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Example Of Eustress Research Paper

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Eustress is the good stress that rouses you to continue working. Stress can be an inspiration and for a short period provide reward to get the job done. Everyone needs a little bit of stress in their life in order to continue to be happy, motivated, challenged and productive.Eustress is generally seen as within our adapting capabilities and not as something enormously painful. Over time Eustress can enhance one’s performance under pressure. A few cases of Eustress is receiving a promotion or a raise at work, starting a new job, starting a family, changing daily routine by exploring new hobbies and interests.Conversely, bad stress or Distress is when good stress appears to be an excessive amount to adapt to. Tension builds, there is no longer …show more content…
This is our body’s primitive, inborn response that automatically readies the body to react to the possible risk or protect ourselves, these responses are hard-wired into our brains and shows a hereditary wisdom designed to protest us from possible harm. This response actually goes along with an area of our brain called the hypothalamus, this part starts a succession of nerve cell firing and release of chemicals like adrenaline that readies the body for a fight or flight …show more content…
If not properly metabolized over time, excessive stress can lead to disorders of our autonomic nervous system causing headache, irritable bowel syndrome, and high blood pressure and disorders of our hormonal and immune systems (creating likelihood of being harmed or influenced by infection, long-lasting tiredness, depression, and autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, and allergies). Dr.Selye proposed that the “fight or flight” reflex (or “stress response”) can be activated in present day circumstances that are not threatening to survival (such as in the work place) but are much more frequent. For instance, long term or repeated activation of the fight or flight response by stress causes wear and tear on blood vessels, promoting development of atherosclerotic plaques and in that way raising the risk of heart attack, stroke and peripheral vascular disease. This way repeated activation of the fight or flight response may result in the body’s own defense mechanisms to damage its

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