...P3: explain the roles and responsibilities of two overarching health organisations By Mercy Tiwo DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH The Department of Health (DH) is a ministerial department, supported by 23 agencies and public bodies. The department employs 2,160 staff who work in locations across the country. DH helps people to live better for longer. They lead, shape and fund health and care in England, making sure people have the support, care and treatment they require, with the compassion, respect and dignity they deserve. Their responsibilities include: * They lead across health and care by creating national policies and legislations, providing long-term goals to meet current and future problems/challenges, putting health and care at the core of the government and being global leader in health and care policy * They support the integrity of the system by providing funding, assuring the delivery and continuity of services and accounting to Parliament in a way that represents the best interests of the patient, public and taxpayer. * They support innovation and improvement by supporting research and technology, promoting honesty, openness and transparency, and teaching a culture that values compassion, dignity and the highest quality of care above everything Above all, DH encourages staff in every health and care organisation to understand and learn from people’s experience of health and care and to apply this to all their tasks. Their priorities are: * Living and...
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...Theme 1: Safeguarding Part 1. K2: Safeguarding policies and procedures for children and colleagues, including child protection and wellbeing. K2.1 Outline policies and procedures relating to the safeguarding, protection, and welfare of children. Safeguarding/Child Protection Safeguarding and child protection procedures are detailed guidelines and instructions that support your overarching safeguarding policy statement. They explain the steps that your organisation will take to keep children and young people safe and what to do when there are concerns about a child's safety or wellbeing. For example, your safeguarding procedures should cover issues like how staff and volunteers should respond to concerns about a child and young person, and...
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...elsevier.com/nedt Organisational culture and learning: A case study Elaine Bell ⁎ Women and Children's Health Network, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y Objectives: To explore the impact organisational cultures have on the learning experience of student nurses and identify the influencing factors. Methods: A case study approach was used. The single case being a Defence School of Health Care Studies (DSHCS) and the multiple units of analysis: student nurses, the lecturers and Student Standing Orders. An in depth three dimensional picture was achieved using multiple data collection methods: interview, survey, observation and document analysis. Findings: The findings suggest that the DSHCS is perceived to be a sub-culture within a dominant civilian learning culture. Generally, the students and staff believed that the DSHCS is an excellent learning environment and that the defence students overall are high achievers. The common themes that appeared from the data were image, ethos, environment, discipline, support, welfare and a civilian versus military way of thinking. Conclusion: The learning experience of defence student nurses is very positive and enhanced by the positive learning culture of the civilian Higher Educational Institution. The factors influencing a positive learning experience that can be impacted by the overarching culture are discipline, image, ethos of adult learning, support and welfare. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights...
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...SUNDERLAND UNIVERSITY In conjunction with South Tyneside College Foundation Degree in Health and Safety Management Health and Safety Legislation and Responsibilities –FDA227 Assignment Legislation and Responsibilities This assignment is submitted in part fulfilment of the requirements for the SUNDERLAND UNIVERSITY Foundation Degree in Health and Safety Management 2010-2011 Introduction The following report aims to explain manual handling issues whilst at the author’s place of work. The author is using fictions to support the assignment rather than real life incidents, as the author’s workplace did not give out such materials in time for the said author to complete the assignment. The main aims are to discuss the employer/employee responsibilities regarding manual handling and the civil and criminal liabilities involved. Give the reader an understanding of what the relevant legislation breach is surrounding manual handling and its interpretation and application, to try to provide a critical analysis of the effectiveness of the legislative provision in manual handling operations. The objectives are that the reader gains full understanding of the aims set out by the author. A general overview of a toy-manufacturing warehouse from the picking/packing point of view regarding manual handling: One of the roles inside a toy warehouse involves picking up toys from a shelf, and placing them onto a trolley for ordering customers, then transporting them to the packing...
