...English – Empathic Response Essay In this empathic response, I will be giving an insight into one of the main characters’ feelings in the book “The Whale Rider” by Witi Ihimaera. This character is Kahu, Koro Apirana’s great-granddaughter. A deep emotional understanding of the text pages 100-102 shall be demonstrated in this text through her perspective. I must save the whale, my sacred ancestor; otherwise everyone that I love will perish. Daddy, Ana, Nani, Rawiri, Paka. Paka. Oh, Paka. I plunged into the agitated, frigid waters with only one thought in my mind. I have to take action. If the ancient one dies, every single one of us will disappear. That’s what Paka said. I really don’t know what to think. I can’t bear the thought that my dear Paka and my family would cease to exist. I don’t even care about my own fate – as long as they are safe, I’ll be happy. Everything that has happened so far, the two hundred sacred whales dying has led to this – the very whale that our ancestor rode thousands of years ago has decided to wash up on our shores. This time, he has the intention of self-slaughter, which basically means it’s a sign that we humans are all going to die. Right now, nobody is even trying to do something about it. Except for me. I, Kahutia Te Rangi, direct descendant of Paikea, won’t let this happen to my loved ones. I’m going to have to try and save Whangara by sacrificing myself to the whale. If the whale lives, we live. My line of vision narrowed down...
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...this influences how one’s may interpret their environment. As well as the choices they may make and the actions and reactions of their behavior. B. Being social is a critical to the human race and survival, to be interconnected as to be similar to a social environment. Which at time can be spontaneous and is vital to the human race and categories? 1. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology; Mar2012, Vol. 102 Issue 3, p562- 575, 14p 2. As one grows older from a child, the self-concept is developed to a mastered art or one may not have the proper training to master the art of self-concept, and behavioral science. IV. To assess one’s personal communications with improvement. A. Listening to others with the empathic and caring form of...
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...1111/j.1365-2648.2008.04831.x Abstract Title. Measurement of empathy in nursing research: systematic review. Aim. This paper is a report of a systematic review to identify, critique and synthesize nursing studies of the measurement of empathy in nursing research. Background. The profound impact of empathy on quality nursing care has been recognized. Reported empathy levels among nurses range from low to welldeveloped and there is clearly debate about what constitutes empathy and how it can be measured and improved. Data sources. Searches were made of the CINAHL, MEDLINE and PsycINFO databases, using the terms ‘empathy’, ‘tool’, ‘scale’, ‘measure’, ‘nurse’, and ‘nursing’, singly or in combination to identify literature published in the English language between 1987 and 2007. Methods. A systematic review was carried out. The included papers were critically reviewed, relevant data were extracted, and a narrative synthesis was conducted. Results. Thirty papers representing 29 studies met the inclusion criteria. Three types of studies were identified: descriptive studies (n = 12), studies of empathy and patient outcomes (n = 6), and evaluational studies (n = 11). Twenty...
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...Busines communications Week 1 Quiz 1 1. The accepted principles of conduct that govern behavior within a society are known as [pic]A) ethics. [pic]B) laws. [pic]C) social guidelines. [pic]D) none of the above. Feedback: Ethical behavior goes beyond the question of legal or illegal. It may be legal to appropriate the idea of a colleague as your own, but it is not ethical. |Points Earned: |5.0/5.0 | | |Correct Answer(s): |A | [pic] 2. To make your communication more effective, [pic]A) send the same messages by multiple channels. [pic]B) include as much information as possible, even if you're not sure it's necessary. [pic]C) clearly address your audience's wants and needs-not yours. [pic]D) do all of the above. Feedback: Audiences tend to tune out when they receive "me" messages. To make sure a message is heard and understood, focus it on the other person, not yourself. |Points Earned: |5.0/5.0 | | |Correct Answer(s): |C | [pic] 3. Which of the following is not a characteristic of effective business messages? [pic]A) They present the writer's opinions as facts. [pic]B) They state precise audience responsibilities. [pic]C) They highlight and summarize essential information. [pic]D) They provide practical information. Feedback: When stated, opinions should always be identified as opinions, and they should be supported by facts and other forms...
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...among a team. There are also more general issues with personal space and privacy; and then there are plain old personality conflicts.” In this reflective, observational and theory piece of essay, I will explore the topic of ‘Conflict’, as it is relevant to the organization in which I am working. I will include observations drawn from a fellow student’s workplace, and reflections on the process of undertaking the project. Also integrating the different aspects of my learning by adding relevant psychodynamic theory, to try and clarify my reflections and to make sense of this piece of work. Naturally, I will disguise the names of individuals and organizations for the purpose of confidentiality. Let me also add a little note to declare that English is not my first language. The process of undertaking the project was not an easy task. What was required for this compelling work was to explore the different professions our fellow classmates do, discus around availability, and arrange the observations. With the distinctive and fascinating professions apparent in my class, the choice was rather thought provoking. At first I was more attracted to centralize my project towards a fellow classmate working in a Parish, in order to gain better knowledge and...
