...Introduction Communication can be defined as when one person gives, receives and exchanges information, ideas or opinions and this exchanged is done so that what is communicated will be understood by everyone connected to the conversation. Why is communicating effectively is important? Effective and good communication with people helps in many things, for instance it can get the job we want, it can help us getting promotions, good communication makes us a good leader if we have that capability. Good communication also helps us to relate positively to other and for a organization, good communication assures the success of our organization. In an organization there are two type of communication; internal and external communication which is important to succeed it. Internal communication is a communication that depends on a daily basis exchange of information within employees whereas external communication is a communication that build a goodwill, ensure organization growth and brings in order within employees. In this assignment, I need to choose an actual company and a department within that company. The purpose of doing this assignment is to analyse how effectively the employees in that department communicate with each other and to find out if the department’s success is due to the effective communication. 2. Literature Review Communication channels are important in an organizational structure, as the growth and the productivity of the organization depends on how the employees...
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...Unit 4, Question 1: How does the primary function of upward-flowing communication differ from that of downward-flowing communication? Every aspect of the modern business world is based on communication for success. Technology, along with changes of the world’s societies, have created new layers and augmented old layers within the formal communication networks of business. Formal communication networks are a flow of information and ideas through the command hierarchy of a business. On the other hand, informal communication networks also exist and ironically have become major sources of business communication. This happened with the advent of social media, increased reliance on technology and the inherent limitations of the formal communication networks. Within these communication networks are the actual flow of the ideas and information. Successful business is based on healthy communication and a large part of that is the flow of info and ideas between the top of the food chain down, then back up. This flow has many directions, with the main flows being upward-flowing and downward-flowing. Upward-flowing communication flows from employees to executives, providing insight into problems, trends, opportunities, grievances, and performance- thus allowing executives to solve problems and make intelligent decisions (pg.8). The upward flow can exist within formal or informal communication networks. In the current business world, a savvy group of executives should be aware...
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...QN: Communication is very important in any organization. Discuss Communication is an interactive process in which meaning is stimulated through sending and receiving verbal and non-verbal messages. Verbal messages refer to encoding of messages into words either written or spoken while non-verbal messages involve encoding of messages by means of facial expressions, body language and styles of dress. Organization is a social unit of people that is working together to achieve individual or collective goals. Organization communication lays the keystone to every organization for upbringing and grooming the environment of that particular organization. Communication can flow in four different ways in an organization as follow, Upward communication is the flow of information from the lowest level to the highest level in an organization. An example of upward communication includes reports of progress from subordinates to management, Complains/grievances, Suggestions. Downward communication is the flow of information from the highest level to lowest level in an organization. Examples when your boss shares information with you, its downward communication, because your boss, as your supervisor, is communicating with you as an employee. Horizontal communication is a flow of information between the same level employees in an organization, example sharing of ideas between employees of the same level or department. Diagonal communication is a flow...
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...Interpersonal Communications Elizabeth Socolofsky CJA/304 December 10, 2012 Timothy Sullivan Communication is something that we use on a daily basis to help us understand the world. Without the use of communication, we would not be able to understand the people around us. In order to understand communication it is very important to look at the different tools that make up communication. This paper will discuss process of verbal and nonverbal communication while also describing the associated components of each. In order to be an effective communicator, someone must learn how to and also to be able to know the difference between listening and hearing. Furthermore, formal and informal channels of communication within the criminal justice organization will be looked at, along with the different barriers to effective communication. Finally, strategies that may be implemented to overcome communication barriers in the criminal justice organization will be touched on. All of these components are key to learn, understand, and be an effective communicator in the criminal justice organization. Communication is a process of exchanging verbal and nonverbal messages in a continuous process. Some key components of communication are; context, sender/encoder, message, recipient/decoder, and feedback. Communication is always affected by the context. The context in which you approach someone...
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...the Communication Strategies and Flow used in a Virtual Office By Patricia Camille C. Duremdes Submitted December 13, 2014 to Dr. Rosario M. Baria Abstract Communication is important in any group that has a common goal (Simon, 1976). It is a requirement in a situation where people with different tasks have to coordinate to work as one. While achieving effective communication is relatively easy in a traditional organization, organizations that exist in cyberspace have to find alternative ways to communicate effectively due to the limitations caused by the long distances between the members. This study was conducted to find out whether or not the communication within a virtual writing service of 14 workers is effective. The study used both qualitative and quantitative methods in gathering information. Information about the virtual office’s communication strategies and flow were obtained through first-hand observation, while the effectiveness of communication was determined through questionnaire results. The results indicated that the communication strategies and flow used in the office were effective, as a vast majority of the respondents had positive views on the communication within their office. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I Introduction Importance of the Study Purpose of the Study Limitations of the Study Definition of Terms 1 2 2 3 3 CHAPTER II Review of Related Studies 5 CHAPTER III Methodology 9 CHAPTER IV Results and Discussion a. Communication Flow b. Communication...
