...Item 1 To: Mary Wallace-Vice President From: Wage & Salary Division Re: Request for pay increase/promotion Susan Anthony sounds like she would be a good candidate for promotion. However, while Mrs. Anthony has the time in grade to be promoted, we require some more paperwork showing that she is proficient in the areas you have stated. Once we have received this paperwork we will be more than happy to endorse her for this promotion (Nkomo, Fottler, & McAfee, 2011). Additional Action: Follow up with Mary Wallace to make sure that the proper paperwork is delivered in order to promote Mrs. Anthony to Senior Assistant. Item 2 To: Kelly Actor From: Wage & Salary Division Re: Request for pay increase Mrs. Actor, while we value the years of loyal service you have provided the Mack Organization, we are unable to match the salary increase that you are seeking. The only increase that the company could consider giving you is a cost of living increase. If you send us your reviews, showing that you have received high review scores, we could then consider giving you a 3-5% cost of living increase based on the performance review ratings. Also sending us a letter of endorsement from your supervisor would be helpful in getting you this cost of living increase as well. Once again your continuous loyalty to this company is greatly valued, and appreciated, and we hope that you will consider this counter offer as long as all the paperwork is filled and meets the standard (Nkomo et...
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...The film that I have been analysing is ‘Friends with Benefits’. Will Gluck directed the film and the producers were Martin Shafer, Liz Glotzer, Janet Zucker and Will Gluck. The impact of the director of this film is a good one because he has directed many rom coms such as ‘Easy A’, this could attract the target demographic because the film was very successful which means that they would want to watch films by the director. The total budget of the film was around $67,000,000, the opening weekend was $18,622,150, the total domestic gross was $55,802,754 and the worldwide gross was $150,421,779. This shows that the film did very good at the book office. Poster The advertisement would have been seen on billboards, bus stops, on the buses, train stations, cinema. The impact on the target demographic could be that they want to see the film because it is interesting and also you can put the poster anywhere so they don’t have to go and search for it themselves. On the poster there was a release date to inform when they can go see the film. I think that the mis-en –scene was very modern and simple for example the background colour is mainly white which connotes peace and modern and the target audience is modern, this is good because it would not be difficult to understand it. It also uses things that the target demographic can understand and relate with e.g. the masthead is white and blue which connotes fresh and modern also FWB is highlighted in blue which might be linked to the...
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...Q. What underlying conditions must be present before a company can make a strong commitment to a market? Several conditions and scopes must be taken under consideration before any company can commit to a market. Several strategies and options are market scope, geographic consideration, market entry, market commitment and market dilution. Market scope is the focus on the coverage of the market. If a company should serve a total market by selling different products to different parts in the market and this requires the employment of different combinations of price, promotions and distribution strategies , it also needs a strong financial position and commitment to embrace entire market. Another option is single-market strategy which concentrates on a single segment and requires the company to avoid competition with established firms and aim at the segment that is ignored or served inadequately and meet its needs. A last type is serving different parts of the market and this leads to dividing the risk on the different segments, this requires the company to avoid confrontation and competition with companies serving the entire market. The market scope strategy returns higher sales, market share, profit and growth increase. Market geography strategy is defining the area that must be chosen for a company to concentrate its operations in. It has four different territories: * Local: It concentrates on the neighborhood and vicinity and requires good reputation and good hold...
Words: 1300 - Pages: 6
...U.S. ARMY SERGEANTS MAJOR ACADEMY (FSC) P661 1 June 06 MONITOR UNIT AND INDIVIDUAL FITNESS TRAINING PROGRAMS PRERESIDENT TRAINING SUPPORT PACKAGE THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY PRERESIDENT TRAINING SUPPORT PACKAGE (TSP) TSP Number / Title Effective Date Supersedes TSP(s) / Lesson(s) TSP Users Proponent Improvement Comments P661 / MONITOR UNIT AND INDIVIDUAL FITNESS TRAINING PROGRAMS 01 Jun 2006 P661, Monitor unit and individual fitness training programs, Jun 05 521-SQIM (DL), First Sergeant Course The proponent for this document is the Sergeants Major Academy. Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028, Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms. Completed forms, or equivalent response, will be mailed or attached to electronic e-mail and transmitted to: COMDT USASMA ATTN ATSS DCF BLDG 11291 BIGGS FIELD FORT BLISS TX 79918-8002 Telephone (Comm) (915) 568-8875 Telephone (DSN) 978-8875 E-mail: atss-dcd@bliss.army.mil Security Clearance / Access Foreign Disclosure Restrictions Unclassified FD5. This product/publication has been reviewed by the product developers in coordination with the USASMA foreign disclosure authority. This product is releasable to students from all requesting foreign countries without restrictions. 1 PREFACE Purpose This Training Support Package provides the student with a standardized lesson plan for presenting instruction for: Task Number Task Title 071-990-0007...
