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Fit Five: Raw Strength Analysis

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The Fit Five: Raw Strength
ADMIN MARCH 27, 2014 0
The Fit Five: Raw Strength
Strength training is what makes us better athletes. It gives us a leg up on the competition when it comes to pushing, pulling, hitting, and throwing. Strength training is also critical for protecting the body from all the bumps and bruises we take along the way. To maximize our efforts in the gym for peak performance in the game, we tapped into our resident fitness expert, Sean Hyson, C.S.C.S.

Q1: I’m looking to increase the size and strength of my traps. What is the best technique for performing shrugs?

“Use a barbell, which will allow you to load the greatest amount of weight for the strongest muscle-building stimulus. Hold the bar at shoulder width with your palms down (or use an alternating grip if the weight is too heavy to hold on to; lifting straps are another option). Shrug your shoulders to your ears, pulling them back a bit as they come up. Since the bar will touch your thighs, it won’t allow you to retract your shoulders very far, but doing so activates more of the traps.”

The Most Important Body Parts You’re Neglecting>>>

Q2: I’ve been making good progress on the bench press so far, but have hit a plateau in the last eight weeks. How can I break through and start increasing my weight again? …show more content…
If you have trouble pressing the bar off your chest (getting it up from the bottom position), your pecs are probably weak. Add some pushups and dumbbell bench presses to your program to bring them up. If you can’t lock your elbows out at the top of the movement, your triceps need work. Work on close-grip bench presses and triceps pushdowns. If you have a partner, have him hold a board or foam roller on your chest while you bench press. Bring the bar down till it touches the surface (the range of motion should only be a few inches), pause, then press back up. Work up to a heavy set of

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