...As transportation in America has continued to evolve and expand in America the transportation policy has lacked the same evolvement and growth. Faced with an ever growing population and an economy that depends on transportation more than ever, American transportation network is based on a policy that has not been significantly updated since the 1950’s. With a policy that is so out of date it has become increasingly hard to secure funding to maintain and build new roads, this is where the issue of federalism arrives. Working with the federal, state and local government there has to be a solution to the transportation policy. The Transportation Policy as we know it today started as the Interstate program according to Shirayanagi, H., & Kitamura, Y. (2011) “in 1956 also called the 1956 Federal-Aid Highway Act, appropriated $25 billion (about $197 billion in 2009 dollars) to build 41,000 miles of multi-lane, limited access highways.” (p.253) While it was done to connect states and make it easier for economic center to connect it helped develop travel within cities themselves. These highways were built with 90 percent federal funding the only problem was that the local government did not get any money to improve the transportation systems. Fast-forward to August 2005 according to Shirayanagi, H., & Kitamura, Y. (2011) “ the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: (SAFETEA-LU) which is our current transportation policy signed by President George W. Bush...
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...Cachau Bant: Mind Your Language Through many years Great Britain has reigned and has been invincible, but on the cost of other people’s nativity. English became a widespread language, and everyone had to follow up. Which included the fall of other language and lives as they knew it. Soon everything they had known and built would be torn down, to build something knew. This resulted in feelings of mistreat, inequality and injustice. But are you supposed to just accept these changes, and abide the new rules? This is what Tom Law debates in his Article “Cachau Bant: Mind Your Language” from Sabotage Times website, December 17, 2013. This text centres about the fact that Britain has removed Welsh as the common language in Wales, and forced the English language on the people of Wales. This is of great disappointment for the writer Tom Law, even though he himself was born into the English Wales. Tom Law tries to create a picture for the reader, on how it would be if other countries experienced the same thing that happened to Wales, because ironically enough, England would never accept that kind of treatment. In his article, he uses history as a form of logos, given that the occurrence of what he is debating, has happened before. To do this, he has created to different kinds of parallels, or comparisons, to explain to the reader the dilemma that has happened in Wales. Firstly, he speaks of the time where Germany was on the edge of invading every single country with their language...
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...stalkChi Nguyen Ling 122 11/13/2012 Cross Talk The United States of America is a country with many states and a lot of cultures and groups of speakers. Because of that, people in America also have to deal with the different conversational styles of people from different cultural backgrounds every day. Conversation style includes how fast people talk, how loud people talk, the pitch of their voice, their intonation and many other ways of speaking. Crosstalk is a short video that gave examples of how people from different backgrounds, British English and Indian English speakers, could have problems interacting with each other due to both linguistic and cultural miscommunication. What one person thinks they are expressing is not necessarily what another person is interpreting. Crosstalk begins with “The Advice Centre Interview,” in which Mr. Aziz from India meets with a social worker to determine why Mr. Aziz has not been receiving his government unemployment benefits. During the interview, I can see the miscommunication between Mr. Aziz and the social worker is the cause of differences in cultural assumption and information packaging. People from different cultural backgrounds may tell different stories in different narrative styles and indicate their attitude in different ways. When Mr. Aziz goes for a job interview for unemployment and social security benefit, he feels ashamed and unconfident. Even though Mr. Aziz has no difficulty using English, he is unable to make...
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...Henry 8th The year is 1563, after the bloodshed of Mary’s reign, England is unified and united under the reign of Elizabeth I.1 With Protestantism taking hold, the English had truly embraced their religion, incorporating it as part of their national image. However, the High Church of England had a rough history. In the beginning it was never truly sure of its position or role in relation to Catholicism and other protestant faiths. It took nearly 40 years and 4 monarchs to solidify its stance and finalize the church doctrine. The reason for this instability was caused in part by the true nature of the schism. Unlike the reformations of the continent, the English Reformation was caused by political motives rather than differences in theology and clerical practices. It was all started off by Henry’s desire to marry Anne Boleyn, followed by the English courts desire to access the power and wealth of the church. Cementing the fact that the reformation was political, was how closely the High Church’s doctrine mimicked that of the Catholic Church. Henry had been married for 21 years to Catherine of Aragon and she had not been able to produce a male heir. Not only had they not conceived a male, they had struggled to conceive at all. ‘During their marriage, Catherine had given birth to 6 children. 2 were stillborn, 3 did not survive the first year and Mary, the only one to make it to adulthood, was frail and sickly.’2 In Henry’s mind it was integral to the continuation of the Tudor...
