...Impact of Language Barriers on Immigrants to Canada BACKGROUND: Immigration Statistics Providing a statistical background on both immigration and language fluency is essential to understanding how large the scale of individuals facing these barriers is. There are approximately 250,000 immigrants to Canada each year. The majority of these immigrants to Canada come from Asia, the Middle East, the Caribbean, and Africa (Pottie, 2008). Immigration represents nearly 70% of the Canadian population growth. Even after four years of arriving in Canada, 26% of all new immigrants still faced language difficulties (not sure about ur whole ‘tense’ situation :P) in English or French (Pottie, 2007). According to Statistics Canada, the 2001 Census stated that 40% of immigrants aged 25-54 who came to Canada in the 1990s had a university degree (Statistics Canada, 2003). Nearly 70% of immigrants experience barriers in the Canadian labour market, despite the fact that 76% of these immigrants have at least one foreign international credential (Schugurensky, 2005). LANGUAGE BARRIERS: Health Care Services This barrier has a domino affect; it affects all aspects of life for immigrants. It causes emotional strain, places barriers to accessing services (including the health care services) consequently affecting the health of immigrants. The restriction of access to health care is one of, if not the most important barrier language has for immigrants. Canada provides a universal health care...
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...different parts of the world (Garnett,2015). In Canada, there are distinctions and similarities among second-generation immigrants and Canadian Born Individuals. A concept to be clarified is that there are people with an immigrant record, but was actually living in Canada from an early age, and is in a total multi-cultural environment. (Garnett,2015) Since the second-generation immigrant was defined as an individual born in Canada whose at least one parent was a foreign-born immigrant. (Miroslav,2008) These types of people, usually called the CBC, are a special type of group. They can be neither considered as fully Canadian born, as their parents may not be Canadianized and still hold their...
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...6-26-2014 Critical Analysis # 3 This video talks about the process that immigrants endure when crossing the border in the United States. This video is based on the part one process that immigrant community has to complete to stay in the U.S. for thirty days. Looking at the outcomes of immigrants crossing the border is overwhelming and overcrowding many detention centers. This process that these immigrants are enduring, it’s for women with their children. This gives family a little hope and freedom until meeting with a judge. The evidence that’s shown within this video breaks down the relationship, using statistics on generational immigrants in the United States. This video looks at immigrant within their socioeconomic status to fit them into a certain demographic. The video focuses on immigrants in the United States to establish citizenship and a chance of a new life for these families. This video research looks in-depth into the impact and outcomes with immigrant’s families that are seeking citizenship once crossing the border with their children. The video develops data to breaks down women and their children immigrant to figure the different step that theses immigrant families have to endure before gaining full citizenship in the U.S. With the reporters breaks the down the selection bias which is a cause and effect method that manipulate the citizenship within the immigrant culture. With this result that was established in the video tell that immigrants entering the U...
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...Sample Research Paper on Citizenship Introduction Citizenship is being defined as the relationship between the state and individuals. Historically citizenship is being inevitably linked with the state formation. Originally citizenship was denoting residence of people within protected walls of a city. Thus, whoever belonged to a community residing inside the boundaries was considered a citizen. Later this term has acquired a different meaning and the standards and definitions of citizenship have changed. There were many reasons that have caused such changes: history proceeded with its migrations, wars and annexation and along on its way brought new meanings to citizenship. Such change in definition, for example, can be found in suffrage granted to women and the nonpropertied classes. Paupers, convicts and soldiers are another example of how political and civil rights were once a privilege of certain classes only (Dahrendorf, 1974, p. 11). With the introduction of mass democracy and social protection as well as introduction of welfare state a need in the new conception that would look on the relationship on an individual and the state appeared consequently. The norms of citizenship, therefore, have improved with the development of state and citizenship became a multination concept, which implies different things to different nations (Dahrendorf, 1974, p. 12). According to Michael Ignatieff (1995), the introduction of the welfare state can be explained as an attempt to make citizenship...
