...instant of time a cutting pain hit my heart and I knew without a doubt in my mind the reason why my mother was crying. I ran towards her and wrapped my arms around her. As I stood there hugging my mother every emotion that was projected by my mother’s scream rushed in to me. It was an uncontrollable wave hitting me and then surrounding me with the infinite matter of water which sole purpose was to drown me. A few days have gone by and here I was now standing in a graveyard surrounded by my family everyone dressed in dark colors. In front of me was a white coffin in a rectangle hole in the sand that held my grandfather. As I stood there I saw the sadness that came from the loss of my grandfather in my family’s eyes. I wondered what impact my grandfather made in our lives that made us feel this way now that he is gone. It was then that I remembered one thing that my grandfather said to me once “…everyone has...
Words: 766 - Pages: 4
...This necklace was purchased and resided in Maui with my grandfather for about 15 years. Worn daily, this necklace has been all around the world including incredible destinations such as Ireland, France, England, Africa, Japan. This necklace has given strength and power to my grandfather to help overcome life obstacles while also providing security when accomplishing great things. When it was past down to me, this necklace has seen many of my accomplishments like my confirmation and graduation. Having seen many beautiful sites and endeavors, this simple gold cross necklace has provided me with a gateway to my grandfathers past accomplishments and always reminds me to never stop working hard. Price: $1,000 Gold Notre Dame Mini-Helmet: This miniature Notre Dame gold football helmet will be a prized possession for any true Notre Dame Football fan. The details in the structure of this helmet are very realistic. The actual padding inside the helmet, the face guard, and mouth protector make your feel as if you are in the game yourself. My grandfather was a University of Notre Dame graduate in 1953, and ever since then he has been all about supporting Notre Dame. This helmet has been part of our tailgating décor at all of the football games we’ve attended. When Notre Dame was traveling, the helmet would be above our television for good luck. This helmet has really become a piece of family history because it holds so many great memories about our times surrounded by family and friends...
Words: 313 - Pages: 2
...said that “Most of Warren’s best stories are painful, guilt-ridden commemorations of some young person’s rites of passage.” This story is no different. We see a kid return to the farm he loves, only to be met with questions. His grandfather, Mr. Barden, is not the same as he remembered. The grandson has trouble understanding his grandfather’s sudden flaws, and by reexamining his grandfather, is not capable of loving him anymore. At the beginning of the story we follow the grandson’s memory of what his grandfather looked like. The first line says “My grandfather had a long white beard and sat under the cedar tree.” This was how he imagined his grandfather while he was at school, but when he returned he was shocked to see that the beard was actually “gray and pointed.” This opening paragraph sets the tone for the entire story. The grandson had a majestic image of his grandfather in his mind, but the passage of time sheds light on imperfections that were previously unimportant. Paul Runyon says that “’When the Light Gets Green’ is a strongly autobiographical reminiscence of his grandfather Penn.” Runyon point helps show that this story is about the coming of age period in a young man’s life. The grandson continues to analyze his grandfather, who is looking into a “wavy green mirror.” The mirror is an interesting symbol in this scene. A wavy mirror makes it seem as though it would alter the appearance anyone who was looking into it. Also the idea of looking at a reflection...
Words: 1357 - Pages: 6
...as a society have progressed so quickly over the last 50 years. Until conducting these interviews I was not aware of the immense amount of progress, and in some cases amount of deterioration, that we as a society have caused. It is obvious in the way that human beings have treated things like environmental sustainability, civic engagement and social justice over this time and this paper will be examining how these ideas have are different to generation. While interviewing my grandfather I was able to gather lots of information about not just the time he lived in, but also some information about himself that I had not previously known. He started off the interview by telling me about his childhood. My grandfather was born in Haarlem, Netherlands in 1940 and as many know this was the year that Germany began its occupation of the Netherlands. He grew up in a rural area and spoke about how little food him and his family had due to the conflict happening in his home country. When I asked my Grandfather about his childhood he told me there was little to be...
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...the time I was seven my parent’s marriage had reached a point where they decided to get a divorce. I can remember it was winter, cold and gloomy, when my mother came into my room to tell me that I would have to go live with her parents, my grandfather and grandmother Kotara; consequently, I immediately felt warm, energetic and excited when she told me this. Most children I think would have been upset; however, I was being sent to stay with my grandfather, who was my idol and best friend. I was 7 years old when I arrived at my grandfathers, just as eager to see me as I was him, who was a Polish immigrant, which liked Coca Cola, Hersey chocolate bars, pink snowballs, and loved to fish. Pampa, Texas consisted of grasslands, canyons, wheat fields, and ranches, as well as, the constant smell of fresh grass and extreme heat and cold the ever-changing climate. I can close my eyes, and to this day and that smell allows me to envision the vast grassland and canyons that seemed to go on forever. By the time I was born, he had built a heavy equipment business and a small drilling company, this is the stage that was set, which changed and developed my future. Even though I initially do not realize that my best mentor was at home, my grandfather let me play with all the equipment in his yard from the age of seven to nineteen; consequently, training me how to use and repair the equipment, in turn, developing...
