...According to the Gun Violence Archive, there has been over 50,000 gun related incidents in the USA in 2015.America has been immersed in the gun debate during recent years. It is a hot topic within the 2016 election race. Many believe that since the 2nd Amendment gives americans the right to own guns, gun owners should not be restricted in anyway. Gun control laws are necessary to curb mass shootings and decrease gun violence ( Infobase Learning,“Should the US adopt stronger gun control laws”) I advocate for stricter gun control laws considering that lax regulations within states such as Louisiana, gun deaths/injuries are a threat to American public health, and that more restrictive laws directly correlate to less gun-related injuries/deaths...
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...Gun Control Gun control is one of the controversial issues in the United States of America, especially after the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King. In some parts of America living with a gun is not only a right but also a culture. But for many others it is a threat and a source of insecurity. I am part of the latter and hope to see gun free America. In real world there ups and downs, there are moments of pleasure as well as discomfort. This is fact of life. Crimes are committed not only by criminals but by anyone who couldn’t restrain his anger during interaction in day to day life. At this moment it is not the same to be with a gun and without. As a human being there are moments when things are beyond our control and forced us to take serious measures against others. During this moment if a person is unable to restrain his emotion, carrying a gun will push him to commit a crime which he has never been intended. Bearing gun is a right as it is written in the Second Amendment of United States constitution; however, how this can be reconciled if it is a threat to the majority of Americans is a legitimate question. Guns exact a huge toll on America's children and youth, both in terms of lives lost and in terms of quality of life. Study shows that for black families, the chance of their male children dying from a gunshot wound is 62% higher than the chance of dying in a motor vehicle crash. For Hispanics, the chance of dying by...
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...environment for children and teenagers in today`s world. On average, there are 13,000 deaths in the United States resulting from gun violence each year. 150,000 students have experienced a school shooting since the Columbine High School Massacre in 1999, and that number continues to rise. It is obvious that something needs to change to protect children of all ages in schools, but this will not happen on its own. Everyone must get on board, students, parents, teachers, politicians, citizens, to implement better mental health care, education, and support, improved threat assessment protocol, and change gun laws and regulations. It should not be a battle to end students dying in schools; we all play a part in ending...
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...UX014 Armando Nunez 5130 Essay Are guns affecting the safety of children? In 2018 there have been 18 school shootings which is twice the amount of shootings there was in 2017. We are in the month of May and there is already 18 school shootings. Although these fire weapons have protected homes they also endanger the lives of the young citizens of the United States. Society in the US now question the role of guns due to the latest mass shooting in Parkland, Florida at Marjory Stoneman Douglas. These weapons of mass destruction are found in people’s homes for hunting, safety, or even just for the enjoyment of having a gun. These weapons have been the main use of massacres in the US and it brings out the evil of a person with mental issues. Evil is a part of life and this has been true since the dawn of civilizations, mental issues cause a person to think in a depressing manner and believe that by killing people it will relieve me of this pain or the pain others may have. This is a thought physcopaths have and usually in shootings like the one in Sandy Hook Elementary have them killing family members and then others and then finally themselves. These mental issues people are having are causing...
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...particularly with limited resources, AD ranks one of the top most priorities. Even if the resources are managed, the inadequacy of country’s depth and the location of enemy air bases will certainly reduce the effectiveness of the Interceptor fighters, as these would get less response time. Therefore, more and more dependency on ADA forces is a viable option because these are comparatively less costly, easy to maintain and not much affected by country’s depth. AIM 3. To give a brief idea about ADA. SCOPE 4. The presentation will be unfolded in Three phases under following sequence: a. PHASE-I. (1) History of ADA. (2) Related Definitions of ADA. (3) Principles of ADA Employment. (4) Types of ADA Equipment. b. PHASE-II. (1) Threat Perception. (2) ADA of...
