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Free Throw Research Paper

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Hearing that swish noise of a basketball net excites every determined, focused, and aspiring basketball player. Some may think of making a free throw is as easy as saying the alphabet, but in reality, the art of shooting a free throw comes down to centimeters or maybe even millimeters. If you shot the free throw a couple of centimeters left, the basketball may “toilet roll” around the hoop and eventually not go down the net. It would be hard to change high schoolers and above, but if you start perfecting the mechanics at a young age you can do it. Young kids, it is time to start now and start the process. The art of shooting a free throw comes down to the minute details. Ben Franklin, the author of Poor Richard’s Almanac, wrote: “ A small leak …show more content…
When you retrieve the ball, take a deep breath, but do not make it too short. Taking a deep breath relaxes you, and puts you at peace. If a player doesn’t take a deep breath, he may be rushed and nervous. After you have exhaled, examine the line for a nail mark. A nail mark is a mark on the line that signifies it is the center; it is kind of like a disfiguration near the middle. Put your shooting hand foot first an inch behind the mark. For example, if you shoot right-handed, place your right food an inch behind the mark. Your feet should be shoulder width apart, so you’re not off balance when you begin the routine. Once you have your feet set, your routine will start. The free throw routine can be made as complicated as incredibly hard math equations, but choose the easier route and make it simple. Would you rather calculate billions of numbers before finding the answer, or calculate a simple equation like 2+2? Of course one would choose the 2+2 equation, the simpler equation. The same procedure should be followed for a free throw routine. A routine should consist of about two to four dribbles, with a maximum of one ball spin/toss. Don’t try to imitate the NBA stars, they try to look pretty for the camera, but young kids are not at that stage yet. Don’t overcomplicate a seemingly easy process. For me, I dribble the ball twice. Dribbling creates a peace of mind and puts you in rhythm, and trainers preach …show more content…
This is referred to as the shooting pocket, and my old coach used to drill on this because it creates that sense of rhythm. Once the ball is in the shooting pocket, you are ready to fire away- like a nerf bullet you are ready to fire at your best buddy. In one swift harmonious motion, raise the ball upward. Make sure your shooting arm is close to your side, not like a chicken wing. Do not create any hitches in your shot as this wrecks your rhythm. Shooting a free throw with rhythm is key because you should go to the line every time with the same sense of rhythm. For example, when listening to music, the beat has rhythm. If the beat is discordant, the music doesn’t sound as good. Same thing applies to your free throw shot. You want your shot to be harmonious. If you look at Steph Curry, arguably the greatest shooter in the NBA, his shot is as smooth as silk with harmonious motion. When bringing the ball upward, you have a release point. Stronger players with have it in the dead center of their forehead, moderately strong will have their release point between their two eyebrows, and the weakest may have it at their nose. For younger players, the ball may be at their chin, but make sure it is in front of your chin so it doesn’t bang the underside of your mouth. As you grow older and stronger, bring the ball farther up as this will will help you shooting jumpers, not just free throws. Now, the ball takes

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