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Falls In Nursing Home Essay

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In the last 30 years, falls are one of the most frequent incidents occurring today that affects the livelihood of older adults. It is becoming more and more difficult for families to leave adults 65 years and older alone in their homes due to the threat of them falling and not having anyone at their side to either help them back up if they are minor falls or call 911 if they are indeed significant falls. However, these incidents should not just be a worry for older patients who live home alone, but for patients in nursing homes as well. 30-40 percent of community-dwelling adults that are 65 and older fall each year, yet such rates are higher for the same age group residing in nursing homes. Nursing home facilities are set up in aiding their residents, many of whom are elderly, with their living arrangements and making their lives easier and safer. Therefore, improvements must be made amongst many facilities to lower the fall rates of their patients and ensure that such occurrences are not as likely to occur with the use of proper techniques and the development of the right …show more content…
For instance, the functional disability is a useful and significant indicator of the risk of falling in elderly and disabled population. Dates from the National Health Interview Survey’s 1984 Supplement on Aging indicate that people aged 75 to 84 who require help with activities are 14 times more likely and those with limitations in walking (Lava, 2016). Transfer and balance activities of daily living 16 times more liable to report having two or more falls in the previous 12 months compared with people with no limitations (Lava, 2016). Falls with weak and functional disabled people are reported in to have high rates in nursing homes. Practical treatable impairments and conditions that contributed o functional disability, frailty, and falls in older

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