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Garrett High School Case Studies

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Garrett has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyper activity disorder (ADHD), depression, oppositional defiance disorder (ODD), anxiety disorder, and post traumatic stress disorder. In addition to these issues, he endured years of verbal abuse, mental abuse, and occasional physical altercations with his father. Being raised in this difficult environment and having a learning disability has greatly impeded his ability to interact with others and be successful in a standard school environment. Garrett has attended private school, public school, summer school, and is now being home schooled. We pray that he graduates High School and finds a career that fits his many challenges.
As a small child his mom would record Sesame Street during the …show more content…
Most recently, he was placed in an intensive out patience counseling program all day for three weeks. They were hoping that the mental health would help with his outburst. He was put on a third medication and this combination of drugs seems to be helping him greatly. The outpatient program gave the family additional medical bills. Plus his mother spent up to 6 hours a day driving him to and from counseling. In addition to all of this, his sister broke both of her legs and was out of school for eight weeks, and his grandmother had to move into the home so his mother would not lose her job. This added additional stress to his home life. Stress at home can affect how a student performs at …show more content…
Garrett does not like social interaction. He did not go to any of the high school activities like sporting events, school dances, or plays. He did not really have any close friends. He hates to shower, so he often smells really bad. One time, my parents thought my brother had a poopy diaper when the smell was Garrett. Garrett is currently very over weight, which make him more socially awkward. His medical suppresses his apatite during the day.
His opposition defiance disorder makes him argue with people even if the topic is not worth arguing about. He does poorly with younger children, since kids will argue about all kind of thing.
When he rides in a vehicle and they start to get up into the city with lots of cars and tall buildings surrounding him, he gets very anxious. Whenever he feels threatened, he flees the situation rather than dealing with the problem. One time, he stole a child’s bike to get away from summer school. He has had to go in front of the judge and do community service before. One positive thing about being a social hermit crab is Garrett has not been involved with drugs or alcohol.
Until most recently, Garrett has always had outbursts when he would get upset. They have changed his medication and he is somewhat better. He is verbally abusive and damages property during his

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