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...The Department of Rehabilitation Sciences of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association have jointly conducted a study on the health effects of using smartphones and portable electronic devices among Hong Kong people. Results showed that, out of the 1,049 people surveyed, 70% of adults and 30% of children and adolescents have reported musculoskeletal symptoms in different parts of the body in relation to the use of electronic devices. In recent years, various kinds of consumer electronics have become increasingly popular in Hong Kong. It is not surprising that the sales of smartphones in Hong Kong are among the highest in the world and the habits of using electronic devices are changing rapidly. Smartphones have become an indispensable communication tool in our everyday life and many people keep their phones turned on around the clock. In addition, people are obsessed with playing electronic games which is a common phenomenon in public places such as on buses and MTR, and this is widely known as "bow head tribe." Spanned over three years, the joint study involving both adults and school children aimed at examining their time spent on using various IT products, the tasks performed and postures adopted in their daily use. The relationship between the use of electronic devices and the development of musculoskeletal symptoms is a major focus of this study. Participants were asked to report any related physical problems, such as neck...
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...A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF EXERCISES, USED IN A WORKPLACE SETTING, FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL LOWER BACK PAIN Petronella D van der Merwe A research report submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Physiotherapy. Johannesburg, 2007 DECLARATION I Petronella D van der Merwe declare that this research report is my own work. It is being submitted for the degree of Masters of Physiotherapy in the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. It has not been submitted before for any degree or examination at this or any other University. ………………………… ……………………..Day of…………………, 2007 ii DEDICATION Thank you for all your love and support. My Husband, Levouy, and adoring boys, Jared and Liam You are my inspiration “ All things are possible in God who strengthens me…” iii ABSTRACT Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the most effective exercise program for the management of occupational lower back pain. Background: Occupational lower back pain accounts for 25% of workdays lost. The annual occurrence of occupational related lower back pain among blue collar workers in South Africa has shown to be between 55,7% and 63,9%. Methodology: Primary studies were searched with the use of the Entrez-cross-database search tool. Methodologies were assessed and critiqued. Data which included exercise detail, outcome measures of lower back...
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...couldn’t explain what was happening to me. And in that moment I felt I was going to die, because the situation was unusual,” said Martha peters, age 20, student of INTI College, Malaysia. Fitness has been known to allow the heart, blood vessels, and respiratory system to supple fuel and oxygen to the muscles that enables long sustained exercise for the body to be active and to be in good shape. A fit person can repeatedly make movements for a long period of time without undue fatigue, exerting force, such as lifting or controlling one’s own body weight and move the joints through a full range of motion in work and in play. The ability of the body to function or work effectively and efficiently, enjoy leisure time, meet emergency situations, be healthy, and resist hypokinetic diseases, is a state of being fit. Hypokinetic diseases or conditions are diseases such as heart disease, low back pain, adult-onset diabetes, and obesity which is associated as a result of lack of physical activity or too little regular exercise required by the body for its maintenance and active functioning. Keeping fit could come in different ways; it can be the amount of exercises one indulges in, eating healthy and engaging in activities that are of advantage health wise. While one may prefer going on diet and taking some supplements to help them build up their muscles or loss some weight as a way of keeping fit, others prefer being natural “100 percent natural fitness seems to be the best for me and it has...
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...------------------------------------------------- 1 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- My Fitness Program ------------------------------------------------- Hour 3 ------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, November 07, 2007 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- I took this class because I take my physical health seriously. Even before I started this school year, I had been training 4 days a week, learning about many different systems of martial arts. Good physical health means having muscle strength, muscle endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and core strength. ------------------------------------------------- Muscular strength is the ability to exert maximum force. Muscular endurance is the ability to repeat a lift many times. Improving...
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...4 CULTURAL influences * Age (can influence the activities you do, e.g. a 70 year old man may not wish to play rugby but may wish to play tennis with his friends) * Disability (there are many adapted activities available for people with disabilities, e.g. wheelchair rugby and wheelchair tennis) * Gender (some sports are generally associated with either men or women, e.g. Dance or Netball are mostly seen as women's activities) * Race (some activities are =1ssociated more with once race than another, e.g. people of African origin being pushed away from swimming and towards long distance running) 2 HEALTH and WELLBEING influences * Illness (sometimes even a short illness like a cold can prevent us from doing things) * Health problems (long-term illnesses and health problems can make continuing any form of physical activity really difficult) 2 IMAGE influences * Media * Fashion 4 RESOURCES influence * Availability * Access * Location * Time * 3 PEOPLE influences * Family * Peers * Role Models 2 SOCIO-ECONOMIC influences * Cost * Status Opportunities for getting involved in sport Role | Qualities | Explanation | Leadership (e.g. coach, manager) | Good organisational skills | To run teams and arrange fixtures and plan training sessions | | Good communication skills | So people understand exactly what they need to do | | Good knowledge of the activity | To plan training sessions appropriate...
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...According to the American Physical Therapy Association, physical therapists are licensed health care professionals who diagnose and treat individuals of all ages, who have medical problems or other health-related conditions that limit their abilities to move and/or perform functional activities in their daily lives. This is done through completion of an examination and the development of a plan using treatment techniques. The examination process includes taking the patient’s history, conducting a systems review, and performing tests and measures that help identify potential and existing problems. The development of a plan includes the patient’s personal goals and usually involves hands-on treatments for the systems and specialized exercises...
