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Eve Vs Metropolis

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Metropolis also shows the destruction of the barrier between man and machine through the machines that power the city. The machines represent the evil in the city, and the lack of communication between the upper and lower classes. The machinery that powers the city almost forms a character in and of itself. It consumes the workers as a predator, but it also forms the heart of the city. Metropolis’ machines are almost living and breathing, but only through its destruction is rebuilding able to start. The machines consume the workers and almost forms a gaping maw swallowing up the workers whole in order to fuel the city. In contrast to Tomorrow’s Eve, Metropolis portrays the machine being evil in and of itself, albeit a necessary one. The boundary …show more content…
Wikipedia for example has an unofficial mascot known simply as Wikipe-tan. Wikipe-tan was created by a Wikipedia editor known as Kasuga and looks like a young blue-haired girl drawn in an anime style and has a maid’s outfit with a white puzzle piece, taken from Wikipedia’s logo. Wikipedia quickly adopted Wikipe-tan an official capacity, using her image as the official mascot for the Anime and Manga section of Wikiproject and many other Wikipedia users have put Wikipe-tan on their User pages and in other places on the internet. Other people have created their own personifications of websites, from Moezilla, a personification Mozilla’s software, to Hikaru Aizawa, a fan-created personification of Microsoft Silverlight that Microsoft Taiwan officially started promoting. Famously, performers now exist called vocaloids that are simply synthetically produced music using a piece of software called Vocaloid accompanied by a virtual projection of a “performer”, similar to La Stilla from Castle of the Carpathians. Vocaloids are given personalities by their fans and some even make comics or vidoes about these performers. These personifications create another path through the barrier between man and machine. Noramlly, websites are impersonal interfaces that users use to gather what they need. These unofficial mascots put a cute human face to associate with the website or software. Users who stumble upon these personficiations may associate these faces with the pieces of software they are supposed to

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