made number games philosophically respectable, and the great authority of Plato raised mathematics into theological realms. But at the lowest level, numbers remained magical.” The fall of the Roman Empire, caused a challenging transition for many, especially in terms of religion. From Paganism to Christianity, many had to look for a meaning, and be convinced, or understand, regardless of doubts that a new religion was to emerge. The early years of Christianity revolved around strong thinkers who were...
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...Denielle Ma. Kiana P. Celestra January 30, 2013 ECE 101 English Communication 2 “Click” Plot: Michael Newman, a workaholic architect is married to Donna, his long-time partner and blessed with two children, Samantha and Ben. He’s an architect who is always pressured regarding with his works. He acts like this because he wants to give the things he haven’t before. That’s why he has little time to be with his family and just simply work to raise them up. The story starts when he’s looking for a universal remote control in Bed Bath & Beyond. Michael is out of himself and suddenly, he falls asleep in a bed and he proceeds to a section called “Beyond.” He sees there an old man and was named Morty. Without asking what Michael is looking for, this old man gives him a universal remote control and warns him that it can never be return to him. When he found out that the universal remote control the old man said him, it’s actually to control the universe, regarding by time. You can play, mute, delete, pause, slow motion, fast forward, skip and rewind. He went back to the section called Beyond and chats with the old man. And that’s the time when he uses the button fast forward, his body is in “auto-pilot,” meaning his mind skips but his body does the everyday routine. As time passes by, he sees into the control that he’ll be promoted and as usual he skips the time. And it ends up by skipping years. He misses a lot of memorable things such as the death...
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...The first Study Habits Inventory (SHI) was prepared in 1933 by Wrenn, with a view to survey this feature among students. In 1935 research workers interested in the improvement of study habits, they paid attention to the discovery of effective study techniques and tried to improve study skills and habits of work through ‘how to study’ courses and other systematic procedures. Cuff (1937) carefully derived study-habits inventory and found that it aids in finding the pupils in need of special guidance and helps to identify remedial work for the good and bad study habits of individual cases. Brown and Holtzman (1955) constructed a questionnaire to survey students ‘study habits', as well as their attitudes and motivation towards academic work. Items were compiled from group interviews with good and poor students, existing inventories on study habits, studies using observational and interview techniques and reports on related experiments in the field of learning. Scoring keys based on validity studies in ten colleges were developed. Study habits basically consist of effective methods of study (Sorenson, 1954). Study is the total of all the habits, determined purposes and enforced practices that the individual uses in order to learn. Study is hard work, no easy substitute is available (Armstrong, 1956), Brown and Holtzman (1956) and Srivastava (1967) point out that for good academic success, good study habits and attitudes are important. Some reports stress that certain personality characteristics...
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...In the movie District 9 (Blomkamp, 2009) there was several ethical issues of significance for trans humanism. The issues that was created in the movie was if it was permissible to give a normal human being superhuman powers even when they are forced against their will, under what circumstances humans will be accepting of trans humans or post humans, and what roles space colonization and extraterrestrial encounter may play in the future of humanity. The movie shows an encounter between both humanity and extraterrestrials. The two civilization forms a standard issue war between two different worlds. Whenever violence breaks out, it is limited to localized police operations, insurgencies, and crimes, not focused efforts at extermination. (Baum, 2009) The movie gives you a good guess about which civilization you should be going for and it also tells you about where they began and when one ends. District 9 is about a man named Wiku van de Merwe, who is a young white African corporate bureaucrat that is in charge of the “Multination United” and the “Department of Alien Affairs”. His job was to evict a large ship full of non-humans also known as the aliens that was found malnourished and weary from travel away from their home to District 9 to an alien relocation camp which was located 200 kilometers from Johannesburg. After three months since the non-humans been on earth 1 million of the non-humans were ferried by city officials from their mother ship to a temporary camp that was...
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...Elysium is a sci-fi film directed by Neill Blomkamp, best known for his academy award nominated film “District 9”. Set in a remote future of year 2154, a luxurious space station is built for the very wealthy and powerful people, while the devastated earth has become a home for the rest of the poor. Equipped with advanced healthcare system that can cure almost everything, “Elysium” is the place the earth citizens have always been longed for. Max, played by Matt Damon, after exposed to the deadly radiation by accident, decides to take on a journey to the Elysium and makes the system legal for all earth citizens to use, which can save not only his life, but millions of others. The film starts with a series of flashback about Max’s childhood, revealing Max’s early dream of going to Elysium, which leads to his courageous decision of taking the mission to the Elysium. Metaphor and sarcasm, once elaborately used in the director’s “District 9”, show up again in his latest “Elysium”. The theme embedded within the movie reflects a long existing debate about American’s healthcare system and the immigrants issue. While the visual effect and the idea of the future world are creative and impressive, one weakness I found in this film is that the shot of fight scenes seems to sway too much, which makes the audience dizzy and therefore, simply fails to capture their attentions. I particularly enjoy watching movies with a mixture of action, science fiction and suspense, such as Inception...
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...definitely hates Beethoven, but at the end like Christoph, She eventually saw the brighter side of a person. 3. When and where was the story set? It was Monday, March 26, 1827. The story happened in the house of Christoph. 4. Who was your favorite character in the movie? Why? Beethoven, actually from the start, I don’t like him. He looks weird and acted strange, although that’s my first impression. As the story goes by, I started liking him, just like Christoph, at first he don’t like him. But at the time goes by, I’ve knowing him deeper and in the end of the story I was really amaze of his work. Even though he couldn’t hear, he didn’t stop or quit music. His music moves me. And even though that’s my first time to Hear the 9 symphony, I can tell that this music was...