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...Chapter One: Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study In today’s global world, the importance of English cannot be denied and ignored since English is the most common language spoken everywhere. Besides, English is a widely studied foreign language (Richards & Rodgers: 1995). So English is learned not only as a single language but also as a key medium of instruction to decide upon the students’ further life to be competent enough to cope with the 21century(Genenen: 2011). In the EFL context, language learning is seen as a process that requires opportunities for learners to participate in communication where making meaning is a primary goal. Reading is one of the language skills which students need to develop and the most important of all the four language skills. Students’ academic success and their language proficiency depend largely on their ability to read and comprehend the textbook and notes they receive in different subjects (Getachew: 1996). Though reading is not the only skill to be taught in the language classroom, it is definitely the most important for many ESL/EFL learners (Grabe2002). So, reading in a second or foreign language setting continues to have an increasingly important role. Traditionally, reading comprehension lessons have centered on a passage of text followed by questions. But the questions were usually designed to find out whether the students had understood, rather than to facilitate understanding. In other words, they were devices for testing...
Words: 5216 - Pages: 21
...hospital/PCT. This is a breach of confidentiality policy and by the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC 2008). I choose Asim Khan as my chosen patient because I found him polite, and his social history very interesting, he was easy to talk to, and he was open about his medical condition and willing to discuss any questions I had regarding his condition. I also found out about his medical history and social background. I really appreciated that despite his ill condition and the pain he was going through, he still took time out to talk to me. Asim is a 27 year-old Pakistani Muslim man. He was born in Iran and moved to Pakistan 15 years ago with his family as the family are originally from Pakistan. His main mother tongue is Urdu but does speak English, he sometimes can get confused whilst speaking to him but when you talk slowly and clear he will understand you. Asim is a single man and has 2 sisters that live in...
Words: 3059 - Pages: 13
...hospital/PCT. This is a breach of confidentiality policy and by the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC 2008). I choose Asim Khan as my chosen patient because I found him polite, and his social history very interesting, he was easy to talk to, and he was open about his medical condition and willing to discuss any questions I had regarding his condition. I also found out about his medical history and social background. I really appreciated that despite his ill condition and the pain he was going through, he still took time out to talk to me. Asim is a 27 year-old Pakistani Muslim man. He was born in Iran and moved to Pakistan 15 years ago with his family as the family are originally from Pakistan. His main mother tongue is Urdu but does speak English, he sometimes can get confused whilst speaking to him but when you talk slowly and clear he will understand you. Asim is a single man and has 2 sisters that live in Pakistan with their parents. He arrived in the UK 4 years ago on a Student Visa. He is currently working in a market stall...
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...CHALLENGES STUDENTS FACE IN LEARNING ESSAY WRITING SKILLS IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MANGA DISTRICT, NYAMIRA COUNTY, KENYA BY NYANG’AU BENARD NYASIMI E55/CE/14078/2009 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF EDUCATION IN THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION KENYATTA UNIVERSITY JULY 2013 * DECLARATION This thesis is my original work and has not been presented for degree in any other university. Signature: ______________________________ Date: ________________________ BY NYANG’AU BENARD NYASIMI E55/CE/14078/2009 We confirm that this thesis was carried out by the candidate under our supervision as university supervisors. Signature------------------------------------------------------ Date-------------------------- Dr .Sophia. Ndethiu. Department of Educational Communication and Technology. Kenyatta University. Signature------------------------------------------------------ Date------------------------- Dr. John. Kimemia. Department of Educational Communication and Technology. Kenyatta University. * DEDICATION This work is dedicated to my loving wife Zipporah Nyasimi and our sons Philemon Siko and Enock Ongeri . * ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to acknowledge the support of those individuals who made it possible for a successful completion of this work. Special thanks go to my supervisors Dr. Sophia Ndethiu and Dr. John. Kimemia for the support, guidance...
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...DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY IPS 704 – 2012 PSYCHOMETRICS – ASSIGNMENT 1 LECTURER: Mr R Oliver DUE DATE: 26 April 2012 STUDENT 1: Jodine Hoffmann : 2038038 STUDENT 2: Nonstikeleo Mokoena : 3158789 STUDENT 3: Shafeeqah Jacobs : 2561402 STUDENT 4: Simone` Juganath : 3158797 PLAGARISM DECLARATIONI hereby declare that: | YES | NO | a. | I have perused and understood the relevant sections relating to plagiarism, citation and referencing; | √ | | b. | I know that plagiarism is wrong; | √ | | c. | I did not attempt to present the ideas of another as if they were my own; | √ | | d. | I did not attempt to represent the words or work of another as if they were my own; | √ | | e. | I did not utilize the ideas, words or work of another without acknowledgement; | √ | | f. | I did not use the printed text, electronic text, images, computer programme, sound, performance or creative works of another without proper acknowledgement; | √ | | g. | Where I engaged with group of student to create a particular piece of work, the work correctly reflected the contribution made (where a single piece of work is collected generated, all of the group carries the responsibility for that piece of work); | √ | | h. | I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it off as his or her own work. | √ | | i. | I have not copied another person’s assignment, essay or take-home test or any part thereof...