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...Banning guns will create a world without violence. But there is no such thing as a world without violence. Gun don't kill, people kill our country is producing more idiots than anywhere in the world, we skate anyone and everyone through then we ignoring them. We allow labels to be put on every condition even if its laziness and we call it autism or Asperger’s. We reward kids for acting dumb when they just don't want to try and we give them IEP’s and reduce the work they have to do. Guns alone don’t kill, someone must pick it up, aim it and pull the trigger. If someone wanted to kill and you take the guns away, then they’ll find another away like a knife, cars, pillows, bats, hangars, even water. Although getting rid of guns might decrease the death rate, there are other ways to kill. It's rather doubtful for it, if you look at history man first used their bare hands, evolved to sticks, then firearms, and now other little exotic creature. Getting rid of gun goes against the constitution the right to keep...
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...crime of stalking under the statute discussed in this case? The elements of the crime of stalking under the statutue disscussed in Clements v. States case are the intentional frightening, noticeable threat of death, persistent harrassment, and no excuse for criminal negligence. First, the Court of Appeals for the First District of Texas recognized the fact that Nathan intentionally frightened Jennifer through his actions. Nathan revealed aggressive actions against Jennifer including verbally threatening to kill her friend and placing a gun on her pillow to confirm his threat. Once his threats became more valid and dangerous, Jennifer felt her life was in danger. Jennifer told Nathan she felt in danger, and Nathan even recognized her deep fear. However, he did not stop intimidating her by following, yelling, and attempting to forcefully contact her. He intended to scare Jennifer back to his possession....
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...Gun control paper Gun control is a big thing in the United States nowadays. There are people that think the American people would be better off without any guns at all and there is people that think that it would be better with guns and firearms. My opinion is in the middle of being for and against gun control. Some places it would be good to not have guns and other places should have guns. People that are for gun control might think that there shouldn’t be any guns in America so that their wouldn’t be anymore crime and murders with a firearm. But with this idea, the government would have to destroy all guns in the world because if America goes gun free there will be people that will want guns. With that people from different countries...
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...Gun Control Lead to safer environment and vital Economy Weiwei Zhu Xuedan Lu Overview United States has a long history of gun culture. Stemmed from its colonial history, America experienced revolutionary roots and frontier expansion. The Second Amendment states: "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." So far, America has the largest total number of guns in the world-- about 270,000,000 guns in the nation, and the highest per capita number -- 88.8 guns per 100 people, in the world. Statistics shows that 22% of Americans own one or more guns (35% of men and 12% of women). Gun control is regulation restricting or limiting the sale and...
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...decade there has been a drastic increase in the debate over gun control. A Constitutional right set forth by our forefathers is now seemingly being laid to rest by the leaders of our country. However, as a modern Democratic society the people of our nation are refusing to go down without a fight. By evaluating and analyzing recent gun control policies and the reaction of such policies by the general public, supported by a graphical representation of my theory, I will argue that through recent policy that the increase in the limiting of sale of firearms and ammunition and the attempted disarming of the American public has endangered the law abiding citizens of this country instead of saving them as many would have us believe. I hypothesize that with stricter...
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...Gun law World Net, from Princeton University, defines a “Civil Right” as a right or rights belonging to a person by reason of citizenship including especially the fundamental freedoms and privileges guaranteed by the 13th and 14th amendments and subsequent acts of congress including the right to legal, social and economic equality. This makes gun ownership as much of a civil right as freedom of speech, religion and freedom of the press. Supreme Court affirms Second Amendment as a fundamental civil right (District of Columbia v Heller) The Heller case challenged several laws in Washington DC that constituted a complete ban on the Second Amendment rights for D.C. residents with no exception given for self-defense. In the Heller case, the Supreme court ruled that the Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental individual right to have functional firearms in the home that are commonly owned without being connected to any service of the state or military organization. The Supreme Court also ruled that the Second Amendment is a fundamental part of the bill of rights, which guarantees citizen’s individual rights. Lastly, in this 5 to 4 decision with Associate Justice Antonin Scalia writing for the majority, the Supreme Court affirmed that Washington DC gun laws violated the Second Amendment Civil Rights of DC residents and to positively restore those rights. Quotes from Scalia’s majority opinion: D.C.’s requirement that lawfully owned firearms in the home, such as registered...