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...Lee Ann Wheeler Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility Soc120 Tirizia Lorene Even though During the modernist movement, Artistic an writers sought liberate their imagination from tradtional forms of artistic an literary express that goverened European cultural life since the Renasissance , the british was behind the times when it came to womens equal rights because When Female militant actually took her life as means of protest, by throwing herself under the kings horses , Women did not have equal rights within the British democracy , and women were influenced by the American an French Revolution and began to protest their equal rights . the british was behind the times when it came to womens equal rights because When Female militant actually took her life as means of protest, by throwing herself under the kings horses . Women did not have equal rights within the British democracy . the british was behind the times when it came to womens equal rightsis women were influenced by the American an French Revolution and began to protest their equal rights . During the modernist movement, Artistic an writers sought liberate their imagination from tradtional forms of artistic an literary express that goverened European cultural life since the Renasissance , the british was behind the times when it came to womens equal rights . I found that the most interesting topic was that British democracy was behind times when it came to women’s equal rights. Woman...
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...Critique paper From Director Neill Blomkamp, District 9 is a brash and sharp tale of extraterrestrial refugees stuck in contemporary South Africa. For about 20 years the mother ship made contact with the humans and they came peacefully. Instead of them being the superior race and being capable of advancing our society, they were treated as refugees. They were the last of their kind and in order to accommodate the government made District 9 (a trash filled area) their makeshift home. As the humans found themselves became wary of the intruders they called for Multi-National United (MNU) is assigned the task of controlling the aliens. However, MNU is not interested in the welfare of the aliens but instead worried about their weaponry. To do so the advanced weaponry requires alien DNA to be activated. One of their field agents WIkus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley) is exposed to DNA altering biotechnology. He then became ostracized and isolated just as the aliens in district 9. Wilkus started out as an enemy to the the aliens, however he then became the protagonist. This science fiction movie is different due to making the aliens the underdogs. Unlike usually being the superior, earth threat. When every approached with something the humans do not know it is going to be followed by fear. We as the audience got to see the fear of both sides through Wilkus. As he was trying to contain the aliens, they got treated like second class citizens or even worse by manipulating them with cat...
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...Concert Review 1– Ludwig van Beethoven, Symphony No 9 Concert realized in Berlin on “The Berlin Celebration Concert”, a celebration for the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989. The concert was realized in the same year, on Christmas day. Conducted by Leonard Bernstein, famous American conductor and composer, along with musicians from the most important orchestras in the world. Bernstein performed Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, Beethoven who was Germany. This symphony is considered the greatest work from Beethoven, your most-know work and one of the greatest works from classical era. My choice was this symphony because of all history and rumors about 7 years that Beethoven worked to finish this work. Experts say that work was the first try to add a vocal in a symphony, and contain a melody that foreshadows "Ode to Joy" from Mozart. I usually listen classics music to practice sports because the emotion makes me...
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...| CHEW MINGNEE 810979169 SEC 03 | | CHEW MINGNEE 810979169 SEC 03 | Technology Guide 1 1. Which of the following memory capacity is incorrect? A. **Gigabyte = 1 trillion bytes ** B. Megabyte = 1 million bytes C. Kilobyte = approximately 1000 bytes D. Petabyte is approximately 1000 terabytes E. Zettabyte is approximately 1000 exabytesTechnology Guide1 page 383 2. Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of secondary storage?A. It is nonvolatileB.**It can store 3 types of information for very brief period of time **C. It is cheaper than primary storageD. It consists of a variety of media, each with its own technologyE. It usually take longer time to retrieve data from it than from RAM Technology Guide1 page 384 | CHEW MINGNEE 810979169 SEC 03 | | CHEW MINGNEE 810979169 SEC 03 | | | CHEW MINGNEE 810979169 SEC 03 | | CHANG JIE 074772698 SEC 03 | Chapter 1 1. Iowa State University sets up an online information system that could submit and record students grade via blackboard is an example of: A. ERP B. TRPS C. CRM D. FAISs E. **Intranet**Chapter 1 page 17 2. Which of following is not called information technology component? A. Network B. **Procedures** C. Software D. Database E. Hardware ...
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...Tumour markers at a glance Site Tumour marker Sample type Turnaround time Site Tumour marker Sample type Turnaround time Oesophagus CA 19-9 CEA SCC serum serum serum 4 hours 4 hours 4 days Thyroid CEA NSE Thyroglobulin Calcitonin serum 4 hours serum 10 days serum 4 hours 1ml 5 days Frozen serum Site Tumour marker Sample type Turnaround time Bronchial/ Lung NSE SCC CEA Cyfra 21-1 TPA serum serum serum serum serum 10 days 4 days 4 hours 7 days 3 days Site Tumour marker Sample type Turnaround time Breast BRCA 1/ 2 CA 15-3 CEA EDTA serum serum 6 weeks 4 hours 4 hours Site Tumour marker Sample type Turnaround time Site Tumour marker Sample type Turnaround time Bile duct CA19-9 CEA CA 72-4 serum serum serum 4 hours 4 hours 5 days Liver AFP CEA Ferritin serum serum serum 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours Site Tumour marker Sample type Turnaround time Site Tumour marker Sample type Turnaround time Pancreas CA19-9 CEA serum serum 4 hours 4 hours Gastro- CEA intestine CA 19-9 CA 72-4 serum serum serum 4 hours 4 hours 5 days Site Tumour marker Sample type Turnaround time Carcinoid 5-HIAA 24 hour 4 days urine/ acidified Site Tumour marker Sample type Turnaround time Ovary NEW Site Tumour marker Sample type Turnaround time CA 125 CA 15-3 HE4 AFP serum serum serum serum 4 hours 4 hours 4...
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