...of Artillery” by Continental congress. On this day, Artillery as a whole was born. Even though Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery are two separate branches now, both inherit Artillery traditions.The roots of the Artillery branch insignia goes as far back as 1834 in which the insignia that we have now was just two gold cannons were crossed over each other and worn on artillery officer’s caps. In this time, Artillery was just starting out as a branch of the Army. The equipment that they had was in a more temporary state, for the reason that the fundings for Artillery as a branch...
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...evolved from World War I but little was known about the Artillery weapons systems. At the end of World War I the United States military suffered from one of the largest downsizes and budget cuts in American history. From these setbacks came extensive training and modernization for the Artillery. From the experiences suffered during World War I the U.S Army realized that it would have to improve its mass fires. This meant Field Artillery would have to adapt to the battlefield and restructure was needed for this to be accomplished. Prior to World War II fire direction centers...
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...APC - PRESENT TRENDS AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION The fundamental problem of managing military research and development is that uncertainty about the enemy and the costs and benefits on new technologies make it impossible to identify the single best route to innovation. Stephen P Rosen 1. Stephen Rosen’s statement identifies one of the most challenging problems facing political and military leaders today. In an era of uncertainty, which includes a diversity of potential threats and military operations, what is the “best route” in the area of military innovation to translate limited research and development resources into capabilities to deal with current or potential threats and its allies? By the time World War I ended military theorists around the world had learned from several rude surprises. First of all, horse-drawn and foot transport really wasn't good enough in the modern world. They didn't exactly get rid of the horse but horses were extremely vulnerable to fire, and the mud characteristic of trench warfare slowed them down a bit. Men were better in mud, but not much, and could not march quickly enough. The imperatives of battle were such that soldiers had to be able to move in almost all conditions, and if breakthroughs were to be exploited, they had to move fast. 2. The realities of trench warfare came as a rude shock to officers in World War I. Machine guns, barbed wire and trenches...
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...Georgia replied “On June 28th 1863,frustrated by lincoln administration’s restrictions on his autonomy as commander,Joseph Hooker resigned and was replaced by George G. Meade.” (History.com) As class ended Mrs.Johnson told them.”Start doing your research and your paper is due Next Friday .” By:Virginia On the morning of July 1st, advanced units of the forces came into contact with one another just outside of Gettysburg. (“History.com”) I believe that the confederates were in the wrong they should have never fought against the union.The union wanted to end slavery.But the confederates wanted slavery to continue.They believed that change such as not having slaves was wrong.They believed that it was fare to have slaves and that the slaves deserved being treated this way. By:Georgia “Confederates had a chance to destroy the Union left flank when General Daniel Sickles moved his corps,against Meade’s orders,from their position on the ride to open ground around the Peach Orchard.”(History.com) I believe the confederates should have destroyed the left flank because eventually the Union would have to surrender. After a long confederate artillery bombardment,the Rebel forces moved through the open field and up the slight cemetery ride.But by the time they reached the Union line,the attack had been broken into small units had they were unable to penetrate the Yankee Center. (History.com) After the other kids shared their stories Virginia told her...
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...military position in the region[2]. The combination of three major (Air, Land and Maritime) strike planned by the Israel has resulted the victory for Israeli. Even though the war involved three main elements, this paper will just focus on the air campaign which can be considered as the main factor for the victory of Israel and the failure for the Arabs’ allies. 2. The purpose of this paper is to provide a general brief on the background of the war and will focus more on the air campaign as the decisive factor that lead to the Israel victory. The flow of this paper will start with the genesis of the war which will provide the background of the six days war followed by the comparison of the Order of Battle (ORBAT). The comparison of ORBAT will give the summary of the assets involved and destroyed in the war and its effects on the outcome of the war. Series of the event from the first day of war until the sixth day will be briefly written in the Battle Narrative chapter. The main focus of this paper is the decisive factors that lead to Israel victory which will touch on the campaign planning, air offensive, surprise elements and concentration of force. Towards the end of this paper, the strategic impact of the war on both Israel and Arabs will be highlighted. Paper will be concluded with...
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...Course Research Paper – Vicksburg Campaign History 101 – 87 N – 06 May 2015 The Campaign of Vicksburg was “the key”, to ensuring victory and the assurance of commerce to world markets. Where the march of Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, March 1863 to July 1863, would prove compelling is that Grant would out generalize Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton and eventually start the fall of Richmond and the Confederacy of Jefferson Davis. That the campaign was a central ingredient for success according to President Abraham Lincoln and would divide the Confederacy while, giving the Union complete control of the Mississippi transportation route. With the capture of Vicksburg, the Union led by risky, yet boisterous attempts of Grant far more outmaneuvered the indecisive and ill-equipped decisions of Pemberton; and the stronghold of the Union over the Confederacy. At this time in the Civil War, the Mississippi river was the most important trade and supply route in the United States. It was the livelihood of the country and with it held the greatest economic feature to trade in the country and the world for agricultural products and their export and intercontinental transfer. It was the last stranglehold the Confederacy held on the Union and the prevention of military supply and aid to the Deep South, commerce of the middle and northwestern states to the world and a waning support of the war in enthusiasm and economic demand. President Abraham Lincoln said of Vicksburg and the importance...