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...peace and offerings to the innocent party. The state of war leads into the law of self-preservation (may kill another person in self-defense) which is a key component to the laws of nature. Locke explains that with this reasoning one could potentially kill a thief because if you attack somebodies property it could represent a threat to their freedom, thus making you feel threatened to lose something that you earned. Locke is caught in a crossroads between personal liberties and how we should be protected by the government or proper authorities. The issue is what happens when the government is too inept to protect our personal liberties. Locke was around during the time of kings, their rule was final and not to be questioned. During this time period things were different then they are now but essentially the same. The conclusion in the state of war is when the authoritarian figures in charge of protecting our freedoms rather it be kings or a governments cannot protect us we have the right as a human to protect ourselves from a threat. Locke uses a premise that humans are intellectual enough to make the correct decisions about if something is a threat or not and how to handle it as humanly as possible. Locke provides a strong argument in state of war. He makes the case that in the society war is different than the actual laws that have been in existence since the beginning of living creatures. In the instance of right now how are we...
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...The Restrictions on Gun Ownership Twaina Claar PHI103: Informal Logic (GSJ1228B) Instructor: Jennifer Schneider August 13, 2012 Are there any legitimate restrictions on gun ownership? The answer to this question may vary by the people you ask some people may say yes but others will say either the restrictions need to be increased or they need dropped. I will explain to you exactly what the second amendment says. I will also explain the negative side of gun control and the restrictions that come along with ownership. I want you to realize just how true this statement is, “Guns don’t kill people, People kill people.” I have been raised around guns and I have been taught about gun safety. I want for you to see that as United States Citizens, we have the right to protect ourselves and our homes from criminals. If the government continues to take away our right to keep and bear arms, we will be defenseless against those that wish to harm us. What would happen if the military lost their fire arms? They would not be able to defend our country and how much sense does that make? Do you think that our president lives in a home that is not protected? I don’t consider a security system true protection and I am sure that he doesn’t either. I do find that the rules to the Carry...
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...Christian McBride August 23, 2014 EN1420 Guns don’t kill people. It has always been the responsibility of the people to protect themselves, never the responsibility of the government to protect us. It is however the Government’s responsibility to protect the rights of the people, including the right for the people to protect themselves; the Amendment. Gun control is not effective; as it has never been shown in a national study to reduce the number of gun related crimes. If the people do not protect themselves, there is no protection. It has been proven in many other countries in all of which these destinations have very minimal gun laws and restrictions. These countries include Norway, Finland, France and Germany and in all of these countries there is a remarkably lower murder rate, way below the rate of the United States. One of the most widely known colleges in the world, Harvard University conducted a study, with the result of the study being “gun control is proven to be counterproductive”. In the United States, gun control has been a long argued battle of the people’s right to bear arms vs. the law controlling guns. The US Constitution’s Second Amendment reads: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Who is to say that any belong to the “well-regulated Militia” is the general public a Militia. The truth is most Americans do not trust the government, or more...
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...entire day as I worked outside. She sat quietly as I expected her to jump up and shoot the children down the street in a rage, but to my surprise she didn’t budge a hair. Now, the idea that a gun could sprout legs, cock itself and shoot an innocent bystander is just plain silly. In recent times, many people have blamed the gun instead of the shooter for mass shootings or accidents. Many times, it was indeed an accident that could have been avoided. But are these accidents and tragedies cause to eliminate our constitutional right to bear arms? Even though democrats, liberals and left-wing activists believe that gun control is best for America because of these accidental shootings, American citizens still have the right to defend ourselves and our property, women carrying concealed or open can better protect themselves against rapists, murderers and thieves, and of course the Second Amendment gives us the right to bear arms. Democrats and Liberals have been running campaigns non-stop about banning the use of guns by citizens. It seems every website, radio show or Facebook post from them is anti-gun, so why do they want to rid the country of its constitutional right? Gun control by definition is the “government regulation of the sale and ownership of firearms.” (Dictionary.com) The control of guns in America is vital, of course because it prevents people who shouldn’t or are banned from using them to get them easily. For...
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