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Erving Goffman Analysis

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Dramaturgy is a concept developed by sociologist Erving Goffman is the idea that life is a never-ending performance an individual is born and thrust onto the stage of everyday socialization and learning to play the assigned role that is fixed to a setting (). An individual is constantly performing and evolving in the company of others in order to have an interaction where the impression of the individual can be managed. In order to have a successful performance a region “defined as any place that is bounded to some degree by barriers to perception.” p. 92 is important (). Performances can take place in two regions with different effects on the individuals performance the front region and back region are critical in order to manage an impression …show more content…
A back region is a place an individual can retreat to a private area to be the real self (). The back region is how for the construction of the performance of where the negative aspects are hidden and problem discussed. It has been stated that the “back region or backstage: a place, relative to a given performance, the impression fostered by the performance is knowingly contradicted as a matter of course.” Functions may be for example preparation, construction of illusions, rehearsing, relaxation. p. 97.” (). The back region can be off camera, the break room, or how no one really wants to know how clothes are made in sweatshops. For me, it's the bedroom where I can truly get rid of roles and behave how I truly want to for example, by singing whereas in public I would be embarrassed and make other people uncomfortable. There can be backstage difficulties, such as being recording when an anchor does not realize that they are live on air, thus losing the facade of their appearance and manner (). The back region is the setting that the props are chosen may it be a wedding ring or a briefcase to helps with the performance

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