The preceding research has shown the benefits of what the HPV vaccine can offer, but what are the negative aspects of the vaccination? CDC published a summary of severe side effects that occurred with HPV vaccine utilizing the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to provide a public opinion on the downsides to the HPV vaccine so that patients can have information on both sides of the spectrum (2014). Center for Disease Control (CDC, 2014) displayed, "In the first report, there were 12,424 reports of adverse events 772 (6% of all reports) described serious adverse events including 32 reports of death. The most recent VAERS report 2006-2014, showed 85 deaths after the vaccine, however there were no common patterns to the deaths that…show more content… Regarding VAERS report, White (2014) emphasized, "Two reports of unusual neurological illness that were variants of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) that resulted in the deaths of two young females" (p. 431). The two deaths are still under investigation to determine if the vaccine is actually cause of ALS, based on the research. This information should target parents who are afraid their adolescent might acquire autism or ALS due to vaccination with reassurance because there were only two female victims suffered from neuropathic disease related to HPV vaccination of the 67 million…show more content… For example when parents believe that acquire HPV vaccine might cause their pre-teen child to become more sexually active than they desire. According to New England Journal of Medicine research by Charo (2007) showed, "Several ethical issues are highlighted in their analysis including whether to vaccinate people who have opted to abstain from sex and whether obtaining the vaccine increases the early onset of sexual relations. But experience shows that abstinence-only approaches to sex education do not delay the age of sexual initiation, nor do they decrease the number of sexual encounters.3 According to the CDC, though only 13% of American girls are sexually experienced by 15 years of age, by 17 the proportion grows to 43%, and by 19 to 70%" (p. 1907). The information states that regardless of education program promoting sexually abstinence, STD preventions, and parental belief that their child is not sexually active, does not equivalent to the statistical data that shows by age 19, more than 70% of adolescents have had sexual intercourse. Culture and religion will always be the contra factors to the benefits of HPV vaccine, but if parents can be educated by health care providers and nurses alike, there is a greater chance of persuading parents to viewing the HPV vaccine as a positive cancer prevention