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...THE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF IMMIGRANTS The Role of Human and Social Capital AGNIESZKA KANAS Kanas, A.M. The Economic Performance of Immigrants. The Role of Human and Social Capital Dissertation, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Cover illustration: Krzysztof Wodiczko, Goscie/Guests, 2009, instalacja wideo/video installation, 17,17 min./minutes. Dzieki uprzejmosci artysty i Fundacji Profile/courtesy of the artist and Profile Foundation, Warsaw. Cover design: Agnieszka Kanas & Sebastian Gryglewicz Printed by: Wöhrmann Print Service ISBN: 978-90-393-5550-3 © Agnieszka Kanas, 2011 All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrival system of any nature, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electrnically, mechanically, by photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission from the author. THE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF IMMIGRANTS The Role of Human and Social Capital DE ECONOMISCHE POSITIE VAN IMMIGRANTEN De rol van menselijk en sociaal kapitaal (met een samenvatting in het Nederlands) Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Utrecht op gezag van de rector magnificus, prof.dr. G.J. van der Zwaan, ingevolge het besluit van het college voor promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op dinsdag 28 juni 2011 des middags te 2.30 uur door Agnieszka Małgorzata Kanas geboren op 3 februari 1980 te Trzcianka, Polen Promotoren: Prof. dr. F.A...
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...English I 28 October 2024 The Immigrant Community The Immigrant Community is a group of individuals who have migrated internationally and settled in a new country, mainly in urban areas. The immigrant community faces several challenges, including lack of equal rights, legal challenges, financial difficulties, transportation, and discrimination. These issues can make it difficult for immigrants to join society, find stable employment, and access healthcare, housing, and more. It?s difficult for immigrants to adjust to new cultures because cultures have their own norms and values that are different from what immigrants are used to. Which can lead to misunderstandings and difficulties in social interactions....
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...Hmong Culture vs Western Medicine: A Social Constructionist Analysis Throughout Lia Lee’s medical journey, both her doctors and her family struggled to understand one another’s behavior resulting in misunderstandings, alienation, and distrust between the two parties. The social constructionist perspective and related theories on human behavior, such as symbolic interactionism, can be used to analyze the complicated and confusing relationship between the Lee family and the Merced County Medical Center doctors. The social constructionist perspective, as defined in the book Human Behavior and the Social Environment, states that “people construct meaning, sense of self, and a social world through their interactions with each other,” Hustchison, 2019, p 52....
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...highly against it. Many of the position against immigration is the cost immigrants are in the United States, such as participation in public assistance programs. People pro immigration paint immigrants as hard working people, while people against immigration portrait them as people coming to take as much public assistance as possible, costing millions to tax paying Americans. George J. Borjas, an recognized American economist and professor at the Harvard Kennedy School (Borjas), tried to explain how exposure to disadvantaged backgrounds affects if immigrant children will participate in public assistance programs into adulthood . He used the correlation...
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...Linguistics and the Human Sciences LHS (print) issn 1742–2906 LHS (online) issn 1743–1662 Article A linguistic analysis of Spanglish: relating language to identity Jason Rothman and Amy Beth Rell Abstract According to the 2000 census, 35.3 million Hispanics live in the United States. This number comprises 12.5% of the overall population rendering the Latino community the largest minority in the United States. The Mexican community is not only the largest Hispanic group but also the fastest growing: from 1990 to 2000, the Mexican population grew 52.9% increasing from 13.5 million to 20.6 million (U.S. Department of Commerce News, 2001). The influx of Mexican immigrants coupled with the expansion of their community within the United States has created an unparalleled situation of language contact. Language is synonymous with identity (cf. Granger, 2004, and works cited within). To the extent that this is true, Spanish is synonymous with being Mexican and by extension, Chicano. With the advent of amnesty programs such as Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), which naturalized millions of Mexican migrants, what was once a temporal migratory population has become increasingly permanent (Durand et al., 1999). In an effort to conserve Mexican traditions and identity, the struggle to preserve the mother tongue while at the same time acculturate to mainstream Americana has resulted in a variant of Spanglish that has received little attention. This paper will examine the...
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...potentially more expensive to treat than other racial and ethnic groups with better English-language proficiency” (Ortega et al., 2016.) It is vital to understand the nuances of how these socioeconomic factors influence healthcare accessibility. It requires a call to action for policymakers and healthcare providers to develop precise, culturally competent strategies to address these multifaceted barriers to ensure equitable healthcare access for the Latinx community. This calls for reforms to expand insurance coverage and increase the availability of appropriate healthcare services to help accommodate the Latinx community in the United States. IMPACT OF IMMIGRATION STATUS ON HEALTHCARE ACCESSIBILITY The impact that immigration status has on healthcare accessibility for the Latinx community in the United States is held on an axis of inequality. This reveals a myriad of...
