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Female Delinquency In The Justice System

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The idea of female delinquency has been long ignored and focused solely on male counterparts as juvenile offenders when statistically, we see a rise in female offenders when the male offenders leveled off. Many criminology theories researched young males and excluded females due to assumptions which has now caused programs for prevention and intervention male based. The primitive years of criminology research was used for male juveniles and discarded females leaving a scarce amount of theories to consider for females. As we see the numbers grow, some speculate on the rise if it is due to behavioral changes or policing shifts. Obviously, we notice a need to consider girl delinquency in the justice system to fully understand and develop policies as well as theories. Without considering females in research, we may see a ripple effect; “heavily impacted women, particularly women of color, might well be visited upon their younger sisters unless a vigorous campaign of education and advocacy is not launched” (P.119). …show more content…
Half of the population was made up of Caucasian females and a third was African Americans. The study also found over half claimed to have been victims to sexual or physical abuse which could be the result of 80% having ran away from home at least once. Important information to consider from this chapter involves the two themes mentioned. First being that even though the crimes committed are of lesser charge than males, consideration needs to be taken to realize the underlying cause. Second, remove the false impression that the offenses are not serious when in fact, they could be covering up a psychological issue. The main assumption found is the disregard to female juveniles can have lasting effects on the individuals as well as the justice

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