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Heart Valve Replacement Research Paper

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The heart is the most complex organs in the human body and without it the body cannot survive. If the heart does not respond the way its suppose to, it can cause major health altercations or even death. As time has progress, technology has progress as well. Scientist have discovered many procedures to help the heart stay in rhythm. Some of the most famous and common procedures discovered are the pacemaker and heart valve replacement. These procedures have become easier over time and are the most reliable procedure to keep the heart alive. Scientist have also found solutions for arteriosus which is a defect that happens right after birth. Doctors are using pacemakers to send electrical impulses to keep the heart in rhythm, replacing or fixing …show more content…
The pacemaker is a battery operated machine with a small generator with electrical wires attached. “The pacemaker is composed of a small titanium encased pulse generator that contains a lithium battery and electrical circuitry attached to one, two, or three leads (wires) that are inserted into the heart” (John Hopkins Medicine). The smallest pacemaker is about the size of a vitamin pill. They are fairly small but do a great amount of work. The surgeon inserts the wires (leads) into a vein that leads into the heart and they attach to the sinoatrial node. This is the body’s generator so the pacemaker is inserted here to regulate the defective rhythm. The pacemaker then sends its impulses to the sinoatrial node to make it contract correctly. After the sinoatrial node contracts, the atriums contract which makes the ventricles contract. Once the pacemaker starts sending impulses the heart goes back to normal rhythm and pumps right about of blood throughout the body. Once you get your pacemaker, you might have to get a new one after a while. “Once your pacemaker is implanted, the battery should last five to 15 years, which is the average battery life” (Mayo Clinic). Depending on the heart dependence of the pacemaker, the battery could die differently at different dependences. Batteries don’t last forever in the pacemaker but it’s better than not having …show more content…
“The most common valve surgical procedure is aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis, or narrowing of the aortic valve. Mitral stenosis is another condition that sometimes requires a valve replacement procedure” (American Heart Association). Mitral stenosis is the disease that closes the opening of the valve. Any valve in the heart is at risk for either of these two diseases. If any of the valves experiences these diseases it can interrupt the blood flow and put your body at more risk for more problems. Surgeries for heart valve replacements can have different forms. “Many surgical procedures may be used to repair or replace heart valves, including open-heart surgery or minimally invasive heart surgery” (Mayo Clinic). Depending on your age, health, and heart valve depends on what surgery you will get. During open heart surgery, doctor cut open the chest and make big incisions to replace the valve with an artificial valve or to fix the leaking part of the valve. Newer technology has made it easier for doctors to do the same procedure with smaller incisions. “The diseased valve may be repaired using a ring to support the damaged valve” (John Hopkins Medicine). After the surgery is done, your doctor will prescribe long-term anti-rejection medications to prevent blood

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