Words: 1988 - Pages: 8
...How World War II Changed Warfare How World War II Changed Warfare A man wearing olive drab pants and jacket slowly props the muzzle of his Thompson .45 Caliber Sub Machine Gun on a window seal of a half decimated apartment building. He lines up his sights and waits for the signal. He wears the “Screaming Eagle” patch of the United States Army’s 101st Airborne Division. Inserted into Bastogne, France via aerial assault from a C-47 Sky Train, in December 1944. Barrels pointed downward onto the rubble covered road. Passing over the road is a German Panzer Tank followed by a platoon of German soldiers carrying MP-40 Machine Pistols. As, the 101st nervously prepares to engage a Panzer Tank, which has them outmanned and outgunned, they hear a whistling sound in the distance believed to be an aircraft. Before they know a P-51 Mustang fighter plane, also known as a “Tank Killer” swoops in and knocks the Panzer out. Unexpectedly, the airborne troops open fire. A few long seconds later, the Panzer Tank sits smoldering in flames and a platoon of Nazis lays dead all around. Never before has the world, scene such a vast arsenal of weapons and tactics used. This will be reflected on the amount of lives, military and civilian, lost in the short span of 1939-1945. The devastation that took place would not just be repaired and forgotten. There is still evidence all over the Europe, North America, and Asia, of World War II and the lives that were lost. Not only was this the...
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...1980s, has made it hard for prosecutors to obtain convictions in cases of alleged use of excessive force. Experts say the high court rulings and Officer Darren Wilson’s account give investigators several reasons to find Wilson justified in shooting to kill 18-year-old Michael Brown. A teenager in Washington, D.C. named Michael Brown was shot dead after he allegedly flashed a knife to the police officers assigned in the area near Ferguson, causing his death (Flatow, 2014). Witnesses, however, tell that Brown was unarmed, and the police officers ruthlessly shot him six times on a Tuesday afternoon. Tensions and criticisms arose since the circumstances that were considered in the use of deadly force were unjustifiable (Siddiqui, 2014). This paper aims to discuss on whether or not the use of deadly force by the police officers, and other law enforcing agencies, should be sustained. As long as there is probable cause, law enforcing personnel are allowed to use deadly force. Scenarios when this can happen are: if a person...
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...to write this paper I realize that some people might be wondering “Aren’t there already women going to combat in Iraq and Afghanistan?” Well, the answer to that question was one of the driving forces behind wanting to write a paper on the subject. The short answer is “Yes”. The long answer is no, there have been no women who have gone to combat in a direct Combat Military Occupational Specialty in the history of the American Soldier. “Well how can the answer be both yes and no at the same time”? The answer comes in the forms of rules and regulations that once prohibited women from even training to take on the jobs that are considered the Combat Arms of the military. Sometimes non-military members don’t have the luxury of seeing how the military operates from the inside. The military is like a small microcosm of the world and the citizens that they protect. There is a specific job for every task, no matter how menial or prominent, that must be trained for before being allowed to officially have it as a job title. This is especially true when it comes to Combat Arms; these are jobs that will intentionally put the Soldier in the direct line of fire. The training is intense and grueling and requires a lot of very physical strength and stamina to complete the courses to become members of their ranks. Women are currently allowed to serve in Combat support roles, but the fight has been for women to be able to serve in combat positions such as Infantry, Field Artillery and Engineers....
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...in one hundred battles is not the supreme of excellence. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu "The first casualty of war is truth. Rudyard Kipling One need not destroy one's enemy. One need only destroy his willingness to engage. Sun Tzu There are but two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run the sword is always beaten by the mind. Napoleon Bonaparte In War, the moral is to the material as three is to one. Napoleon Bonaparte We were as hypnotized by the enemy's propaganda as a rabbit is by a snake. General Eric Von Ludendorf, German General Staff, 1918 The British bombarded our front not only with drum-fire of shells, but also with a drum-fire of printed paper. Besides bombs which kill the body, they drop from the air leaflets which are intended to kill the soul. Fieldmarshall Hindenberg, 1918 All propaganda has to be popular and has to adapt its spiritual level to the perception of the least intelligent of those towards whom it intends to direct itself. Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf ("My Struggle"), Vol. I ...there was no point in seeking to convert the intellectuals. For intellectuals would never be converted and would anyway always yield to the stronger, 'and this will always be the man in the street.' Arguments must therefore be crude, clear...
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...Career Research Paper: Army National GuardThe Army National Guard is a whole new way to serve. It's all about commitment to help communities in need. It's solid dedication to the country in war and in peace. They form an elite team that shares similar core values, convictions, and beliefs. To be in the National Guard can mean serving the country part-time, one weekend a month and two weeks a year as most Guard members serve. This is what makes them different from the other branches of the military. Experiences will be gained that would change one's outlook on life forever. Skills will be learned that will last a lifetime. The Guard is a team that values serving others and being the best; a part-time job with full time benefits.There's an opportunity to split up Guard training during the summers between school years. Qualified juniors can attend Basic Training during the summer before senior year and then go on to Advanced Individual Training (AIT) after senior year. The Guard will help build mind and body, and in Basic Training challenges will be conquered to become stronger, faster, and healthier. Overcoming the physical and mental challenges will instill a growing sense of pride. Basic Training is tough going through nine weeks of intense physical and mental conditioning. People discover confidence, self-assurance, and potential for leadership. In graduating Basic Training, becoming a soldier is the revenue in the Army National Guard.The Army National...
