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Submitted By yasmin01
Words 547
Pages 3
Discuss how households have changed over the past 20 years and the implications of these changes on the purchase of consumer goods.

During the past 20 years the American family has undergone a deep transformation.
The American family, like all families in the western industrial countries, is now different
From what it has been in the past. The household has less children, both working parents and mothers producing their children at older ages.
In the fairly recent past, families gathered on a nightly basis to dine together and chat. Dinner, often prepared by females working inside the home, was a nightly gathering for which time was prioritized by families. As both spouses comprising the household began working outside of the home, the way in which individuals gathered for meals changed dramatically. The last quarter of the twentieth century was characterized by greater numbers of people claiming that it was difficult to find time to prepare meals. That led to more fast food, ready meals goodies ( more convenience )
The bottom line is ; our consumable purchases with foodstuff being on top of the list has dramatically changed.

How would Procter & Gamble market shampoo to Young Transitionals differently than Start-up families?

A large firm such as Proctor and Gamble that desires to reach several different target markets has to make sure that the different brands compete with competitors’ brands rather than each other . For instance, They will target the young transitionals market with different products than start-up families to gain the biggest share of the cake instead of competing their own product. How might Young Transitionals differ from Start-up Families in terms of products purchased?

Young transitionals whether they are just entering the workforce or getting settled in, this group has different kinds of purchases

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Investment Risk in Mtf Trading Platforms

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