Words: 1335 - Pages: 6
...to apply for my social worker degree, but for some reason I decided to wait, partly because I had a feeling that I needed to make sure that the career I was choosing, truly reflected on who I am as a person and my professional aspirations. I had never heard of occupational therapy until I started working in an Early Intervention program and also had a very personal experience that allowed me to discover such a life-changing career. Last year my grandfather suffered from a fall, which resulted with a fractured light dementia. My grandfather, who had suffered from several fall previously. My grandfather has always been my hero, serving in the Military as a general doctor for many years, I had grown up admiring his strength in character, his liveliness and overall his independence at his age. However, after the fall his dementia became worse, he cloudlet remember who I was or any of his short-term memory, he could only remember my mom he could only speak his first lounge which was Russian. Their was choice and to place my grandfather in nursing home until we could figure what to...
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...Voting Restrictions By: Brittnay Smith Although the Civil War brought about many changes in the nation, some states were still biased when it came to politics. Before 1870, there many laws were passed with the intent on restricting certain people or races from voting; most created or implemented by Southern administrations and although all races had the right to vote, the South did not wish for African-Americans, Mexican-American, or certain whites to vote. However, after the ratification of the 14th and 15th amendments, minority races had a better chance to vote in federal elections, yet this did not impede the South’s attempts. The literacy tests, formally introduced in 1890, refers to state government practice of administering tests to prospective voters to test their literacy and determine their eligibility to vote. The tests were usually administered orally by white local officials; most questions concerned areas that mostly non-whites would not know. Alabama’s literacy test questions that were given to African Americans included naming all 67 county states judges in the state, the date Oklahoma was admitted into the Union, and stating how many bubbles were in a bar of soap. In light of this, the Supreme Court held that the literacy tests did not violate the 14th nor 15th amendment –but after a series of cases the Supreme Court restricted the use of the literacy test for non-English speaking citizens. Nevertheless, The Voting Rights Act of 1965 suspended the use of literary...
Words: 473 - Pages: 2
...| McGregor’s Ltd. | Memo To: | James McGregor | From: | Allen Lee | cc: | | Date: | October 29, 2014 | Re: | Employee Discount | | | Mr. McGregor, I would like to talk with you regarding the pending change to our employee discount system. I agree with you that changes need to be made within the company, to save money and create revenue, but I don’t think taking discounts away from some of our long time employees is the best way to obtain those goals. I have set forth a plan that will insure more equality of discounts, including some employees that currently receive no discount at all, and in the long run, we will still save money without damaging the morale of our workforce. In my plan, we would adopt an employee discount based on the three-tier system you proposed. A 10%, 15% and 20% based on the each goods profit margin. The only difference is if the new plan isn’t beneficial to an employee, they would be grandfathered in and keep their current plan. All employees will be eligible to receive the discounts. This includes the cleaning staff who currently receives no discount. This new discount will also serve to attract a younger group of employees as you have stressed, as well as increase morale amongst our current employees. New employees will receive the revised employee discount. As employees leave the company, discounts grandfathered in, will become obsolete, thus saving us money in the long run. This will also prevent any adverse reaction...
Words: 374 - Pages: 2
...While the relationship Alexander had with Calum was not always consistent due to their different childhoods, Grandfather was a constant figure in Alexander’s life. Grandfather was always trying to make the world “right” and in doing so acted as a teacher to Alexander about the history of the MacDonald family. Grandfather never stopped informing Alexander of their ancestors’ life stories and even on Alexander’s graduation had to use to library to find out the truth about “Wolfe and the Highlanders at Quebec, on the Plains of Abraham” (108) and how Wolfe was “[j]ust using them for his own goals” (108). Grandfather thought that every piece of history was important to know and had to research all accounts of an event to find out what really happened. After gathering those acts, Grandfather would then be quick to share...
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...Archeology of Xerxes I King Xerxes I, also known as Xerxes the Great, was a powerful Persian king. He is referred to in the biblical book of Esther. His father was king Darius I and his grandfather was Cyrus the Great. Even though there is evidence like where he was buried, the argument of if he existed or not is still debatable. Now archeologists are starting to uncover artifacts with Persian inscriptions on them that as the name Xerxes carved on them. An alabaster jar was uncovered and it looks to come from 5th century BC Egypt, and is inscribed with the name of the Persian King Xerxes. (“Persepolis and Ancient Iran”) It is inscribed in both cuneiform and hieroglyphs, and is about ten inches high. The ruins of the magnificent palace...
