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How to Prevent Cramps


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How to Prevent Cramps
Cramps are usually associated with muscle fatigue and/or dehydration with an associated loss of electrolytes. There are two ways to get cramps: skeletal muscle overload and fatigue and excessive sweat losses associated with a decreased level of electrolytes (specifically sodium).

1. Have a hot shower or bath. This will improve blood circulation and help the connective tissue around the muscles. 2. Need calcium. You can find good source of calcium in low-fat dairy products such as yoghurt, skim milk and ricotta cheese. 3. Lessen the intake of acidic foods like tomatoes and vinegar. 4. Increase your intake of potassium, eat good amount of bananas, potatoes, soya flour, bran wheat, ready-to-eat apricots, tomato puree and such. 5. Celery seeds have anti-inflammatory properties. It can reduce arthritic pain and relieve cramps. 6. Cramp bark (Viburnum opulus) can be used to treat cramps. 7. Hot and moist herbal packs are very useful in increasing blood circulation. It can treat painful areas by consuming tea or juices to soothe muscles and nerves. 8. Stretch your leg straight out, bend the toes back towards the head. Hold this position for 30 seconds, relax and continue till the cramp is gone. This stretches your calf muscle. 9. Keep yourself hydrated as you tend to lose valuable electrolytes, which is required to prevent cramps. Before exercising you can take calcium, magnesium and potassium supplements daily. 10. Chamomile tea helps in relieving cramps. Glycine, an amino acid present in the tea, help relax the muscles. 11. Soak your feet in a large tub of hot water, steeped with homemade tea bag of black or brown mustard seeds, for 15- 20 minutes. 12. You can use an herbal oil massage by using 1 cup extra-virgin oil or almond oil, add herbs in tincture form like 1 ounce cramp bark, 1/2 ounce lobelia, 11/4 ounce of willow bark or wintergreen ( wintergreen tincture is not available you can use 30 drops of wintergreen oil).

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