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Gender Difference in Manager Behavior


Submitted By shamikabnks
Words 796
Pages 4
Shamika Banks

Gender Difference in Manager Behavior

In this case study there is a debate about how there may be a difference in the way a women and men handle their duties as a manager. Does it make a difference in the gender of the person? This is a case that is discussed and studied from a psychological stand point. In the case they looked at different aspects of the way either gender may handle certain thing the same or different.
Some of the points that were looked at were: • Organizing • Leadership • Communication • Opportunity • Power • Numbers

|Women |Men |
|A type of manager that wants to be included in a project when she|The type of manager that wants to be in command and makes the |
|is putting together a team. Not trying to come off as the one in |rules. He gives the orders and they are followed out by the |
|charge, but a team player. Involved in all aspects of the |employees to complete assignments. May tell employees what is |
|assignments. |needed, but not participating. |

|Women |Men |
|The type of manager that doesn’t offer an incentive, but offer |The type of manager that would off some type of incentive in |
|encouragement to want to get the job done and to love more of |order to make the employee want to work harder. More incentives |
|what they are doing in order to get the particular task done. |and less encouragement. Willing to give in order to get goal |

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