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Interpersonal Communication Style

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views and feedback at the team would be emerged. The leader should actively listen to them, but not being dictatorship. It also demonstrates the trusting of members. Members feel they are being valued, the sense of belonging would be higher. In addition, the sharing atmosphere is cultivated, team mates would not have any diaphragm. The relationship at the team would be better. synthesizing The relationship between the five concepts has a close link. Goal-setting impacts active listen. Listening impacts coaching. Coaching influences interpersonal relationship. Companionship influences decisiveness and decisiveness affect goal-setting. It exits in a causal relationship.
Leader's communication style concerns the characteristics of the leader-follower task-oriented communication: initiating interaction, controlling it, structuring its process, and so forth. A communication style that involves a high level of directiveness does not necessarily imply that the leader assigns targets or makes the decisions alone. The highly directive leader may initiate a well-structured task-oriented interaction, yet encourage the members to participate in the goal-setting process (Muczyk & Reimann, …show more content…
Having a good interpersonal relationship at the team would get support easily. The members would support and trust to the leader. It gives the leader confidence and courage to make every decision. With the recognition of the members, the leader could make the decision immediately. Interpersonal networks are vital to organizational success; ultimately it comes down to the development of trusting relationships among co-workers (Lorri Freifeld, 2013). As a result, having the good interpersonal relationship could help a leader to make decision and improve the efficiency of the team. Moreover, members could be decisive too. Having the supportive and trusting relationship at the team, they will be able to make their own decision of their

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