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...negotiating skills concepts) 5 Conclusion 10 Bibliography 12 Executive Summary The organisation structure determines the manner and extent to which roles, power and responsibilities are delegated, controlled and coordinated, and how information flows between levels of management. "Cultural Implications" is the connection that culture has on organisation. Implications are essentially consequences from a particular event at a cultural level.. Culture influences the structures as well as the behaviour of the different stakeholders. The understanding of the cultural context from which an employee or customer originates is imperative to the overall success of any business. This has created an extensive increase in demand for training and understanding, particularly within the area of decision making. Mesopotamia Brewery ltd initially seeks to facilitate training within the context of “Industrialisation by Invitation” i.e. the contractual agreement with the expatriate brewers to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and skills. However, very little is mentioned about training at the managerial level. The issues evolving from this case shows serious managerial pitfalls throughout. Analysing this case within the context of “cultural implications” seek to address the cultural variables found in the organisation that has significant implications to either retards the progress or enhance the development of...
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...Combined Supporting Notes and Technical Specifications including Units for ------------------------------------------------- ILM Level 5 NVQ Diploma in Management (8331) Version 4 20/08/2010 © The Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) 2012 © The Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) 2012 Supporting Notes for ILM QCF NVQs | This document is intended for current ILM centres and contains supporting notes for ILM National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) in the QCF. The main purpose of this document is to act as a refresher to help reacquaint our centres with some of the key sections covered in the ILM Centre Manual and provide guidance to assist a centre in preparing to deliver an ILM NVQ. This a generic document and should always be read in conjunction with the ILM QCF NVQ Qualification Specifications Part 2 Technical Info document and the ILM Centre Manual (www.i-l-m.com/centres). IMPORTANT NOTES: * This document replaces the previous ILM NVQ Level 2, 3, 5, and 7 General Qualification Information for QCF NVQs. * 2011 SCQF SVQs are now standalone products and are no longer S/NVQs. They have separate specifications to meet SQA and SCQF requirements. Please refer to our SVQ webpage’s for detail and SVQ resources section online * Centres should be aware that the specifications for NQF Team Leading and Management NVQs at Levels 2, 3, 4, 5 should continue to be followed for learners who have been registered on this version of the...
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...international agreement setting out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of every child, regardless of their race, religion or abilities. Since being adopted by the United Nations in november 1989, the CRC has received 194 ratifications with only two countries still to ratify. This means that they have agreed to do everything they can to make the rights a reality for children around the world. All signatories are bound to the UNCRC by international law, and its implementation is monitored by the Committee on the Rights of the Child. Under the terms of the convention, states are required to meet the basic needs of children and help them to reach their full potential. Central to this is the acknowledgement that every child has basic fundamental rights. These include: The right to life The right to his or her own name and identity The right to be protected from abuse or exploitation The right to an education The right to having their privacy protected The be raised by, or have relationship with, their parents The right to express their opinions and have these listened to and, where appropriate, acted upon The right to play and enjoy culture and art in safety On 25th May 2000, two optional protocols were added to the UNCRC. the first of these asks the governments to ensure that children under the age of 18 are not forcibly recruited into the arm forces. It also requires governments to do everything that they can to make sure that members of their...
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...All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 1 904541 08 9 ISSN 1393-6190 Cover design by Creative Inputs Typeset by the Institute of Public Administration Printed by ColourBooks CONTENTS 2 Foreword 5 Acknowledgements 7 Executive Summary 8 Chapter 1: Introduction 12 1.1 Background 12 1.2 Policy context 13 1.3 Rationale for the study 14 1.4 Research terms of reference and approach 14 1.5 Report structure 15 Chapter 2: Key Concepts from the Strategic HR Literature 17 2.1 Introduction 17 2.2 What is strategic HR? 17 2.3 From personnel management to strategic HRM 18 2.4 The impact of strategic HRM 21 2.5 The implementation of strategic HRM in the public sector 23 2.6 Key chapter findings 26 Chapter 3: The Developing Concept of Strategic HR in the Irish Civil Service 28 3.1 Introduction 28 3.2 Background to HR reform in the civil service 28 3.3 From policy to practice 31 3.4 Key chapter findings 33 Chapter 4: Strategic HR Practice in the Irish Civil Service 35 4.1 Introduction 35 4...
