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Intimate Partner Violence Case Study

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Chris Christie uses an example of fear when he mentions a story of a lawyer who got car jacked and murdered in front of his family after he was Christmas shopping.
b) Identify 2 stakeholders for programs to integrate employment and treatment programs for drug court participants and explain why they would or would not support the change.
1. Offenders are an important stakeholder because they do not have to serve a prison term. In addition, individuals who participate in drug courts have the possibly to maintain their jobs which can help them complete the program. Non-violent drug offenders will support this policy because they can be rehabilitated without going to prison.
2. Drug courts gives non-violent offenders treatment for their habit and they do not have to serve a prison term if …show more content…
The victim of this crime was killed by a repeat offender in California and caused a public outcry for a change.
8. We discussed research on police intervention in situations of intimate partner violence.
a) Prior to police interventions such as batterer arrest, what were 2 previous interventions used to combat the problem of intimate partner violence (IPV)?
In order to combat intimate partner violence prior to police interventions, domestic violence shelters were used by victims of domestic violence. These shelters provided victims with temporary refuge, childcare, and legal advice. Also, victims could ask the court for a protective order to prevent batterers from getting close to them and causing them more harm.
b) Prior to the batterer arrest interventions, what was one potential cause of police not being effective in incidents involving IPV?
Prior to the batterer arrest interventions, police took “a do-nothing approach” because the issue of intimate partner violence was often viewed by the public and the police as a family issue and should be resolved by the

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