Premium Essay

Hum/ Final


Submitted By sneakyheem
Words 1242
Pages 5
Capstone Exam
Hum130 – Religions of the World
Instructor Cynthia Stewart
March 2013

Student Name:
Date: March 21, 2013

For Sections I-IV, type your answers in the gray spaces provided, which will expand as you type. For Section V, type your answer in the white space as you normally would.

You may use your textbook to complete this exam. In the essay sections of the exam, you will need to properly cite your source, including page number, if you use a direct quotation. Example: (Fisher, 2005, pg. 207).

You may not use other sources, including the Internet, in answering these questions. You may of course bring any knowledge of your own to bear in answering, but if you copy or paraphrase information from any source other than our textbook, you will receive a grade of zero for the entire exam.

Section I: Definitions (5 points each, 30 points total)
Define these pairs of words

immanent and transcendent - Immanent is believing that a sacred being(s) exist within the world and are present among us. Transcendent is the belief that a sacred being(s) exist outside of our world.

sacred and profane - Sacred is a connection with God or a religious purpose that deserves veneration. Profane refers to the mundane things that exist in the world.

cult and sect - A cult represents a distinct break from other traditions. A sect is a splinter group or a subgroup associated with a larger tradition.

theistic and nontheistic - Theistic is a religion that is based on a person’s relationship with a sacred being. Nontheistic is belief in a way that does not include a Divine Being.

atheism and agnosticism - Atheism believes that there is no existence of a Divine Being. Agnosticism is not denying God exists; rather it is a belief that if it cannot be seen it must not be true.

yin and yang - Yin is the self-generating energy force that

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