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...NT-1110 Computer Structure and Logic Unit 4 Research Paper 1 The ENIAC Computer 4/26/13 World War II was knocking on the United States front door when the decision to develop a computer to handle complex mathematical calculations was made. The United States was in a dire need for a machine that could make accurate, precise, and fast calculations. The United States government and military turned to John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert to build the first Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator; or for short the ENIAC. The United States was ill prepared and forced into the war which meant that it had few resources to accomplish the task of defeating the enemy. The ENIAC was purposefully designed to calculate all variables such as wind speed, trajectory, and distance so that each shot fired from the military was done with devastating precision and accuracy. The ENIAC enabled the military to do these calculations in a matter of hours and minutes versus days. John Mauchly and John Eckert designed artillery tables using the ENIAC to make these vital calculations that were much faster than manually calculating. Unfortunately the design of the Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator was not completed until after the war. Although the ENIAC was designed for World War II, it had other uses for that time period. One of the greatest contributions that ENIAC had was with the development of the Hydrogen bomb. The ENIAC was able to calculate the complex mathematical formulas...
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...332 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 1, NO. 4, DECEMBER 2001 Inertial Sensor Technology Trends Neil Barbour and George Schmidt, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—This paper presents an overview of how inertial sensor technology is applied in current applications and how it is expected to be applied in near- and far-term applications. The ongoing trends in inertial sensor technology development are discussed, namely interferometric fiber-optic gyros, micro-mechanical gyros and accelerometers, and micro-optical sensors. Micromechanical sensors and improved fiber-optic gyros are expected to replace many of the current systems using ring laser gyroscopes or mechanical sensors. The successful introduction of the new technologies is primarily driven by cost and cost projections for systems using these new technologies are presented. Externally aiding the inertial navigation system (INS) with the global positioning system (GPS) has opened up the ability to navigate a wide variety of new large-volume applications, such as guided artillery shells. These new applications are driving the need for extremely low-cost, batch-producible sensors. Index Terms—Accelerometer, gyroscope, inertial, MEMS. I. INTRODUCTION LECTROMECHANICAL inertial sensors have generally dominated guidance, navigation, and control applications since the dawn of inertial sensing in the early 1920s [1]–[4]. In recent years, however, new technologies have enabled other kinds of sensors that are challenging and have successfully...
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...passage of the bible used to explain the unexplainable or as an excuse for failure. I will allow that circumstances will always arise (whether in war or everyday life) that could not be predicted; however, the relative reaction to those circumstances is what separates the truly great from the merely average. I will show in this paper that the ability to creatively control ‘chance’ is the single most important factor of Carl von Clausewitz’s paradoxical trinity in understanding the greatness of Napoleon Bonapart. He called this ability in a battlefield situation, ‘military genius’ and although Clausewitz believed in the equity of the three points in his trinity, I would posit that the ability to successfully apply military ingenuity and initiative to the probabilities and uncertainties of war is what was ultimately the deciding factor in the Napoleonic Wars. A closer look at the Battles at Austerlitz, Borodino and Waterloo will demonstrate the role of chance and the military genius in victory and defeat. It is necessary first to briefly explain Clausewitz’s trinity. There are many interpretations of the precepts described in On War, but the work and research of Christopher Bassford and Edward Villacres describe the trinity as violence, chance and reason. It is also often referred to as the people, the military, and the government. While it is convenient to boil down the trinity into single word compliance, it does not do justice to...
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...[pic] McDonald's and the Environmental Defense Fund: a case study of a green alliance Sharon Livesey Originally published in…The Journal of Business Communication • January 1999 In 1987, the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development, which had convened to address the global ecological crisis, produced Our Common Future (the Brundtland Report). This watershed event established the conceptual underpinnings for environmental politics and debate in the 1990s by reframing the problem of the natural environment as one of sustainable development. In the wake of this reframing, a new practice in environmental management emerged - that of green alliances or partnerships between business and ecology groups (Westley & Vredenburg, 1991, pp. 71-72). These alliances, considered one of the ten most significant trends in environmental management and the greening of industry (Gladwin, 1993, p. 46), appeared to signal a sea change in the way business, as well as environmentalists, could respond to the ecological impacts of firms' economic activities. Indeed, environmental partnerships offered both business and ecology groups the potential for a new rhetorical stance. Business communication scholarship has identified a variety of rhetorical strategies adopted by corporations in the face of environmental controversy: defensiveness and apologia (e.g., Ice, 1991; Tyler, 1992), competing information campaigns (e.g., Lange, 1993; Moore, 1993), or retreat (e.g., Seiter...
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