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Independent Jamaica


Submitted By thekwisi
Words 356
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Independent Jamaica
Ladies and gentlemen I would be a very rude person if I were to stand before you all today and say that Jamaica has not made significant progress over the last 53 years of independence.
Jamaica has experienced much successes in the areas of tourism, music, sports and infrastructural development. We are a very proud and vibrant nation and are blessed to have some of the finest beaches, world class athletes, as well as we our reggae music which apparently has revolutionized the world at large. We have much to be thankful for.
Now on the other hand, isn’t it ironic that despite all our successes, we still continue to suffer from economic instability? How then can we say that we are an independent nation?
Independence ladies and gentlemen is defined by as the freedom from control, influence, support and or from the likes of others. In my opinion Jamaica is an antonym to the word.
Fifty three (53) years and yet still we are in bondage. We continue to look to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to fill the pot holes in our economy. We depend heavily on imports from America for food, clothing and entertainment. Most of the nation’s development is a direct result of debt and has nothing to do with strategic planning, structure and forecasting. Our politicians have made a mockery of our country and as result we are suffering from a disease called “corruption” which has many side effects that includes high murder rates, illiteracy, unemployment, inequality and poverty.
In the word of Kahlil Gibran ... "Pity the nation that wears a cloth it does not weave, eats a bread it does not harvest, and drinks a wine that flows not from its own wine press. Ladies and gentlemen, when will we be able to stand and truly say that we are independent?
As a nation we possess the power to make a significant impact on the true development of our country, but not until we accept the fact that we are far behind, and begin to work meticulously at making Jamaica the best place on earth.

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