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...CHAPTER 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Executive-Summary: For several years now, 'employee engagement' has been a hot topic in corporate circles. It's a buzz phrase that has captured the attention of workplace observers and HR managers, as well as the executive suite. And it's a topic that employers and employees alike think they understand, yet can't articulate very easily. employee engagement as "a heightened emotional connection that an employee feels for his or her organization, that influences him or her to exert greater discretionary effort to his or her work". There are certain potential drivers, which are best suited to define the status of employee engagement, have been taken out of a pool of drivers suggested by various authors: 1 | Belief in Co’s direction | 15 | Leadership | 2 | Benefits | 16 | Organization Development | 3 | Career opportunities | 17 | Pay | 4 | Chief Executive Officer | 18 | Performance Review | 5 | Communication | 19 | Personal Growth | 6 | Company’s Values | 20 | Purpose in Life | 7 | Decision Making | 21 | Recognition | 8 | Direct Supervisor | 22 | Social Contribution | 9 | Environmental Mastery | 23 | Social Integration | 10 | Focused Work | 24 | Senior Managers | 11 | Human Resource Mgt. | 25 | Training & Development | 12 | Individual’s Own Values | 26 | Trust | 13 | Interpersonal Support | 27 | Work Group | 14 | Job Content | 28 | Work-Life Balance | Perrin‟s Global Workforce Study (2005)...
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...Report No 55 Gender and Development: Concepts and Definitions Prepared for the Department for International Development (DFID) for its gender mainstreaming intranet resource by Hazel Reeves and Sally Baden February 2000 BRIDGE (development - gender) Institute of Development Studies University of Sussex Brighton BN1 9RE, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1273 606261 Fax: +44 (0) 1273 621202 Email: bridge@ids.ac.uk Website: http://www.ids.ac.uk/bridge/ © Institute of Development Studies ISBN 1 85864 381 3 Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1 2. Quick Definitions ................................................................................................... 2 3. Detailed Explanations and Further Reading ....................................................... 4 Culture ..................................................................................................................... 4 Gender Analysis ...................................................................................................... 6 Gender Discrimination ............................................................................................. 7 Gender Division of Labour....................................................................................... 8 Gender Equality and Equity................................................................................... 10 Gender Mainstreaming ................
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...Report No 55 Gender and Development: Concepts and Definitions Prepared for the Department for International Development (DFID) for its gender mainstreaming intranet resource by Hazel Reeves and Sally Baden February 2000 BRIDGE (development - gender) Institute of Development Studies University of Sussex Brighton BN1 9RE, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1273 606261 Fax: +44 (0) 1273 621202 Email: bridge@ids.ac.uk Website: http://www.ids.ac.uk/bridge/ © Institute of Development Studies ISBN 1 85864 381 3 Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1 2. Quick Definitions ................................................................................................... 2 3. Detailed Explanations and Further Reading ....................................................... 4 Culture ..................................................................................................................... 4 Gender Analysis ...................................................................................................... 6 Gender Discrimination ............................................................................................. 7 Gender Division of Labour....................................................................................... 8 Gender Equality and Equity................................................................................... 10 Gender Mainstreaming ................
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...Appendix 1: Literature Review Report to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Scoping study into approaches to student wellbeing Literature Review PRN 18219 July 2008 Erebus International Australian Catholic University Table of Contents Appendix 1: Literature Review 1 Table of Contents 2 Executive Summary 4 Section 1: Project Overview 4 Section 2: What is Student Wellbeing? 5 Section 3: The Outcomes of Student Wellbeing and its Pathways 6 1. Physical and Emotional Safety 6 2. Pro-social values 7 3. A supportive and caring school community 7 4. Social and Emotional Learning 7 5. A Strengths-based Approach 8 6. A sense of Meaning and Purpose 8 7. A Healthy Lifestyle 9 Section 4: International Focus on Student Wellbeing 9 Section 5: Student Wellbeing in the Australian Educational Context 9 5.1: Australian Government National Frameworks in Education 9 5.2 Report on the of the Responses of State and territory and non-government education authorities to the Concept of a National Student Wellbeing Framework 11 5.3 Student Wellbeing in State and Territory Curriculum and Policy Documents 11 Section 6: Whole School Approaches to Student Wellbeing: Issues of School Leadership, Implementation and Sustainability of Student Wellbeing Initiatives 12 Section 1: Project Overview 13 1.1 Introduction 13 1.2 Project Objectives 13 1.3 Methodology 14 Section 2: Student Wellbeing and its Pathways 16 2.1 What is Student Wellbeing...