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...hallowed 62. show 63. weigh 64. slippery 65. cream 66. warm 67. jealous 68. label 69. continue 70. stingy 71. strip 72. month 73. cracker 74. famous 75. clumsy 76. damage 77. imported 78. attractive 79. jeans 80. scrape 81. frightening 82. brake 83. ripe 84. massive 85. river 86. valuable 87. flesh 88. arithmetic 89. note 90. sisters 91. marble 92. invincible 93. hair 94. stop 95. drunk 96. gun 97. imagine 98. cough 99. twist 100. pear 101. muscle 102. thundering 103. earthy 104. run 105. cap 106. ragged 107. discover 108. canvas 109. fortunate 110. vulgar 111. limit 112. stir 113. help 114. harass 115. afraid 116. weak 117. aberrant 118. foamy 119. idiotic 120. painstaking 121. last 122. purpose 123. actor 124. egg 125. legal 126. knee 127. cause 128. harsh 129. store 130. selective 131. bubble 132. zoom 133. yummy 134. evasive 135. open 136. potato 137. frame 138....
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...English as an Official Language of the United States Sheila Maloney ENG 122 English Compositions II Leonid Chernyak April 27, 2012 English as an Official Language of the United States The United States of America is almost 236 years old yet we do not have an official language. Should we designate an official language for our nation? The US is traditionally thought of as an English speaking country and our official language should reflect that tradition. When we think of Japan, we do not think the citizens will be speaking Russian. When we think about Germany, it is normal to think the German people will speak German. This issue has created a split in the public opinion; however, this researcher believes that the country will benefit by designating an official language. There are many views on this topic by both US citizens and illegal immigrants. The implications of making a decision to designate a language are far reaching for individual states and the nation as a whole. This research paper will cover the financial aspects of declaring an official language, the choice of what language should be the official language of the US, and the history of designating a language for the United States. This researcher discovered that because we do not have an officially designated language, there are many problems for this country. This country is made up of many people from many cultures that immigrate to it. These cultures speak many different languages, but per the...
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...He was convinced that “everything he said was wrong,” (110) which, of course, was not true but no doubt the aggressiveness of his teacher was enough to make him feel as such. The hyperbole language added to the resigned emotion that Sedaris was experiencing, allowing the reader to share in the sadness. Luckily, he was able to relate with his classmates; they had in common a feeling of compassion for each other and “took no comfort in the fact that, unlike Hyeyoon Cho, we all knew the irregular past tense of the verb to defeat,” (122). As the school year continued, the feeling that it was going to be “impossible to believe that any of us would ever improve,” (125) sunk in deeper and deeper. At one point, the teacher insulted Sedaris, maybe worse than she had previously; it was that moment that he realized he understood every word she had said and a huge sense of accomplishment overcame him. All at once, he had his ah-ha! moment and realized that while the teaching method was unorthodox and sometimes outright abusive and scary, through hard work and perseverance he had learned far more than he was cognizant of. He felt as though “the world opened up,” (137). He recognized that while he still had a lot of work to do to be able to speak French fluently, understanding was...
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...Spanish IV AP 2011-2012 Summer Assignment The activities in this assignment are meant to help me become familiar with your Spanish skills at this point. They will help you become familiar with the textbook, its Supersite and the WebSAM. You need to know how to use them by the beginning of the Fall semester. You’ll also do activities in the Barron’s AP Spanish book. If you encounter problems or know of situations that will keep you from submitting your work by the stated deadlines, you need to contact me at your earliest convenience. I will contact parents for verification. By July 16th. Write a reflection piece in English on your Spanish language skills and learning style. You may list your answers to the questions below or write a composition. Submit as a Word document to HYPERLINK "mailto:torres@ndhs.org" torres@ndhs.org. 1) In what areas do you do well in Spanish without putting out a great deal of effort? (You may address- listening comprehension, reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, spelling, accentuation, speaking, pronunciation, composing your thoughts clearly before writing or speaking, etc.) 2) In what area(s) do you do well in Spanish, after putting out a considerable amount of effort? 3) What types of activities help you learn more effectively? * Hearing others’ explanations and examples, * Reading numerous explanations of grammar or vocabulary items, * Writing diagrams, formulas or summaries of explanations...