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...Fitness Components Fitness components are the building blocks of exercise and physical activity they are the qualities that athletes must develop to prepare physically for competition.Sports training programs are designed to build fitness components into appropriate proportions to match each specific sporting activity. Body composition is the distribution of muscle and fat in the body, its measurement is important in sports and health. Excess body fat may lead to obesity and increases the risk of getting many diseases. In sports if someone has excess fat it can lead to poor performance as it does not contribute to muscular force production, and it is extra weight that the body needs more energy to move about Body composition is often described as a two compartment system; lean body weight and fat weight. The fat weight is then expressed as a percentage of total body weight, where percent body fat = (fat weight / total body weight) x 100. Taking skinfold measurements is a common method for determining body fat composition. Accurate measurement technique is important. Here is the standard technique that is used. You should read this information in conjunction with the description of each of the standard measurement sites. * equipment: skinfold calipers, tape measure * procedure: Estimation of body fat by skinfold thickness measurement. Measurement can use from 3 to 9 different standard anatomical sites around the body. The right side is usually only measured (for consistency)...
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...While inverting for extended periods, this may become uncomfortable. An easy fix for this is to either add extra padding or to wear an extra pair of socks while using the product. Over time, this does become tedious. In addition, the build of the article is lightweight and better suited for individuals who don't weigh over 210 pounds even though the product has a weight capacity of 250 pounds. Moreover, heavier individuals will likely feel less sturdy while inverting. Finally, while the angle of inversion may be controlled using the safety strap, there is no specific setting for a certain angle such as 70 degrees. Other devices lock at certain increments allowing individuals to invert gradually at varying degrees. However, most of the products that do have this feature tend to be more...
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...Exercising while at work and the Health Benefits Unit 6 Project: Should Employers A lot Time to Exercise while at work Mary Jackson Kaplan University CM 220 College Composition II Professor Connie Maker June 25, 2013 Exercising While at work and the Health Benefits Should Employers A lot Time to Exercise while at work As we enter into the work force we are entering into a world of over worked, underappreciated group of people. We tend to become lazy stressed and depressed which can lead to negative impact on both our work and home life. There are studies that show working to much can lead to depression, stress and unhappy employees. Employers need to keep an eye on its employees and come up with a way to help reduce the depression, stress and turning unhappy employees into happy ones. Employees on average spend 8 to 12 hours a day at work; if they are not allotted time to exercise and help to reduce stress, depression then it will lead to unhappy employees. Employees who are happy tend to enjoy coming to work and production is generally up and there is less stress and arguments at work. Lack of exercise can lead to many health issues like diabetes as described by the American diabetes association. So exercising can lead to weight loss and a health body which will in turn help to lower diabetes and blood pressure. We need to get employers involved in a program to help with this on a daily basis. So how do we do this without a huge impact on Employers and...
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...a large and nationwide commercial operator of fitness centers in the Unite States. But with the increasingly fierce market competition and the internal management problems such as poor accounting standards, the stock price of the company collapsed. Some shareholders had lost faith in the company. A major shareholder of the company was urging the CEO to sell the company. So the company faced two alternatives, one alternative was to sell the company to meet the demand of shareholders; the other alternative was to strengthen its internal control system to remedy the management fault. In this way to restore the stock price, restore the confidence of shareholders, and enable the company to keep a major player in the health club industry. Exercise gyms had a long history in the Unite States which can be dating back to 150 years ago. By 2004, the revenue of the U.S. health club was about $14.2 billion. There were more than 26,000 health clubs in the U.S. and over 13% of the U.S. populations for about 41 million were the members of these club. About 60 million people used health club in 2002 in the U.S. If coupled with non-members. One key driving point of health club phenomenon was the growing awareness about health and well-being, and concern about obesity and its effects among Americans. In 2004, two-thirds of adult populations were recognized as being overweight or obese. About 300,000 Americans died because of obesity-induced diseases every year. So there was a survey showed that...
Words: 2361 - Pages: 10
...fitness a permanent component of their lifestyle. The activities that the class will participate in will be selected from the following list. badminton pickle ball basketball ping pong bowling running conditioning skating cycling softball disc golf swimming exercise DVDs Ultimate Frisbee flag football volleyball fitness testing walking golf strength training hiking soccer Grading: Grades are based on daily points and weekly activity log. Points are available each day for attendance, dressing down, participation, sportsmanship, attitude, and cooperation. The point scale is as follows: 2 pts. attendance 3 pts. dressing down 5 pts. participation, sportsmanship, attitude, and cooperation Being a good sport and displaying a positive attitude and a cooperative spirit are essential ingredients to a fun class. For severe infractions including but not exclusively, fighting, swearing, ridiculing others, insubordination, or extreme lack of cooperation the students may be removed from the class and/or all 10 points forfeited. Students will have 7 minutes to dress down for class. Dressing down includes wearing exercise clothes such as a t. shirt and shorts, and athletic shoes. Students may wear warm up pants and a...
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