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Endometriosis In Women

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“But I had to think to myself that this was normal, because that was the attitude. I was 19 when I went to see my doctor and I was told it was all in the mind.” By Hilary Mantel. People go years without being heard that something was wrong. This is a condition where pain gets unbearable and terrible, but women are told there is nothing to do about it since it is only in the women’s head. Doctors look over the simple reason for women’s pain during their menstrual cycle. Recognizing endometriosis can hugely benefit the women who suffer on an everyday basis. To start with, endometriosis is often known as a painful disorder. It is where the tissue from the inside of the uterus, the endometrium, starts growing on the outside. It grows on the ovaries, …show more content…
One of the major problems occur is infertility. Severe endometriosis causes pelvic scarring. The tube can be damaged or blocked and due to the ovaries containing cysts. In some cases, the eggs in the ovaries can be damaged from scarring or cysts, decreased egg quantity and quality. Doctors say to not put off having children because this may worsen over the years. According to Endometriosis: from identification to management (Quadrant Healthcom, Inc. , 2017)“Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent disorder, predominantly affecting women of childbearing age. It occurs in 10% to 15% of the general female population, but prevalence is even higher (35% to 50%) among women who experience pelvic pain and/or infertility. (1-4) Although endometriosis mainly affects women in their mid-to-late 20s, it can also manifest in adolescence.” Another problem that doctors see is ovarian cancer. Since endometriosis is the reason for infertility in women who cannot conceive, the doctors believe that the lack of having children, conceiving and giving birth is protection against ovarian cancer. Doctors are not positive to how these relate but women are at a higher risk for ovarian cancer, hematopoietic cancer (non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma), and breast cancer. Early detection can help prevent these cancers by having a doctor evaluate the change and monitor it to make sure that it is not getting …show more content…
If the pain continues or if difficulties finding a treatment, people can try measures at home to relieve the discomfort. People have luck with warm baths or heating pads, the heat helps with relaxing pelvic muscles resulting in reducing cramping and pain. Even regular exercise may help improve symptoms since it’s a form of relaxation for some women. Even having people to talk to about this can help women feel better, knowing they are not alone. Knowing people have the same experiences or at least know what is happening, having someone who relates and trying not to explain it to people who have no idea is easier to talk about complications or fertility problems or just about the disease. Joining a support group can be very beneficial for many

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