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...ВЫСШЕЕ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЕ ОБРАЗОВ АНИЕ И. В. ЗЫКОВА ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЙ КУРС АНГЛИЙСКОЙ ЛЕКСИКОЛОГИИ A PRACTICAL COURSE IN ENGLISH LEXICOLOGY Рекомендовано Учебно методическим объединением по образованию в области лингвистики Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации в качестве учебного пособия для студентов лингвистических вузов и факультетов иностранных языков 2 е издание, исправленное УДК 802.0:801.3(075.8) ББК 81.2Англ 3 я73 З 966 Р е ц е н з е н т ы: доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры стилистики английского языка Московского государственного лингвистического университета Е. Г. Беляевская; доцент кафедры английского языка Московского государственного лингвистического университета Т. В. Тадевосян; кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры английского языка Московской государственной юридической академии А. В. Дорошенко Зыкова И.В. З 966 Практический курс английской лексикологии = A Practical Course in English Lexicology : учеб. пособие для студ. лингв. вузов и фак. ин. языков / Ирина Владимировна Зыкова. — 2 е изд., испр. — М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2007. — 288 c. ISBN 978 5 7695 4062 2 Учебное пособие охватывает всю программу курса лексикологии анг лийского языка. В нем рассматриваются важнейшие проблемы лексико логии в свете ведущих принципов современной лингвистики. Введение в теоретические проблемы курса осуществляется на фоне обобщающего описания основ лексического строя английского языка. Каждый раздел пособия снабжен вопросами...
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...English through drama for oral skills development Laura Miccoli This paper presents the results of an investigation into the value of using drama in a Brazilian university classroom. Drawing on Di Pietro (1987) and Via (1976) on the advantages of using drama in language learning, from Mezirow (1990) and Schön (1991) on the importance of reflection for promoting meaningful learning, and from Donato and McCormick (1994) and Lukinsky (1990) on the e¤ectiveness of portfolios as a tool to promote reflection, the paper presents a case study of the use of drama in an oral skill class, describing the course structure and classroom procedures. It includes learners’ voices as taken from their portfolios, and evaluates results, presenting setbacks and possible solutions. Finally, it encourages the use of drama and portfolios for transformative and emancipatory learning. Introduction As teachers we are always looking for ways to improve our classes and motivate our students. Yet, teaching conditions may not be as ideal as we would like them to be. Sometimes we get too many students; often they have di¤erent proficiency levels; sometimes both problems arise in the same class. This was my situation: I had to teach a conversation class where the level of proficiency of the 37 students ranged from basic to advanced. Knowing that a traditional format would not work, the experiences of interactionists like Di Pietro (1987) and the actor/teacher Via (1976) helped me decide to bring drama and...
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...Frequent Errors in English Grammar: Articles and Possessive Markers Keiko Muto-Humphrey 1. Introduction During past decade or so, The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has been making increasing efforts to shift the focus of EFL pedagogy from “correctness and accuracy” in English to “communicative ability” (MEXT 1998). In response to this, much emphasis has been placed on students’ ability to express themselves orally in class. This has, however, had the (undesired) effect of grammar and lexis being minimised in schools. We are now at a stage whereby the overwhelming majority of students enter universities with an insufficient knowledge of grammar and lexis. This paper will examine two error patterns committed by Japanese studying English as a second language: the genitive markers of/’s indicating possession; and the English article system a/an/the. The former is concerned with the misuse of the English preposition of, which I consider to originate in the L1. The analysis shown below manifests that it is difficult for Japanese students to distinguish between of and ’s: a comparison of this will ensue. The latter originates in the misuse/overgeneralisation of learning strategies: the usage of articles: a/an/the. The Japanese language lacks an article system, making this, “one of the greatest problems for Japanese learners [and this] is vividly revealed in the high frequency of mistakes,...” (Kimizuka 1968:78). After analysing the two...