Words: 5356 - Pages: 22
...considerations of individual learner differences, their familiarity with some defining aspects of human learning, and their willingness to encourage the learners’ discovery of formal language properties in a reflective and autonomous manner. 1 Introduction This essay reviews some of the key theoretical notions associated with second language acquisition and considers the pedagogical relevance of these notions. In order to relate the discussion to the practicalities of language teaching, we refer to the hypothetical case of ten adult learners of English, freshly arrived from Japan for a six-month course at a Canadian language school. These learners have earned their title of “mature students” not only from their middle age range, but also because their country’s Foreign Office selected them for their motivation to study English in Canada. Despite this promising background, two burning questions haunt the teacher: “how good is their English?” and “how much can I hope to improve it?”. We attempt to address these common concerns in light of contemporary theory of second language acquisition, by successively discussing the prevailing communicative approach to second language proficiency, the individuality of language learners, and some defining characteristics of the language...
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...[pic] Profesional journals are peer-reviewed, checked for factuality, consistency, citing relevant work, and drawing appropriate conclusions supported by the data. The concept of profesional journal as a means of developing reflective practice has become a popular topic in classrooms, professional journals, conferences, and continuing education programs (Boud & Walker, 1998). Many other names for profesional journal appear in nursing literature, including log, journaling, narrative pedagogy, dialogue journals, reflective practice, and reflective writing. Whatever people says, reflective profesional journal requires writing, a great deal of it. However, journals are an integral part of the teaching/learning in many nursing programs as well as in allied health programs and education in general. The purpose of this essay is to review the literature related to profesional journal and reflective practice and how it can be beneficial in the teaching/learning process. Reflective practice is a means of self-examination that involves looking back over what has happened in practice in an effort to improve performance or to encourage professional growth (Ruth-Sahd, 2003). Profesional journal is a method that is frequently used in nursing education as an active learning technique to enhance reflective practice. Why is reflective practice so important? The literature cites numerous reasons for utilizing...
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...lOMoARcPSD Summary - lecture notes Education: The Psychological Context (Macquarie University) EXAM: Part A: Kohlberg Piaget Humanism David Geary Part B: Humanism, Behaviourism, Constructivism Vygotsky Personal Perspectives & Intelligence Piaget & Problem solving Special needs students Gender o Male vs Female o Cognition & Behavioural differences Direct instruction & Discovery Learning Teaching Students with Additional Learning Needs Special Children Have special needs and require assistance at some stage in our schooling The notion of ‘fairness’ is not giving our students the same, but rather giving them what they need to learn and succeed. A look at the importance of resilience o Resilience is the ability to rebound, develop and thrive in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, hardship or even significant sources of stress. o How does resilience develop? Who are we talking about when we discuss children with special needs? o Those students with learning needs that are so diverse they need individual consideration and support. o A continuum of support in the classroom. Definition of Disability Social Model o socially created problem o not an attribute of an individual, but rather a complex collection of conditions o management of the problem requires social attention o collective responsibility of society at large o human rights issue of major concern o in the educational setting we ask...
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...Distress is the result of subordination and in human relationships the emotional display of distress then becomes the proof of inferiority. It proves that you need "protection". It becomes part of the power way of thinking, embedded in the culture, that the unemotional life style is evidence of superiority. The "Stiff upper lip" is the way you hold your face so as not to smile, snarl or cry. It is colonialism in facial expression when times, occaisionally, don't go so well. In contrast the emotional excitability of "the natives" proves their inferiority, it proves they have to be 'civilised'. The civilisers, convinced of their superiority (which is really their arrogance and the way they have been emotionally amputated from any empathic response to common suffering) then see themselves in the role of benefactors, their supposedly higher civilisation is a gift to 'the natives'. The effect of this is to put a pervasive burden onto supposedly subordinate cultures and social...
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...International Journal of Intercultural Relations 35 (2011) 49–60 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal of Intercultural Relations journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ijintrel Cultural distance and expatriate job satisfaction Fabian Jintae Froese a,∗ , Vesa Peltokorpi b,1 a b Korea University Business School, Anam-dong, Seongbuk-Gu, Seoul, 136-701, Republic of Korea HEC School of Management, Paris, 78351 Jouy en Josas, France a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Despite its strong impact in domestic settings on job performance, organizational commitment, stress, and turnover intentions, job satisfaction has received little attention in the literature on expatriates. This paper analyzes the predictors of job satisfaction that may arise in an expatriate context. Drawing on the cultural distance perspective, we propose that the national cultural distance, supervisor’s nationality, host-country language proficiency, expatriate type, and company nationality are important determinants of expatriate job satisfaction. Survey results from 148 expatriates in Japan demonstrate that national cultural distance, supervisor’s nationality, and expatriate type have a statistically significant influence on expatriate job satisfaction. Theoretical and practical implications are provided. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Article history: Accepted 25 October 2010 Keywords: Expatriates Job satisfaction Cultural distance Japan In an...
Words: 6050 - Pages: 25