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...The Ones That Mean The World To Me Matt Maurer ENG121: English Composition I Jennifer Naimark August 18, 2014 THE ONES 2 “Do your best is all that we ask, and you will never regret anything that happens.” If I've heard that once I have heard that a million times, and I continue to hear it when I start any new project. Nobody compares to the two individuals that taught me that and I am about to introduce you to them within this paper. You are going to be in for such a fascinating barrage of information about two people that if it were not for them I literally would not be here, but I would also not be the individual I am today. Looking back on my “short” thirty nine years of life and imagining it without the influence of these two great individuals, would be like imagining that you could ride a bicycle to Hawaii, it would just be impossible. I hope you brought your glass of sweet tea, a soft chair and an open heart to receive the information about these two people that have done everything to the best of their ability to make sure that I succeed and that I am a man of my word. I never realized how my wonderful loving grandparents were slowly and patiently molding me into the man I am today, but through the lessons and experiences I can say I owe everything I am and will be to these two wonderful individuals. My two maternal grandparents are absolutely the best two individuals that could be in my life and my true deep love for them began at a very young age. It all started...
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...* Cyrus the Great, without a doubt, had huge impacts to not only world history but impacts that can still be seen today. Cyrus ruled over the first world empire while exercising leadership skills such as military strategy, politics and human rights. He showed respect for the customs and religions of the nations he conquered which was one of the key successes of his rule. Cyrus also had huge impacts to the religious society for his contributions to the Jews after the capture of Babylon. Where and when was Cyrus the Great born? Were there any persons or events in his early life which you believe helped shape this individual’s legacy? Cyrus the Great was born around 600-599BC in Media. In “Cyrus the Great” by Jacob Abbott it speaks about how Cyrus was ordered to be killed by the king for fear that he would take away his throne. This fear was caused by dreams that Cyrus’ grandfather, Astyages, had prior to the birth of Cyrus. Instead of Cyrus being murdered at birth, his death was concealed by slaves of Harpagus whom was the man ordered by the king to kill Cyrus. Harpagus’ herdsman Mitridates was sent for to take the baby out into the woods and left there to die. It happened to be that Mitridates had a wife named Spaco. Spaco had recently given birth to her own son, however their child died soon after birth. Spaco saw this as a chance to fill the void left by her dead son. While Mitridates disagreed at first for fear of what might happen he soon came to agree with his wife. Spaco...
Words: 1954 - Pages: 8
...A Man Killed by His Own Soul’s Ability to Reach for Corruption The statement, “I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions”, was made by Augusten Burroughs. He might have been talking about himself but this quote applies to the character Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby. Many historians believe that Mr. Gatsby was inspired by F. Scott himself. They both were romantics who fell in love with the heartbreaking wild girl. They were both guys who were willing to break the rules in order to get to the top. And most diffidently they were just two guys trying to make to greener pastor. F. Scott wrote The Great Gatsby threw the eyes of Nick Carraway. Originally in awe of him, Nick uncovers the truth and grows an inner hatred for Gatsby; until he opens his eyes to see his sad life in which he feels nothing put pity and empathy for Mr. Gatsby. After being formally invited to one of Gatsby party, Nick excitedly waits to meet his interesting neighbor. Mr. Gatsby is the man, which everyone gossips about around. Whether he has killed a man or is being a spy for the American government, he is always being talked about. The first time Nick meets the fellow war veteran, he describes him as having “one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it”; that is the first thing which attracts Nick most about Gatsby(53). The smile along with the parties, and the many phone calls causes nick to be intrigued his next-door neighbor. Public Gatsby...
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...It was a very difficult time in their life, but it had to be done to survive, just as many refugees do today. While in Iran, life was extremely laborious. Jobs were scarce, to the point that nearly everyone was put to work to bring in any form of money to survive. My Пра-прабабушка (great grandmother) had to wash laundry by hand while pregnant with her 10th child. My Бабушка’s older sisters, both under the age of 15, became live in housekeepers, only coming home to visit on the weekends. My Прадед (great grandfather) worked a minimum of 12 hours per day, 6 days a week, in a coal mine. He reported, almost every day, around 80 dead bodies brought up from deep in the mine. This was before the world War 2 Era; most of the world was in turmoil. My Предки (ancestors) - my great grandparents and their parents - lived in Iran for 19 years. In 1952, my grandmother, who was about 10 years old, was able to come to the USA, along with her entire family, thanks to funding via the Baptist...
Words: 526 - Pages: 3
...feel like to watch your own house and everything you’ve worked so hard for, be destroyed by a man made piece of technology in a matter of seconds? This is just one example of what society was like during the Great Depression and all throughout the 1930’s. The Grapes of Wrath shows us what life was like for the average American in the 1930’s; put lightly, it was extremely bitter. The Joad family faced a countless number of issues throughout the movie, including poverty, drought, and house foreclosure. Contemporary society still faces some of the same issues. For instance, we still see steady rates of unemployment in America, as well as a distrust in the economy. Over the years, we have failed to learn that we must stick together as a society when times are at their worst. Consequently, these things will never change if we do not choose to make the change. As a society we must come together as one when faced with opposition....
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