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Helicobacter Pylori Research Paper

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Helicobacter pylori
Cardiovascular Microbiology 212 research

Supervised by:
Dr.Muzaheed Abdul rasheed

Zahra Dhiya Al-Ahmed 2170003019
CT | 2nd year
Subtitle Page Number
Introduction 3,4,5
Diagnosis 5,6
Breath Test 6
Blood Test 6
Stool Test 6
Biopsy 7
Transmission 7
Immune response 8
Symptoms 8,9,10
Treatment 10,11
Prevention 12 conclusion 12,13
References 14,15

Introduction Who does not have abdominal pain during childhood? predominantly, most people have this pain correspond to an infection. Many scientist and doctors count stress, increase the acidity, lifestyle, and spicy food as main causes of gastric infection while others relate it to bacteria. The first belief was the most supposed until two Australian physicians, Barry Marshall and Robin Warren before 1982 when bacterium was discovered, proved the opposite. They built a theory based on a specific type of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) as one of results of stomach infection and they proved it. Later, it has classified as one of the most common human pathogens infect stomach. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) known as Campylobacter pylori is a small, curved, microaerophilic, gram-negative bacterium with spiral-shape. This type of bacteria is located in gastric mucous layer, or …show more content…
the patient should stop taking any antibiotics such as Pepto-Bismol, and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) for two weeks before the test. Then, during the test, special solution contains urea that breaks down protein should be swallowed. The urea used is harmless and radioactive at the same time. Then, the specialist will recognize the presence of H. pylori. In existence of bacteria, carbon dioxide will be noticed and recorded in exhaled breath ten minutes later. Widely, this test in most people uses for both identify the infection, and reveal treatment effectiveness. (as the right

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