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Importance Of Book Recess

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Dear Cindy Lou Aillaud,
I remember the day you came into our school and read this wonderful book Recess at 20 below to all of the students and staff members. I had never heard of you until that morning and I was so happy that you autographed my daughter’s book and we got to talk for a few minutes after the reading. Because of you now I get to enjoy reading your story to all of my children and my students and I just wanted to say Thank you for pulling me and my school into a wonderful experience that you encountered with recess. Now that I no longer live in Anchorage Alaska, I get to share your book with other students around the world. So with each winter that approaches I love to grab your book Recess at 20 below. It’s written in such a way that it captures the children’s attention and some of the adults as well. There are so many colorful pictures and snappy text that brings this recess experience to life for the children and adults, which they all wanted to take a closer look. I love …show more content…
When it came to bundling up, if you got to go to the bathroom then you better go because if you don’t remember to go to the bathroom before you put everything on if you don’t you will need to pull everything off then go and put everything back on. There are many parts I really enjoyed reading to the class due to the fact we can’t do some of the things here like the children do in Anchorage Alaska. One big one is sledding during recess; my children always ask why can’t we do that? I just tell them we don’t get that much snow. My other favorite part was when each student had to put everything on you wanted to take note, which friend was wearing what coat because once you got everything on and outside all you could see just their

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