Premium Essay

How to Overcome Anxiety


Submitted By Estepaney
Words 868
Pages 4
Study Habits & Test Anxiety
The following information provides tips for better study habits and decreased test anxiety.
The Immediate Environment
The environment in which you study can have a big effect on how efficient your study time is. Check your place of study for the following conditions: * Noise * Interruptions * Lighting * Temperature * Neatness * Comfort * Equipment
Minimize distracting noise. Some people need some sound and some like silence. Find what works for you.
Culprits are family and friends. Consider a "do not disturb sign" and turning on your answering machine. You can catch up with folks later.
75 watt bulbs are best, but not too close and placed opposite the dominant hand.
Better cool than warm.
Have plenty of room to work; don't be cramped. Your study time will go better if you take a few minutes at the start to straighten things up.
A desk and straight-backed chair is usually best. Don't get too comfortable--a bed is a place to sleep, not study.
Have everything (book, pencils, paper, coffee, dictionary, laptop, calculator, tape recorder, etc.) close at hand. Don't spend your time jumping up and down to get things.
Preparing for or Anticipating Test Anxiety * What is it you have to do? Focus on dealing with it. * Just take one step at a time. * Think about what you can do about it. That's better than getting anxious. * No negative or panicky self-statements; just think rationally. * Don't worry; worrying won't help anything.
Confronting and Handling Test Anxiety * Don't think about fear; just think about what you have to do. * Stay relevant. * Relax; you're in control. Take a slow, deep breath. * You should expect some anxiety; it's a reminder not to panic and to relax and cope steadily with the situation. * Tenseness can be an ally, a friend; it's a cue to cope.

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