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...RESEARCH REPORT 16 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY A ROLE IN GOVERNMENT POLICY AND REGULATION? Constantina Bichta The University of Bath School of Management is one of the oldest established management schools in Britain. It enjoys an international reputation for the quality of its teaching and research. Its mission is to offer a balanced portfolio of undergraduate, postgraduate and post-experience programmes, research and external activities, which provide a quality of intellectual life for those involved in keeping with the best traditions of British universities. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY A ROLE IN GOVERNMENT POLICY AND REGULATION? Constantina Bichta Desktop published by Jan Marchant © The University of Bath ISBN All rights reserved Centre for the study of Regulated Industries (CRI) The CRI is a research centre of the University of Bath School of Management. The CRI was founded in 1991 as part of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA). It transferred to the University of Bath School of Management in 1998. It is situated on the 8th floor of Wessex House (North), adjacent to West car park. The CRI is an interdisciplinary research centre investigating how regulation and competition are working in practice, both in the UK and abroad. It is independent and politically neutral. It aims to produce authoritative, practical contributions to regulatory policy and debate, which are put into the public domain. The CRI focuses...
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...“Ensure the success of your business through effective human resources strategies” As Baird and Meshoulam (1998) remark “Business objectives are accomplished when human resource practice, procedures and systems are developed and implemented based on organisational needs, that is, when a strategic perspective to human resource management is adopted.” (Armstrong, M.,2008, pg 33) . This journal will explore on the principals of human resource management, analysis of its concepts, models and framework. Explanation of HRM process and build up of strategies. The journal ends with an assessment of roles in strategic HRM. Strategic Human Resource Management (HRM) can be defined as the way through which the organizational goals will be achieved by the people with the help of HR strategies, policies and practices. (Armstrong, M., 2008, pg 33). Other definitions of Strategic Human Resource Management are as follows:- “Strategic Human Resource Management means formulating and executing human resource policies and practices that produce the employee competencies and behaviors that company needs to achieve its strategic aims” – Garry Dessler (Durai,P.,2010,pg 24) “Strategic Human Resource Management is a pattern of planned human resource developments and activity intended to enable a firm to achieve its goals “ – G.C.MacMahan (Durai,P.,2010,pg 24). Models of Strategic Human Resource Management The Harvard model :- The Harvard model was put forward by Michale Beer, Richard Walton...
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...Patient Group Directions December 2009 A practical guide and framework of competencies for all professionals using patient group directions National Prescribing Centre Patient Group Directions 2009 Acknowledgements Editors John Wright Business Manager - Non-Medical Prescribing Department of Health Gillian Arr-Jones National Pharmacy Advisor Care Quality Commission Angela Bussey PGD Website Pharmacist Editor London and South East Medicines Information Service, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust Mary Golding Associate Director Community Health Services East & South East England Specialist Pharmacy Services Sandra Wolper Associate Director Community Health Services East & South East England Specialist Pharmacy Services Liz Mellor Clinical Governance Lead Pharmacist Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Anne Fittock Non-Medical Prescribing National Advisor National Prescribing Centre Production Colin Bowers Web and Publications Officer (Corporate) Merissa Bellew Web and Publications Manager Published by: National Prescribing Centre Ground Floor, Building 2000 Vortex Court Enterprise Way Wavertree Technology Park Liverpool L13 1FB Tel No: (0151) 295 8671 Fax No. (0151) 220 4334 Websites: www.npc.co.uk www.npci.org.uk Contributors © National Prescribing Centre National Prescribing Centre Patient Group Directions 2009 Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of this document 1.2 Audience for the document 02 03 03 03 06 06 07 07 08 11 11 11 12 12 13 14 15 15 16...
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