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Ethical Dilemmas In Health Care

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As a healthcare professional, you make critical decisions. However, making those decisions and making sure no ethical principles are violated is very important. In this paper, I am going to go over six medical cases, what ethical principles are violated, and what I believe should be done in regard to the situation.
Hannah Jones is a 13-year-old girl that needs a heart transplant. She needs the heart transplant because she used to have leukemia which required her to receive chemotherapy, which in turned weakened her heart. Hannah finds out that the medication she will have to take after her transplant may result in her getting leukemia again. Hannah decides that she doesn’t want to get the transplant and her mom supports her decision. However, the child protection team at the hospital does not support her decision and considers making her have the transplant against her will by applying to the High Court.
Hannah has the right to make her own decision on what she wants to do with her body. That decision is between her and her mother. 79% of people agree with me that Hannah’s wishes should be followed. …show more content…
“Autonomy refers to the right of the patient having control over his or her body. A health care professional can suggest or advise the patient, however any actions that attempt to persuade the patient into making a choice is violating this principle” (SJU, ND). Patient must be allowed to make his or her own decisions even if the medical provider doesn’t agree with it. If the hospitals child protection team makes Hannah receive a heart transplant against her will, then they are violating the autonomy principle because it’s against her

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