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...IT/205 | How information is used and how it flows in an organization | Mat Waer | How information is used and how it flows in an organization Before we can understand how information flows through a functioning business we need to understand the meaning of information. Information is defined on google as facts provided or learned about something or someone (Define Information). So, if we plug that definition into the original question Ask.com defines it as “Information is constantly flowing through organizations and acts as the blood of the company. When information is no longer allowed to flow through an organization, the organization will eventually begin to collapse.”("What Is Information Flow In An Organization?", 2015) Now, for the information to function correctly there needs to be a hierarchy from where the information comes from. I currently am an Executive Chef for a restaurant group here in Portland, Oregon. There are currently 15 restaurants, 3 bakeries and 1 fine dining restaurant with in the company. In order to be successful we need to have very defined path that information that flows with in our organization. First we have the Owner (Tracy) she oversees the entire flow of the business. Not so much the day to day but where the business flow thru the market, and the overall vision of the business. Then we have the CEO (Felix) he is the decision maker and leader of the company. Whenever control/systems change or need moved around he is the one...
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...Effective Communication Effective communication is vital in almost every aspect of life. A person must be able to adequately express what he or she is trying to convey using words. This conveyance can be any number of things, a need, a request, or an idea, just to name a few. Each instance would require different approaches in order for the message to be received properly. Understanding the communication process, what it entails and how to use it effectively is a skill that needs to be consistently improved on. Communication is a process, which needs at least two people and in the simplified version consist of five different steps; the transmission of an idea, the sending of the idea, the receipt of the message, the understanding of the idea and feedback (Miller & Whitehead, 2011). There are two ways most people chose to communicate, verbal and nonverbal. Verbal communication can be oral or written and each one needs to be used properly to avoid conflict or confusion. For instance when communicating orally, things such as pitch and tone must be taken into consideration. Also an individual’s choice of words is a big factor, profanity or slang should not be used in effective communication. Nonverbal communication is mostly a person’s body language or facial expressions. This too can have a great impact in the communication process. A person may have a quizzical expression signifying that he or she does not completely understand the message or an individual may clench fists...
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...1. List and discuss the barriers to effective communication that managers face. Include specific example of each barrier to support your answer. The barriers to effective communication that managers face that we have found are time, distractions, biases and tools. Time is priceless and should be managed wisely especially when it comes to management. Managers should know their own people in the organization. Managers have to run errand and have a huge responsibility not only for themselves but also to a lot of people they manage. As far as we are concerned, there are few hours in a working a day and days in a week for the people in a particular organization to be gathered in the same place. However, managers can barely find time to communicate effectively to every person in the organization including employees, colleagues, bosses and even customers due to their packed schedule. Next is distractions. In a workplace, it is impossible to find no distractions. Distractions can be in a various types. It can be the employees and customers, telephone calls, emergencies and even company’s crisis. These distractions pull the managers in many ways and directions which can be a barrier towards an effective communication with the targeted audiences. Besides, biases is also one of the barriers found. Managers are also human whom already have naturally developed a judgemental mind since small. So, it would be normal to hear about someone being bias towards a person. It’s just sometimes we...
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...the communication process and how it affects the organization to achieve its goals. Communication in organizations encompasses all the means, both formal and informal, by which information is passed up, down, and across the network of managers and employees in a business. These various modes of communication may be used to disseminate official information between employees and management. Communications can be effective and non-effective which lead the organization to accomplish the tasks. This project presents the classic communication models that are taught in introducing students to interpersonal communication and mass communication, including Shannon's information theory model (the active model), a cybernetic model that includes feedback (the interactive model, an intermediary model (sometimes referred to as a gatekeeper model of the two-step flow), and the transactive model. It then introduces a new ecological model of communication that, it is hoped, more closely maps to the the range of materials we teach and research in the field of communication today. This model attempts to capture the fundamental interaction of language, medium, and message that enables communication, the socially constructed aspects of each element, and the relationship of creators and consumers of messages both to these elements and each other. There are several other models of communication like Intermediary Model, Interactive Model, Transactional Model and the new Model of communication is Ecological...
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...Communication LECTURER: NICOLE KNIGHT 1 What Is Communication? • Communication The transfer and understanding of meaning. Transfer means the message was received in a form that can be interpreted by the receiver. Understanding is most important, not agreeing. Interpersonal Communication Communication between two or more people Organizational Communication All the patterns, network, and systems of communications within an organization 2 Four Functions of Communication Control Motivation Functions of Communication Information Emotional Expression 3 Functions of Communication Communication The transference and the understanding of meaning Communication Functions 1. Control member behavior. 2. Foster motivation for what is to be done. 3. Provide a release for emotional expression. 4. Provide information needed to make decisions. 4 Interpersonal Communication • Message Source: sender’s intended meaning VERY IMPORTANT • Encoding The message converted to symbolic form • Channel/Transmitting The medium through which the message travels • Decoding The receiver’s retranslation of the message • Feedback Communication channel distortions affecting the return message from receiver to sender 5 The Interpersonal Communication Process VERY IMPORTANT Communication Process The steps between a source and a receiver that result in the transference and understanding of meaning 6 Distortions in Communications • Message Encoding The effect of...
