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History Of Philosophy Warburton

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Merriam Webster Dictionary defines Philosophy as: the study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life, etc. A Little History of Philosophy discusses questions, which intrigued humanity from the beginning of time. Those questions include, “How should we live our lives?”, “What is reality?”, and “Whether or not God exists?”. These timeless ideas are discussed in depth throughout the chapters of Warburton’s A Little History of Philosophy. The discussions are kept brief, as he introduces readers to the philosophical reasoning, from the ancient Socrates to the more contemporary philosophers such as Peter Singer. As we journey through the chapters, we contemplate; we formulate new ideas and plant the seeds of inquiry. These …show more content…
It is well thought through and organized in an easy to follow format. Warburton uses a great tactic of introducing one to three philosophers in each chapter, making their ideas easier to follow. The philosophical hypotheses are challenging to comprehend but Warburton attempts to keep it short and simple by using examples from our daily lives. He doesn’t attempt to bring us to any definite answers. As we move through the chapters, he continuously makes us rethink what he writes in an attempt to reevaluate our own beliefs. In doing so, he encourages us to keep an open mind, to not accept any blindly and proves that there can be no end to questions and analysis. The Method of Cartesian Doubt is what makes change and progress possible. Philosophy teaches us morality, inquisitiveness, how to live our lives, how to cope with our sensations and emotions, how to organize our societies and how to find meaning in our daily struggles. Philosophy is crucial to our lives, as without its ideas and arguments, we wouldn’t know to argue against injustice, wars, slavery, discrimination and inequality. Warburton’s A Little History of Philosophy serves as a great introduction to this important discipline, which teaches people to think critically and to challenge themselves. It provides a lot of insight into everyday life and describes the views and thoughts of philosophers in much depth, without losing the reader's’ interest. I would most definitely recommend this book to anyone, young or old, as the questions it raises are important and relative to any age. Using Descartes famous quote, “I think, therefore I am”, Warburton demonstrates that to stop questioning would mean to stop

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