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...THE ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE This page intentionally left blank THE ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SIXTH EDITION ± ± John Algeo ± ± ± ± ± Based on the original work of ± ± ± ± ± Thomas Pyles Australia • Brazil • Japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States The Origins and Development of the English Language: Sixth Edition John Algeo Publisher: Michael Rosenberg Development Editor: Joan Flaherty Assistant Editor: Megan Garvey Editorial Assistant: Rebekah Matthews Senior Media Editor: Cara Douglass-Graff Marketing Manager: Christina Shea Marketing Communications Manager: Beth Rodio Content Project Manager: Corinna Dibble Senior Art Director: Cate Rickard Barr Production Technology Analyst: Jamie MacLachlan Senior Print Buyer: Betsy Donaghey Rights Acquisitions Manager Text: Tim Sisler Production Service: Pre-Press PMG Rights Acquisitions Manager Image: Mandy Groszko Cover Designer: Susan Shapiro Cover Image: Kobal Collection Art Archive collection Dagli Orti Prayer with illuminated border, from c. 1480 Flemish manuscript Book of Hours of Philippe de Conrault, The Art Archive/ Bodleian Library Oxford © 2010, 2005 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including...
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...И. В. АРНОЛЬД Лексикология современного английского языка Издание третье, переработанное и дополненное Допущено Министерством высшего и среднего специального образования СССР в качестве учебника для студентов институтов и факультетов иностранных языков Сканирование, распознавание, проверка: Аркадий Куракин (ark # mksat. net), сен-2004. Орфография унифицирована к британской. Пропущены страницы: 50-53, 134-139, 152-161, 164-171, 201-202, 240-243 Москва «Высшая школа» 1986 Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.franklang.ru ББК 81.2 Англ-923 А 84 Рецензент: кафедра английской филологии Оренбургского государственного педагогического института им. В. П. Чкалова (зав. кафедрой д-р филол. наук Н. А. Шехтман) Арнольд И. В. А 84 Лексикология современного английского языка: Учеб. для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. — 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. — М.: Высш. шк., 1986. — 295 с., ил. — На англ. яз. Учебник посвящен слову как основной единице языка, его семантической и морфологической структуре, особенностям английского словообразования и фразеологии. Английская лексика рассматривается как непрерывно развивающаяся система. В 3-м издании (2-е—1973 г.) обновлен теоретический и иллюстративный материал, расширены главы, посвященные теории слова и семасиологии. А 4602010000—443 001(01)—86 215-86 ББК 81.2 Англ-923 4И (Англ) © Издательство «Высшая школа», 1973 © Издательство «Высшая школа», 1986, с изменениями Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.franklang.ru CONTENTS ...
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...1000 Cụm Từ Tiếng Anh Thong Dụng Nhất Mục lục | Table of contents A .....................................................................................................................................................................2 B......................................................................................................................................................................7 C......................................................................................................................................................................8 D ...................................................................................................................................................................13 E ....................................................................................................................................................................21 F ....................................................................................................................................................................22 G ...................................................................................................................................................................23 H ...................................................................................................................................................................25 I ............................................................................
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...Introduction to Literature‐I (History of English Literature‐I) Discipline English Cr. Hrs 3 Semester I Aims: One of the objectives of this course is to inform the readers about the influence of historical and socio-cultural events upon the production of literature. Although the scope of the course is quite expansive, the readers shall focus on early 14th to 19th century Romantic Movement. Histories of literature written by some British literary historians will be consulted to form some socio-cultural and political cross connections. In its broader spectrum, the course covers a reference to the multiple factors from economic theories to religious, philosophical and metaphysical debates that overlap in these literary works of diverse nature and time periods under multiple contexts. The reading of literature in this way i.e. within the sociocultural context will help the readers become aware of the fact that literary works are basically a referential product of the practice that goes back to continuous interdisciplinary interaction. Contents: • Medieval Period • Renaissance and Reformation • Elizabethan Period • Milton, the Metaphysical, and the Cavalier Poets • The Age of Reason and Neo-Classicism • Restoration Drama • Augustan Satire • The Rise of the Novel • Romanticism Recommended Readings: 1. Long, William J.: English Literature: Its History and Significance for the life of English speaking world, enlarged edition, 2006. 2. Evans, Ifor. A Short History of English Literature. London:...
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