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...Introduction Immigration represents one of the most significant social phenomena of our times. Whether immigrants arrive as refugees, guest workers, or the seekers of a better life; they often find themselves in a crossfire of social and psychological forces. Immigrants who reside in the new country begin to adjust themselves into the new society, but this immigration process itself can be stressful and can lead to poor self esteem and inability to adjust to the new society. Immigration for adolescents in some cases involves the loss of the familiar, friends, language, attitudes, values, and social structures. These adolescents experience multiples stresses trying to adjusting to the new culture that can impact their well being. According to Carhill, Gaytan, and Suarez, “Immigrant youth in particular face many changes that can have a lasting impact on their development.” (Carhill, Gaytan, and,Suarez 2007). My research seeks to examine how stressful it can be for immigrant adolescents coping in a new country? My expectation from this research question is to find out how well an immigrant adolescent will adjust to the new society. Immigration can be defined as the process of going from one country, region or place of residence to settle in another country, region, or place. The immigration process itself and adjusting themselves to the new society can be very stressful; this stress can include culture shock and conflict, both of which may lead to a sense of cultural confusion...
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...April 17, 2015 Assignment: Farmingville Case Study (part 1) Chapters 1 and 2: Review 1. Using symbolic interaction theory as your guide, explain how the terms “aliens” and “illegals” helped shape public opinion/attitudes in Farmingville towards Latino day laborers. What do these words mean? How did these definitions influence perceptions and behaviors? I think the word “alien” describes the symbolic interaction best. To the locals of Farmingville the immigrants were alien in a very broad sense of the word. They spoke another language, enjoyed food that was different to the local fare; even the way they interacted with each other was something that was very incongruous to their way of life. We all know that labels can hurt and wound deeply, also give others a preconceived notion of another. The other words for alien are inappropriate, estranged and incompatible. The list for illegals is so long and heinous, but here are some examples, Illegitimate, unconstitutional, felonious, shady, violating and criminal. I think words like this corrode and influence a maybe somewhat rational mind, then picks up momentum and produces a concurrence of likeminded ignorance. 2. How might conflict theory to explain the development of an illegal alien ideology (use index of text to locate information about ideology and conflict theory)? Again I think we have to look at it from a cultural view point and the labels we put on others that perpetuates a myth about those people....
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...two centuries along with differences in approach due to geography and economy of both countries. North America experienced major waves of immigration during the colonial era, the first part of the 19th century and from the 1880s to 1920. Many immigrants came to North America seeking greater economic opportunity, while some, such as the Pilgrims in the early 1600s, arrived in search of religious freedom. The first significant federal legislation restricting immigration was the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act. Individual states regulated immigration prior to the 1892 opening of Ellis Island,...
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...redefined Ireland’s population profile. According to the 2006 Census approximately 10% of its population was of migrant origin (Darmody, 2011). Cumulative disadvantage constitutes itself in a variety of ways in education, for example, socioeconomic status, language barriers, school segregation, and power dynamics. Socioeconomic status is a major factor affecting children’s educational outcomes. Most immigrants leave their home countries in search of better economic prospects (Achiron, 2012), and once they arrive in the new country, they often settle in communities where there are other immigrants who share their culture. Their children attend school together, and these schools typically have a large share of immigrant students. Resulting from this, these schools usually tend to be more socioeconomically deprived than other schools (Achiron, 2012). This is something that the OECD warns people about, as they have learned that high concentrations of disadvantage in schools can have a strong influence on students’ outcomes in life. For example, it has been argued that these children are often guided toward less promising educational tracks because of their perceived deficiencies, particularly with regard to the proficiency in the language of...
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...Yuliana Liveris Dr. Ana Close English 102 F 04/29/2014 Enlarging Two Languages for the Education in Chicago’s School Having bilingual education in nursery school across Illinois is a valuable practice for children because it is important to acquire two languages with eloquence. Bilingualism is often related to immigration, and this element has developed particular views of approaches to bilingual education in the Chicagoland area. The most important is the distension of the young non-Native English speakers in the early learning. When the children are 3-5 years old going to preschool, Chicago public school places them into bilingual classes because they are identified as dual language learning. By using different theories from the sociological perspective, the set of interrelation of social and pedagogical purposes can be understand from the bilingual classes of preschool in Chicago. First, functionalist perspective emphasizes the interconnection between the different parts that are involved in bilingual education, and how they work together to produce a negative or positive influence. Second, the home culture as the standard focuses its viewpoint by criticizing the value of foreign culture by using the home culture inside the bilingual language and its benefits. Finally, conflict perspective focuses how society presents itself by using power and conflict over the resources and rules of the bilingual classes. Therefore, the sociology perspective can explain the increased...
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