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"Fish Tank" Analysis


Submitted By Hippopoplin
Words 729
Pages 3
Jason Poplin
CINE 102.01
Fish Tank
Fish Tank is an edgy, vulgar story about how a young girl named Mia struggles between choosing the path of following her passions or what’s best for her sister, Tyler, and her mother,
Joanne. The various narrative elements, such as the conflict between Mia and Joanne, included in this film help illustrate this combating relationship, and directs the watcher to imagine how it would be to view the situation from both Mia’s perspective and Joanne’s. Another narrative element that set the mood of this film was the setting and how it was mostly dim and blue, giving a feeling of depression. This reflects the feeling of the town she’s living in and how the people around her might be feeling too, and how everyone is in the same boat but has different motives in life. The cinematic techniques, such as the free-handed film style, used in the film also help get the viewer in the mood that Mia’s life is always frantic. Another element that stood out was the sound which was only the sound of the background music and conversation. This sets a quiet tone and allows the viewer to feel more connected to the characters.
Mia’s passion for dancing hinders her relationship with her Joanne and Tyler, but only because her mother believes that she has so much more potential than to be just a dancer. If her mother realized that to be happy doesn’t mean to be successful, then Mia would’ve been able to live out her passion while still having a healthy relationship with her family. This also would’ve encouraged Mia to look at life with less of a negative view on life and could’ve led to her becoming a professional dancer. Even though it looks like Joanne is always angry with her and always against her ideas, she wants the best for her because she’s been down the same road

before, just how Tyler is following Mia’s road. The dim setting

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