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...Communication It's nearly impossible to go through a day without the use of communication. Communication is sending and receiving information between two or more people. The person sending the message is referred to as the sender, while the person receiving the information is called the receiver. The information conveyed can include facts, ideas, concepts, opinions, beliefs, attitudes, instructions and even emotions. Communication Network in Business organization A communication network refers to how information flows within the organization. Information within an organization generally flows through a system, rather than being a free flow. In the words of Adler, “Communication networks are regular patterns of person-to-person relationships through which information flows in an organization.” This means that the flow of information is managed, regulated. and structured. Communication networks may be formal or informal. We will deal with each of these in some detail. Formal Communication Network – A formal communication network is one which is created by management and described with the help of an organizational chart. An organizational chart specifies the hierarchy and the reporting system in the organization. Therefore, in a formal network, information is passed on only through official channels such as memos, bulletins and intranet (email within the organization). The organizational chart implies that information can flow in any of three directions – vertically...
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...Effective communication Bradley R. Lord CJA/304: INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS Instructor: Clark Nissan September 18, 2013 Effective communication is essential in any workplace, especially within a criminal justice organization. In this paper, the author will discuss the process of verbal and nonverbal communication and the associated components of each, the differences between listening and hearing in communication, the formal and informal channels of communication in criminal justice organizations, and the strategies that may be implemented to overcome communication barriers therein. Communication is defined as “a process involving several steps, among two or more persons, for the primary purpose of exchanging information“(Wallace & Roberson, 2009, p. 15). This process can involve two of the following types of communication: verbal and nonverbal. Verbal communication includes transmitting information orally. This type of communication can involve the sharing of information or exchanging ideas between two people or a group. Speaking is just one aspect of verbal communication. Verbal communication does not solely involve the sender transmitting the message to the receiver. Verbal communication also involves listening from the receiver and giving feedback to the sender as a confirmation that the message was understood. In a criminal justice organization, oral communication skills are necessary when addressing members of the public, requesting officer assistance...
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...Illustrate the significance and relevance of communication networks in your organization By Sylvia Zvavamwe Communication maintains and sustains relationships in an organization regardless of the type of the organization. How people in an organization communicate with each other determines or shows how satisfied they are with each other’s work. An organizational communication address how information circulates among employees and this circulation of information occurs through formal and informal communication networks. According to Fielding (1993), networks are “the interconnecting lines of communication used to pass information from one person or one section to another”. Networks ensure that information in an organization does not flow randomly, but, follow set up channels. Formal communication network include vertical, lateral and diagonal communication whereas, informal communication includes grapevine and bypassing networks. This essay is going to illustrate the significance and relevance of these formal and informal communication networks at the University of Zimbabwe. Formal communication network is whereby communication follows the hierarchical structure of the organization or the chain of command (Richmond 2005). According to Evans (1984) formal communication is applied to those communications which are routed through what have been called ‘official channels’. These definitions imply that formal communication is observed through formal organizational structures...
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...Barriers of Effective Communication Lynne Eubanks CJA 363 March 5, 2012 Clark Nissen Barriers of Effective Communication Communication is defined by Merriam Webster as “a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.” A barrier is defined by Merriam Webster as “something material or immaterial that blocks or impedes.” Barriers are obstacles that can prevent communication from being effective. According to Written and Interpersonal Communication, communication is a process involving several steps among two or more persons, for the primary purpose of exchanging information. The process of communication has five basic steps: first a person needs to transmit an idea, next the idea must be sent, the idea must be received, the idea must be understood, and last the receiver should give feedback to the sender. These components make up the communication process. It is a vital system in the criminal justice field in order for the system to operate correctly. Hearing and listening are often confused as being the same thing. It is simply not true. Anyone who is not deaf can hear, we are programmed to perceive sound by our ears. Listening is something that a person consciously chooses to do. Listening is a vital part of the communication process, for it is by listening that one can receive the needed information. Channels of information refer to the methods or avenues that by which...
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...various aspects related to how information is used and how it flows in an organization. I will try to gain further insight by identifying the information flow in my current place of employment. Other than discussing the use of information, this paper will also discuss the various challenges in controlling the information flow and how can organization keep it safe from unauthorized use. Information flow and use in an organization It is important to first discuss information before describing its uses and how it flows. Information refers to data that has been organized in a way to give meaning and value to the recipient (Rainer & Cegielski, 2011). In an organization, the information can refer to various events, activities in a workplace or various transactions that are recorded and organized to convey a meaning. Information can also be contained in facts, ideas, imagination, opinions which can be present in various media such as print, audio and video (Olowu, 2004). Data is gathered using information systems which further process this data to convert it into useful information. Information is a necessity in every part of the organization such as finance, human resource, management, sales etc. Without information, the organization would collapse since information is the life blood of modern organizations (Opara, 2003). Usually information flows in two ways in an organization: vertically and horizontally. In vertical flow, the information flows up and down the vertical hierarchical...
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